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Imej mungkin mengandungi: 6 orang, teks

Mukhriz Mahathir selaku timbalan presiden Bersatu telah membuat kenyataan akhbar mengandungi 11 perenggang hari ini yang mengasak dan menyoal beberapa perkara kepada Muhyiddin Yassin ekoran timbul pelbagai kenyataan yang tidak jelas oleh beberapa pemimpin Umno berhubung keberadaan Muhyiddin dan Bersatu dalam kerajaan PN hari ini.

Pemimpin Umno menafikan kerjasama dalam kerajaan PN tidak ada dan tidak membabitkan Bersatu, yang ada hanya Muafakat Nasional antara Umno dengan Pam sahaja.

Dalam beberapa butiran kenyataan Mukhriz itu, saya tertarik dengan perkara tiga (3) dipetik dibawah ini.

3) Olehitu saya terpanggil untuk mengajukan beberapa soalan kepada kepimpinan UMNO. Soalan-soalan ini juga saya tujukan kepada YAB Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Presiden Bersatu, sekaligus memberikan peluang kepada Tan Sri untuk menjelaskan kenapa begitu banyak janji beliau kepada Bersatu tidak menjadi kenyataan. Janji-janji yang dimaksudkan adalah yang telah beliau kemukakan kepada Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi (MPT) dan Ahli-ahli Parlimen Bersatu sebagai asas kenapa Bersatu perlu segera tinggalkan PH dan menyertai perikatan baru dengan UMNO dan PAS yang bergabung dibawah Muafakat Nasional (MN). Soalan-soalan ini juga berlegar didalam benak pemikiran setiap ahli Bersatu, dan sekiranya tidak dijawab maka ianya menyebabkan kekeliruan dan kesangsian yang amat memilukan.

Persoalannya, apakah janji Muhyiddin yang disebutkan Mukhriz itu? Apakah janji itu sebenarnya ada atau tidak ada. Dan kalau janji-janji itu ada dan ia tidak ditunaikan bermakna MT Bersatu dah kena main dengan Muhyiddin termasuk presidennya sendiri Mahathir bin Mohamad.

Elok juga Mukhriz perjelasakan lagi mengenai perkara itu, apakah butir-butir janji berkenaan. Tanpa penjelasan beliau dilihat cuba mengadakan cerita. - mso

Imej mungkin mengandungi: teks mungkin yang mengatakan 'PERIKATAN NASIONAL Kerajaan Melayu Islam PASUMNO Sejak PAS Jadi Kerajaan, Kenapa Harakahdaily Tak Berminat Nak Ulas Kejadian Anggota Polis Terkorban Dilanggar Pemandu Mabuk? SR suararakyat'
Maut akibat pemandu mabuk...

Pagi tadi kita digemparkan dengan berita kejadian rempuhan sekatan PKP di Kajang yang menyebabkan seorang Aggota Polis maut akibat pemandu mabuk.. agak tragis bila kenderaan tersebut menghempap badan anggota Polis tersebut..

Dalam sejarah kemalangan akibat mabuk.. kejadian Polis dirempuh dan menyebabkan kemalangan maut..ia tak pernah berlaku sebelum ini.. ia berlaku dibawah Kerajaan Bani Melayu, Islam 90% dalam Kabinet..sebelum ini berlaku juga rempuhan yang menyebabkan kecederaan anggota Polis..Ini bukan kes pertama..Dalam tempoh PKP ini saja..sudah berpuluh kes melibatkan kes pemandu mabuk.. bayangkan semua peristiwa ini berlaku zaman PH ?

Bayangkan kejadian ini boleh berlaku dalam tempoh kurungan(PKP)..Berlaku ketika kononnya kilang dan kedai arak ditutup.. Ia juga berlaku dalam ketika kelab malam, Pub, Pusat hiburan, Disko semuanya ditutup.. dan dalam keadaaan takda Oktoberfest..mana datang mabuk tu, dari permit hat KPDNK keluar hari tu ker ?

Jadi sekarang macam mana, PAS dah jadi Menteri..Apa kata cadangkan terus tutup Kilang arak, kelab malam,Pusat Hiburan.. dan sebarang program Oktoberfest.. lagi baik tutup pusat Judi..
 Dah ada kuasa, buatlah,tunggu apa lagi...

Kalau kejadian ini berlaku zaman PH, Bukan hanya pemimpin PAS hatta Mufti dan anak buah Zakir naik lah paling kuat melalak di Facebook..menghasut kebencian salahkan pemimpin PH..sampaikan menteri yang takda kena mengena seperti Menteri Agama pun di kutuk.. dihina..

Kalau pemimpin DAP lagi lah teruk ..depa main sentimen Agama dan kaum..dituduh orang Kafir dah melampau.. Orang Cina dah naik tocang..Orang Islam jadi barua Cina..tauke Arak..tak cukup Facebook..sampaikan Group Whatsapp taman,Masjid ,sekolah depa hasut.. kat Ipoh ni Group Whastapp Ipoh Ipoh ajer pun depa hasut..sekarnag senyap..

Masa tu Menteri Pengangkutan masa tu Antony Loke nak tambah berat hukuman.. kalau ikutkan jadual , kalau tak berlaku kerja kerajaan tebuk atap ni..Sidang bulan 3 ni enakmen nak dipinda..Depa kata tak cukup..Kena buat hukum mati,,kena tutup kilang arak..sampaikan disuruh haramkan arak..Jadi sekarang buat lah.. kan kerajaan 95% Melayu Islam.. tambah lagi Duta Asia Barat..

Sekarang ni Menteri Pengangkutan tu dari MCA Wee Ka Siong..dan Menteri Undang2 dari PAS sendiri..jadi gubalkan hukuman mati.. haramkan Kilang arak dan Kelab malam..kami nak tengok... Apakah sekarang ni PAS dah jadi barua MCA dan tauke judi dan arak pulak ?

Tapi tu lah bani PAS ni..bila kena senyap sunyi.. Mufti Utara pun sama lah..sebelum ni tak habis2 salahkan Menteri Agama ,hatta masalah bendera Terbalik pun salah Menteri Agama.. Mana pergi ISMA ?

Hat anak buah Zakir naik hat cina dan India jadian Melayu tu lagi lah teruk menghasut.. Sampaikan eksiden yang menyebabkan kematian rider Foodpanda..dia kaitkan Cina..Mabuk walaupun hat langgar tu orang Pakistan.. depa ni lah kuat menghasut..siap main politik kaitkan Menteri pengangkutan dan Menteri Agama..Sekarang senyap sunyi... sebab niat tak betui.. Sebab niat nak jadi juara orang Melayu..jadi Melayu lebih dari Melayu.. inilah kelompok Ashabiyah.

Sama lah dengan Tok Guru depa Zakir Naik tu pun..Sekarang sunyi lah..Dulu riuh semacam,saman orang ni..sentuh pasal pendatang cina itu ni.. memang datang mana pun kelompok Pak wahhab ni..akan huru hara negara tu ..kalau tak bakar isu Sunni Syiah..depa bakar sentimen Melayu Cina..Islam kafir..inilah kelompok Ashabiyah.. Jadi jauhi kelompok Asahbiyah ini..- Ipohmali

Our only choice is Harapan, return 
to the right path - Mukhriz tells Bersatu...

Bersatu should realise that the party's best choice is to stand with Pakatan Harapan and its leaders should return to the right path, said Bersatu deputy president Mukhriz Mahathir. Mukhriz, who is Kedah menteri besar, had maintained the Harapan government in the state despite party president Muhyiddin Yassin pulling Bersatu out of the coalition.

All other Harapan governments in Bersatu-led states had fallen to Perikatan Nasional, the new coalition which Muhyiddin formed with PKR defectors, BN, PAS, GPS and other minor parties to take power. "In my opinion, Bersatu only has one choice and that is to return to Harapan," he said in a statement today.

Mukhriz said the two months in which Bersatu had cooperated with Umno had been a bitter experience. He pointed out that Bersatu local councillors had been dropped in several states while in Kedah, where Harapan remains in control under his leadership, maintains status quo.

He also highlighted Umno deputy president Mohamad Hassan's statement indicating that PN merely existed in name as it was nothing more than to replace the Harapan government. Mohamad had said the only political cooperation is between Umno and PAS, dubbed "Muafakat Nasional", as well as its BN allies, and that Umno did not have any formal agreement with others in PN, despite being part of the same government.

Mohamad had also indicated that Umno, which had clashed with Bersatu in most seats during the last general election, intends to defend those constituencies. Mukhriz said based on the statement by various Umno leaders, it was clear that PN did not exist despite being in government. "Arrogance. That sums up Umno's attitude towards Bersatu," he said.
Camaraderie in Harapan

In contrast, he said there was camaraderie when Bersatu joined forces with PKR, DAP, Amanah and Warisan to bring down the "kleptocratic" BN government in the 14th general election. "The experience of close cooperation in the face of great adversity during the 14th general election built up strong and sincere camaraderie between the Harapan components and Warisan at the time," Mukhriz said.

Considering the current situation, Mukhriz said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also the Bersatu president, must provide answers to Bersatu members. Mukhriz claimed several promises Muhyiddin had made to Bersatu to convince its leadership to quit Harapan were now unfulfilled but did not disclose what they were.

"The promises were those he made to the Bersatu supreme council and MPs. It formed the basis for his argument that Bersatu must leave Harapan as soon as possible and form a new coalition with Umno and PAS. "Those questions are in the minds of every Bersatu member. If they are not answered, it will cause confusion and suspicion," he said.

Likewise, he said Bersatu also had to consider the political realities that the party shares the same base as Umno and PAS. "Everyone is aware that the three parties represent Malays and Muslims. Their political base is the same - Malays, particularly in rural areas.

"Therefore, Bersatu, Umno and PAS will surely want to contest in constituencies with the same democracy. All these parties had clashed in the same constituencies during the last general election. "So what is Bersatu's chances to win the seats if it faces Umno and PAS without an agreement? "If Bersatu is not with Muafakat Nasional nor with Harapan, then is it logical that Bersatu can win any seats?" he said.
Could BERSATU really replace UMNO?
Political realities

An example, he said, was the Ketereh parliamentary seat where Umno's Annuar Musa had managed to defeat Bersatu's Mohd Radzi Jidin and PAS' Wan Ismail Wan Jusoh. Mukhriz pointed out that under the PN government, both Annuar Musa and Mohd Radzi have been made ministers. "Who will be the candidate for the seat in the next general election? Or are both of them going to compete for the seat despite being part of the same PN government?"

He said a similar situation could happen in Muhyiddin's Pagoh seat and other Bersatu constituencies such as Tambun (Ahmad Faizal Azumu), Alor Gajah (Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof) and Titiwangsa (Rina Harun).

Therefore, Mukhriz said Muhyiddin should explain Bersatu's future in the 15th general election or whether the current arrangement is merely a "marriage of convenience". "Isn't Bersatu's fate much better with Harapan? Several Harapan leaders have indicated their readiness to accept Bersatu back.

"Even though our relationship has been hurt by the 'Sheraton Move', it can still be healed in the interest of the country. "We can negotiate seat distribution (for the general election) like before so that we can share our strength to win over the people. "At least we can defend Bersatu's interest with Harapan compared to the uncertainties, risks and losses with Umno and PAS," he said.

"I am confident the current political, health and economic crises plaguing the country can be properly resolved by the unity government which (Bersatu chairperson) Dr Mahathir Mohamad had proposed. "If the elected representatives in Bersatu agree with me, then please return to the right path. "At least you can restore Bersatu's honour and sustainability. I pray that Allah will show you the direction," he said.

Bersatu is presently split between its president Muhyiddin and Mahathir. The Harapan government collapsed in late February after Muhyiddin took Bersatu out of the coalition and joined forces with a group of PKR defectors led by former PKR deputy president, Azmin Ali. Together with the Opposition, they formed the new PN government. Mahathir had indicated he plans to wrest back control of the party in the next Bersatu election. - mk

Why did the government 
decide to relax the MCO?...

1. MCOs are not to end COVID but flatten the curve. And we have. We flatten the curve to ensure health systems are protected and able to cope.

2. Our health systems can cope. More than enough ventilators etc. Utilisation capacity now only 30% and in fact KKM starting to give front liners leave. Most cases >80% are mild.

3.  COVID will not end for next two years. There will be small spikes and must not panic but aggressive tracing and quarantine and treatment.

4. When there is a spike in an area an enhance MCO very localised to the area can be implemented immediately.

5. Enforcement will be important to ensure compliance. Both from government but also self enforcement - individual, community, companies.

6. Pandemics can be ended only when whole of society participated and is empowered. If you see something say something. Report to the police etc.

7. Economic impact and mental health is important. We have to face the bitter challenges of MCO and COVID but only if we pull together in the same direction we can win this.

8. The new normal is a reality. Stay home as much as you can. Keep a safe distance and wear a mask.

9. We need to live with COVID. Just as we need to live with dengue.  All the preventive measures and early detection and treatment.

10. A vaccine at earliest may be available next year. Herd immunity is questionable as data on antibodies is still showing low conversion rate. So travel is limited.

11. Don’t compare Malaysia with Hokkaido. When they opened up they didn’t protect borders. Malaysia is protecting her borders. This is critical and one of requisites of WHO.  We have taken steps beyond what was done in Japan as we have learnt from their experience.

12. The report by Chinese experts who came said we are ready. According to WHO criteria we have met most of them.

Government is also taking active steps to strengthen the border. - Dr.JemilahMahmood, PM’s special advisor on public health.
Imej mungkin mengandungi: teks mungkin yang mengatakan 'Rafizi Ramli @rafiziramli Satu benda saya masih keliru. Pejabat buka esok tapi PKP sampai 12 Mei. Kalau rumah kawan saya lebih dari 10km ke pejabat, jadi dia dibenarkan memandu ke pejabat walaupun dia melanggar peraturan PKP tak boleh lebih 10km? Yang ada maklumat moho kongsi bersama.'
Imej mungkin mengandungi: teks yang berkata 'LEBAI PAS HILANG DARI RADA Kilang arak dan kedai no ekor akan berjalan spt biasa mulai isnin ni....masjid dan surau di haram buka krjn skrg adalah melayu islam'
Imej mungkin mengandungi: motorsikal
Imej mungkin mengandungi: 4 orang, teks
Ini semacam tamparan pada PM pintu belakang?


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