Di baru mengumumkan sambungan PKP, dan bersedia melonggarkan sedikit ruang ekonomi, aku taknak komen dulu..Cuma tunggu dan langkah seterunya..
Apapun tak perlulah salahkan rakyat atas sebab lanjutan tempoh PKP ini, Jelas terdapat kelemahan ketara tindakan Kerajaan dalam menangani Wabak ini, Ia bukan menyentuh soal frontliner mahupun petugas Kementerian Kesihatan yang jelas cemerlang....
Ramai yang pulih hari ini hasil kecemerlangan mereka..samalah semasa gelombang pertama dahulu.. 22 kes Covid-19.//22 darinya Pulih.. Sehingga kita tidak ada kes selama 11 hari..
Aku tengok ramai yang cuba salahkan rakyat..Salahkan mereka kononnya mereka degil keluar rumah..Aku minta kita jangan terperangkap dengan Virus Azwan Ali yang menciptakan ketakutan tanpa fakta..
Tetapi apa yang berlaku hari ini..jelas dari beberapa kegagalan tindakan MKN dan Nadma bertindak cepat.. menyebabkan tempoh PKP selama 4 Minggu hanya lah sia sia.. Mereka sendiri sejak awal tidak berusaha memutuskan rantaian ini...
Sebenarnya walaupun mereka wujudkan ketakutan kononnya Virus merebak, tidak ada kluster Pasaraya, Kluster Pasar pagi, Kluster Pasar tani atau Kluster kedai Mamak, Yang jelas sebaran wabak ini atas 2 faktor utama, Jangkitan Tabligh dan Import.. - ipohmali
Flattening the curve won't get us out from MCO. Only zero new infection case for 14 consecutive day will. How long that could be ... do your math! Wuhan lockdown 11 minggu baru dapat lepas.. Malaysia baru tambah nak masuk 6 minggu.. masih jauh perjalanan kita nampak gayanya ni...Kenapa perlu PKP sampai lepas Raya, sebabnya banyak lagi Hantu Raya berkeliaran di Jalan Raya - f/bk
9 Sektor yang dibenarkan dalam PKP ke 3 ni takkan membantu ekonomi terutama Penjaja kecil, Petani yang terjejas teruk.. Itu takpa lah.. Seperti contruction aku rasa ini penting takda masalah..
Memang lah aku rasa walaupun Kedai Gunting rambut ni penting...Bagi aku tak berapa kena, Baik lah perniagaan retail dibenarkan berbanding gunting rambut..
Kecualilah kalu gunting cara begini...
Tetapi orang yang gunting rambut ni selalunya ada contact dengan pelanggan.. Ini lebih bahaya..mungkin kita boleh kuatkuasakan perlindungan kepada pemilik premis..tapi bagaimana dengan pelanggan ?
Pelik kadang2 aku rasa cara pemimpin berfikir.. depa bukan fikir pasal kesan ekonomi pada penjaja kecil..Mungkin Menteri tiba2 hanya fikir rambut depa jer dah panjang.. - Ahmad Muslim Badawi
Din kalut dok ganti CEO GLC
dgn penyangak dan walaun...
Di musim PKP akibat wabak Covid-19 ini, selain setiap hari kita mendapat maklumat berkenaan jumlah pesakit dan kematian akibat daripadanya, kita juga saban hari dihidangkan dengan berita penyingkiran serta perlantikan baru peneraju dalam syarikat-syarikat berkaitan kerajaan atau GLC.
Setiap hari ada saja berita tentang orang-orang tertentu ditamatkan perkhidmatannya dan perlantikan baru pula dibuat sebagai menggantikannya. Itulah pasai Din mau 112 wakil rakyat yang sokong gomen pintu belakang dapat habuan sebelum 18 Mei 2020 untuk kekal berkuasa.
Meskipun apabila bertukar kerajaan, perlantikan baru dalam GLC adalah tidak dapat dielakkan, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya dalam keadaan negara dilanda wabak Covid-19 ini, pemecatan dan perlantikan baru tidak perlulah dibuat terlalu tergesa-gesa oleh PN baru lebih sebulan menjadi kerajaan.
Masih banyak masa lagi untuk melakukan semua perubahan tersebut. Tetapi, mengapakan Muhyiddin Yassin seolah-olah tidak sabar untuk melakukan perubahan dan mengisi kedudukan dalam GLC-GLC?
Dalam barisan kabinet yang dibentuknya baru-baru ini, Muhyidin telah melantik seramai 70 orang untuk menjadi menteri dan timbalan menteri. Kemudian beliau menambah jumlah itu menjadi 71 melalui lantikan Presiden Pas, Hadi Awang sebagai Duta Khas ke Timur Tengah bertaraf menteri.
Selain majoriti lantikannya adalah merupakan Ahli Parlimen, terdapat juga beberapa orang daripadanya adalah Senator. Di kalangan menteri, mereka yang bertaraf Senator ialah Dr. Radzi Jidin, Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz dan Dr. Zulkifli Al-Bakri. Timbalan menteri pula yang bertaraf Senator ialah Lim Ban Hong, Dr. Mah Hang Soon, Dr. Ahmad Mazrizal Muhammad dan Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal.
Ini bermakna daripada 71 lantikan yang dibuat itu, ia hanya melibatkan 64 Ahli Parlimen dan selebihnya adalah 7 orang Senator. Jika usul undi tidak percaya dibentangkan dan untuk memastikan tidak ditewaskan, Muhyiddin perlu memiliki sokongan sekurang-kurangnya 112 daripada keseluruhan 222 Ahli Parlimen.

Insaflah Bani Melayu bila ahli politik jadi tukang jaga...
Berikutan kedudukan Muhyiddin dalam kerajaan tebuk atap PN ini amat rapuh dan tidak dalam bentuk gabungan yang formal serta mungkin ada mana-mana Ahli Parlimen tiba-tiba beralih angin, tambahan lagi kalau undi usul tidak percaya itu dilakukan secara undi sulit, satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan kestabilan sokongan terhadapnya ialah dengan memberikan mereka jawatan serta kedudukan.
Oleh kerana 64 Ahli Parlimen sudah diberikan jawatan menteri serta timbalan menteri dan untuk memastikan jumlah 112 itu tidak goyang agar boleh terus kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri selepas 18 Mei nanti, Muhyiddin tidak ada pilihan selain perlu menghadiahkan seramai 48 lagi Ahli Parlimen daripada Bersatu, UMNO, Pas dan GPS yang bergabung dalam PN dengan kedudukan dalam GLC.
Memandangkan tarikh 18 Mei semakin hampir dan jika Muhyiddin tidak memberikan mereka jawatan mulai sekarang, kedudukannya sebagai Perdana Menteri boleh terancam dengan sendirinya, melainkan jika sebelum 18 Mei sekurang-kurangnya 112 Ahli Parlimen sudah dapat diberikan habuan jawatan serta kedudukan. PKP tambah 2 minggu lagi sempatlah semua jawatan pengerusi agensi GLC dilantik baru...

Boleh dikatakan semua pembesar PAS yang jadi wakil ke parlimen
menerima habuan masing2. Sedap kan membahagi harta rampasan! - f/bk
Adanya rungutan daripada pelbagai pihak berkenaan penamatan itu yang diaifatkan seolah-olah tidak mempedulikan wabak Covid-19 tidak akan mengubah apa-apa kerana Muhyiddin tentulah lebih pentingkan jawatannya daripada segala-galanya. Dan percayalah, rata-rata yang akan dilantik mengetuai GLC selepas ini adalah daripada kalangan Ahli Parlimen belaka, bukan merupakan profesional sepertimana dilakukan era PH sebelum ini.
Lantikan yang dibuat hanya untuk menyelamatkan kedudukan Muhyiddin agar tidak tumbang kepada usul undi tidak percaya pada 18 Mei, bukan lagi untuk memastikan syarikat GLC itu bertambah maju dan mencatat keuntungan yang akan memberi manfaat kepada rakyat semua, jauh sekali menunjukkan kepedulian terhadap wabak Covid-19. - ShahbudinHusin
Mesej buat Anwar tentang Hadi...
Freemason satu pertubuhan yg tiada Agama dan tidak mempercayai wujudnya Tuhan.Adakah Hadi nak mngatakan Anwar seorang yg tiada agama?Seolah2 menuduh Anwar seorang kafir?
Anwar sangat kesal dengan surat berkenaan kerana memfitnah beliau. Anwar kesal kenapa Abdul Hadi Awang yang diakui sebagai sahabatnya tetapi sanggup memifitnahnya. Kata Anwar untuk apa lagi Hadi berbuat demikian.
Hj.Hadi mudah diperdaya oleh tipu dan muslihat dari internet.Tengok je nama Anwar, Hadi tak terbayang orang lain, hanya Anwar Ibrahim seorang tu saja...
Soal Hadi nak sokong Umno (jadi Duta Khas) tidak jadi masalah sebab itu hak Hadi, tetapi yang dikesalinya untuk apa mengaitkannya.
Anwar menyebut tuduhan dia seorang Freemesson itu perkara lama yang mana fakta dikutip Hadi fakta salah yang tidak ditabayunkan.
Tak payah cari tahun 2006, tahun 2020 pun ada .
Masih menjadi S/Usaha Freemason...
Anwar soal kenapa dalam membuat tuduhan kepadanya itu, Hadi naif untuk tidak membuat penyiasataan? (Itulah Hadi hanya tahu menyuruh tetapi tidak tahu berbuat, macam bocah tahu berak tapi tak reti basuh).
Saya nak sentuh sedikit hal ini di petang yang mulia ini. Ingin saya ingatkan Anwar begini sahaja. Beliau tidak perlu menjawab pun apa yang diungkitkan oleh Hadi itu.

Terbaik untuk Anwar pastikan dahulu apakah surat yang dikarangi Hadi itu dihantar, diterima, dibaca dan dipercayai oleh para pemimpin gerakan Islam itu atau tidak.
Tersebarnya surat tersebut adalah dgn tujuan agar Hj.Hadi itu benar2 bertanggungjawab dan berani mempertahankan apa yg ditulisnya itu setelah diberikan jawatan bertaraf menteri itu.
Sedarlah kalau begitu perbuatannya tidak layak lagi untuk Anwar mengaku-akui yang Hadi adalah pernah jadi kawannya. Itu bukan lagi kawan tetapi musuh sepanjang zaman. - mso/f/bk

Introducing Anwar Ibrahim
-The Freemason...
PKR president Anwar Ibrahim last night revealed the possible link between Freemasonry and himself, as raised by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang in his controversial Arabic letter to Muslim leaders worldwide on March 22.
In expressing his disappointment of Hadi taking their political rivalry to the point of what he alleged to be slander, Anwar also urged the former’s followers to not follow their political leaders blindly to the point they are unable to think and evaluate facts.
“His decision to be with UMNO and Bersatu in the government, that is his choice. We may agree, we may not. That is a different matter. But the hostility should not go to the extent of slandering each other.
“What is the proof? He stated that I am part of the Freemasonry, in fact a leader of that movement. That was strange. If it came from a nobody, someone who spoke nonsense, someone without morals or religious education, it wouldn’t matter,” said Anwar.
Anwar said he had asked his staff to research based on Hadi’s “findings” and eventually discovered the root of his slander. He revealed a document that showed someone by the name of “Anwar Ibrahim” listed as a leader of the Civil Service Lodge No. 143, listed as a lodge officer for the 201-2011 session.
“There,” Anwar pointed to the name on the list that stated ‘Brother Anwar Ibrahim’. “There’s their chance to attack me,” he said during a live session over his Facebook page last night.
“But now, let’s look at this ‘Anwar’ picture.” below. The picture showed a rather plump man, likely of Middle Eastern ethnicity.

“Maybe Hadi thought that was how I looked in 2006,” said Anwar.
“Our next course of action, we will think of later. But I will write my answer to all the Muslim leaders who were the recipients of Hadi’s letter and this letter will be made public, so that people know it is slander,” said Anwar.
He then advised the supporters to not follow political leaders blindly to the point they were unable to think or evaluate facts and resort to slander.
“We can be in a Islamic party and be obedient to the leaders, But don’t become ‘yes men’ to the point that you can’t think and evaluate, to the point you slander political rivals,” he said.
A number of Pakatan Harapan leaders have voiced their anger at Hadi’s letter since it surfaced last week, just days after Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced the PAS president’s appointment as special envoy to the Middle East with minister’s status. Hadi himself has yet to make any statements on the matter. - talkabout
As you can see Brader Anwar is rebutting that so called letter sent by that Ostard PAS Malaysia to the Pak Unta countries.
Brader is saying that it is fitnah for that ostard to say that he (Brader Anwar) is a Freemason etc. This is just confirming what I have been saying for decades "The religious people are liars".
I have been watching the religious folks up close for decades now. ALL RELIGIONS OK. No exception. The common currency among them is that they simply LIE. Cakap bohong. - Syed Akbar Ali

Muhyiddin’s grand plan...
Even as the government steps up in a big way to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, backroom manoeuvrings are taking place to ensure that when Parliament meets sometime in May, it will have the necessary number of MPs to survive a no-confidence vote. It may also be true to say that the government and in particular Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is using the pandemic to strengthen his position and his credibility in the eyes of the public so that people support him to continue as PM.
Muhyiddin’s grand plan to maintain his majority is a simple one, and one that has been used time and again in the Umno-BN government – reward the faithful even at the expense of competence, accountability and integrity. Satisfy the people who will support you. Thus it was no accident that his Cabinet, after he was picked by the King to form government, was enlarged.
The Perikatan Nasional government has been criticised for forming a Cabinet of 70 members, including deputies, as opposed to 55 in the previous Pakatan Harapan government. But other things take precedence when Muhyiddin’s government came to power through the backdoor – it was not what the people voted for. What happens is that he has the undying loyalty of some 70 MPs – give or take one or two who may be made senators first – tied to him inseparably by bonds of money, power and patronage.
The ministerial post comes with many privileges, including a purse which goes up by more than RM50,000 a month or RM600,000 a year in terms of additional salaries and allowances, including posh accommodation, cars, drivers and help. And then there is the opportunity to dispense patronage in the form of contracts, awards, publicity, introductions and so on, which can take the pay packet to much more than that, even though much of it will be illegal. But as we all know, that has not stopped anyone before.
With 70 MPs in the form of ministers and deputy ministers in the bag, he will need 45 MPs more for 115 MPs and a comfortable majority in the 222-seat Parliament. That would mean giving a sizable number of them some plum positions within government corporations and agencies. Such appointments of Umno and former Umno warlords to key positions of power, money and patronage will help round up the number of MPs to keep Muhyiddin in power by cascading the benefits downwards.
Never mind that it harks back to former PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s policies of in effect buying loyalties to him, the immediate plan is to keep this backdoor government and Muhyiddin in power. That explains the sudden slew of people losing their positions at government agencies and even government-linked companies (GLCs), some even before appointments expire and even when they have been doing a good job.
These are rather needless from the point of view of the country and the unprecedented problems it faces from the Covid-19 pandemic, but still political expediency and the low calibre of our politicians result in the reality that these exist.

Let us look at one in detail – the appointment of the Social Security Organisation (Socso) chairman. As we reported in an exclusive story, subsequently confirmed, insurance veteran Zakri Khir resigned as Socso chairman on April 7. Zakri was appointed on Oct 8, 2018, by the now-defunct Council of Eminent Persons, to chair Socso based on his expertise in the insurance and risk business. He is also the first Malaysian appointed as country manager for Allianz Malaysia Bhd.
His successor was supposed to be Sabak Bernam MP Datuk Mohd Fasiah Mohd Fakeh of Bersatu, an MP who defected from Umno in December 2018. He seems to have no corporate track record. But when he went to Socso to take up his appointment, he was told that a legal clause stops him from becoming chairman, as we reported here.
The Socso Act bars any member of the legislature from being appointed to the position. How embarrassing! In their clear and present haste to get MPs appointed to these positions, those who make decisions have not even bothered to check up properly on the legislation.
Reports and talk out there are about further major changes taking place, including at GLCs. According to our report, more GLC heads are expected to roll and PN MPs are expected to fill this. Some of the nominees include Umno heavyweights, we reported. They are Arau MP Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim for Felda and either Besut MP Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh or Machang MP Datuk Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub for Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara).

UMNO's patronage and reward system is back with vengeance. UMNO Kelantan MP
who could not become Minister takes up a Chairmanship job. Jazlan Yaakub to MPOB...
The Malaysian Reserve reported on April 3 that Dr Nungsari Radhi stepped down from Khazanah Research Institute. Nungsari is also Malaysian Aviation Commission executive chairman. Other leadership changes include the termination of Datuk Noripah Kamso as Bank Rakyat chairman on April 3. Her contract was due to expire only in December this year.

On April 1, Malay Mail reported that Datuk Noor Farida Mohd Ariffin had been removed as Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) chairman. Her entire board was sacked, too. Noor Farida had been replaced by Datuk Nelson Renganathan, the chairman of Regent International School and former MIC Youth chief.
News portal Free Malaysia Today also reported that Mohamad Nageeb Ahmad Abdul Wahab’s job as Felcra chairman was also hanging in the balance. Such changes are rather disruptive and unnecessary but show that politics is very much in play behind the scenes despite Covid-19 and all the challenges to our livelihoods and the economy that it poses. It is a huge step – backwards. – P Gunasegaram

Yang undi PAS terima je kerana PAS Islam...