Walaun2 Lebai Hadi sakan menfitnah... infomalay12.blogspot.com

Hari ni viral di SosMed sekeping gambar yang dikatakan bahawa kononnya YBM Menteri Kewangan Saudara Lim Guan Eng mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Tabung Haji.

Ada beberapa Facebooker pro Pembangkang menyebarkan gambar tersebut dan antaranya Facebooker dengan nama "Amy Amieda" yang mana selepas disiasat, pemilik sebenarnya ialah seorang lelaki bernama Moktar Hasbi yang juga menggunakan nombor HP +6014-578 9910. Anda tau apa kesalahan menyebar berita palsu. Anda tanggunglah dosa di akhirat. Kesalahan atas dunia biaq pihak berkuasa ambil tindakan...

Tapi realitynya adalah....

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor, possible text that says 'Mishkat is at Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia. Sesi kunjungan Magasid ke pejabat YB Lim Guan Eng di MoF. YB LGE sangat berminat dengan pendekatan Islam berteraskan Maqasid Syariah menjamin keadilan rahmah untuk semua, lebih2 lagi apabila seiring prinsip yang dibawa dalam Sustainable Development Goals (SDG sila carian Google bagi siapa yang belum tahu) yang disasarkan pencapaiannya PBB pada 2030. mendoakan semoga pendekatan rahmah kepada semua bersendikan Maqasid Syariah dalam negara menampilkan imej Islam yang lestari mesra semua manusia alam sekitar. Akhir sekali dapat menarik mereka kepada Islam. @ Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia PEJABAT KEWANGAN'

Gambar yang diviralkan sebenarnya bukanlah gambar Mesyuarat Tabung Haji sebaliknya ia adalah gambar ketika Delegasi Pejabat Menteri di JPM Hal Ehwal Agama Islam mengadakan pertemuan dengan Kementerian Kewangan bagi menjelaskan konsep Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin dan juga Maqasid Syariah.

Kenapa perlu takut pada usaha YBM Menteri Agama dan Barisan Pengurusan Profesional baru Tabung Haji memulihkan Tabung Haji sampai begitu gigih korang nak menjahanamkan imej Tabung Haji dengan pelbagai Fitnah jahat..?

Tak payah nak kalut2 tutup akaun nak disable akaun bagai sebab semua maklumat dah ada dengan kami.
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Rukun Islam ke-5 ialah mengerjakan haji bukan mengerjakan Tabung Haji'

Geng Pak lebai tak pula buat bising tika penyamun di atas ni jadi pengerusi TH?.. Ia bermula dari zaman BN memerintah di mana tabung haji di jadikan piggy bank oleh pimpinan UMNO sampai bertahun2 terpaksa buat creative accounting sebab nak tipu kata kewangan surplus. Kalau tak tipu akaun dan declare rugi, tabung haji dalam akta dia dah tulis tak boleh bagi dividen.

Jadi apa yang depa buat , tipu akaun tulis untung, padahal duit untung itu adalah dari duit simpanan pendeposit. Ini sebijik macam skim cepat kaya dan pak man telo. Creative accounting ni kira okay lagi sebab perangai UMNO, depa tipu pun ada lagi depa bentang dalam laporan tahunan, kalau perangai lebai PAS, rugi apa pun tak kisah, semua boleh di salahkan pada Qada dan Qadar. 

Kalau orang minta audit, depa akan tunggang ayat Allah yang mana-mana sesuai demi natijah politik mereka. Tengok harakah rugi dan berhutang pencetak, kohilal lesap sampai sekarang tak tau apa, anak syarikat Kelantan banyak yang bungkus, pernah tengok tak lebai buat sidang media minta maaf? Yang nak bercuti di New Zealand hari tu pun dah kantoi, kalau tak ada orang dalam bagi tahu, memang selamatlah duit anak syarikat negeri kena sakau dengan lebai. 

Punya jahat lebai parti bulan dok buat provokasi isu hotel TH, sampaikan makcik serta pakcik2 yg ulang alik ke surau termakan adu domba dia org...Bila dah tau benda tu silap takdak satu perkataan MAAF pun keluar dari mulut2 lebai ngong ni...makcik serta pakcik2 dlm group wassap surau dah dok share benda² jahat yg lebai dok jaja... Makcik2 pakcik2 pi masjid pak lebai tak ajar ke tabaiyyun?...  - f/bk

Saya difahamkan bahawa tidak ada rencangan menutup empat hotel Tabung Haji seperti yang difitnah oleh jentera propaganda pembangkang.

Hotel-hotel yang disebutkan itu akan terus beroperasi di bawah pengurusan Urusharta Jemaah Sdn Bhd (UJSB) dan kebanyakan daripada 278 kakitangan dikekalkan. Bakinya ditawarkan jawatan lain.

Cuma khabarnya hotel terbabit akan melalui proses penjenamaan semula daripada TH Hotel kepada Hotel Raia. Operasinya tetap patuh Syariah.

Image may contain: 3 people, text

Seperti kita sudah maklum, TH telah menjual hotel terbabit kepada UJSB. UJSB ini adalah syarikat milik penuh kerajaan. Ia diwujudkan sebagai sebahagian daripada pelan pemulihan dan penstrukturan semula TH tahun lalu.

Empat hotel terlibat adalah TH Hotel Kota Kinabalu, TH Hotel Penang, TH Hotel & Convention Centre Alor Setar dan TH Hotel & Convention Centre Terengganu yang sebelum ini diuruskan oleh TH Hotel and Residence Sdn Bhd (THHR).

Sejak mengambil alih hotel-hotel berkenaan, UJSB telah menyediakan modal baru bagi menambahbaik kemudahan sedia ada demi manfaat dan keselesaan pelanggan.
Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing, possible text that says 'DAHULU PUAS HATI SEKARANG IRI HATI! KAMI PUAS HATI'

Tidak ada kakitangan akan diberhentikan Sebaliknya 90% akan terus bekerja dengan rangkaian hotel baharu ini manakala baki 10% akan ditawarkan pekerjaan di TH Kelana Jaya.

Selain itu, 90% kakitangan yang terlibat akan juga menerima saguhati berdasarkan sumbangan yang telah mereka berikan sepanjang berkhidmat di THHR.

Masalah dengan jentera propaganda pembangkang ini, khususnya yang memegang jawatan parti, mereka suka mengelirukan rakyat jelata dengan mencipta dan menyebarkan berita palsu - fake news. -  A Kadir Jasin
No photo description available.
UMNO-PAS taken for a ride by Mahathir?...

Judging from recent developments as well as remarks made by PH leaders, it is very likely for the Feb 21 PH presidential council meeting to strike a new accord on the handover issue. The thing is, PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has already given in.

After learning that PAS, Umno and some PKR MPs had signed a statutory declaration to support Mahathir to complete his full term as PM, Anwar rushed back from Port Dickson to Putrajaya last Thursday to meet Tun M, and said later in a statement that he supported Mahathir's continued leadership and that he would only take over the baton after the November APEC summit.

The following day, Tun M reiterated that he would honor his promise to resign after November and said Anwar's statement was correct.

On Feb 15, Anwar urged all quarters to stop forcing Tun M to resign, adding that PH already had a consensus on the handover issue. Apparently Anwar was giving an instruction to his people to stop pressing the prime minister to resign so that the presidential council meeting could be held in an amicable atmosphere.

Mahathir's recent remarks show that he is not prepared to give up the PH ruling platform. For example, he praised the health ministry's effective measures in containing the spread of coronavirus. If he were about to abandon the ship, why would he praise health minster Dzulkefly Ahmad from Amanah and his deputy Lee Boon Chye from PKR?

Besides, the PM will unveil the economic stimulus package on Feb 27. If the ruling coalition is about to go bust, we will not see stimulus plan of any sort to boost the economy.

Not everyone close to the PM or from his party PPBM agree to the formation of Pakatan Nasional with Umno and PAS. For instance, his son Mukhriz could not understand why PAS with only 18 elected reps could table a private member's bill to support Mahathir's full term in office. In the meantime, PPBM supreme council member Wan Saiful Wan Jan has also said PH has reached an agreement on the handover issue.

Media and communications adviser at the PM's office Kadir Jasin said Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was not the best person to negotiate anything with the prime minister given the fact he was facing more than 30 counts of corruption charges, while former Council of Eminent Persons chairman Daim Zainuddin said it was "unhealthy" to form a new political pact as it would betray voters' mandate.

PPBM will have a hefty price to pay if it were to form a new alliance with Umno and PAS. New Straits Times has reported that PPBM would have to give up the MB posts for Kedah and Perak if the three parties were to form Pakatan Nasional while some Umno MPs would demand ministerial or senatorial posts as well.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

Moreover, Mahathir's administrative philosophies may not go well with Umno and PAS. He used to stop PAS from implementing hudud in Kelantan in the 1990s. He even slammed Kelantan Umno in April 2015 for supporting the implementation of hudud in the state. This shows that Mahathir will not accept PAS' theocratic advocacy.

Mahathir wants to see the Malays improve and command the latest technology, hence his insistence in reinstating PPSMI. On the other hand, PAS is all for religion only, and a forced marriage between the two sides will only lead to a divorce in the long run.

Moreover, Mahathir will not accept corruption-tainted Umno leaders, as this will contravene his position in toppling the previous kleptocratic administration.

With so many hurdles along the way in a cooperation with Umno-PAS, it appears that Tun M has very likely made use of the opposition to mitigate the pressure for him to resign. He is well aware that Umno badly needs the power to clear its leaders of corruption charges while PAS president Hadi Awang is strongly against Anwar Ibrahim as PM.

Now that this objective has been met, sure enough plans for a Pakatan Nasional are killed prematurely by him.

If an agreement is eventually reached in the PH presidential council meeting on the handover issue, PAS' intention of tabling a confidence vote for PM next month will become irrelevant.

PAS is so fervent in supporting Mahathir's full term in order to advance its own wicked motives of dividing PH and bagging benefits from its Malay support base.

Meanwhile, Umno is not too happy with PAS' lukewarm treatment of Muafakat Nasional. Similarly, both Najib and Ahmad Zahid hold very different views on the rumored new pact, meaning a crack within Umno may ensue as a consequence.

Where political tactic is concerned, no doubt Tun M has the upper hand. He has not only managed to get Anwar to back down but also to take Umno and PAS for a ride!

Mahathir will try to maximize his time to get more Malay support for his PPBM in order to check the advances of Umno-PAS.

That said, power game will only satiate the desires of one man and will not resolve the many problems encountered by the rakyat. There are still plenty of challenges ahead, in particular the sluggish economy. Addressing the people's woes is what every political leader is obliged to do. - Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily

Image may contain: 3 people, possible text that says 'PENYATUA UMM MukhHarimmalayiokini.com Kit Siang: Mengapa PAS panik tentang janji peralihan kuasa PH? 4:04 petang (Dikemaskini 4:04 petang) Berita AriffKadirResearch "Secara tiba-tiba, PAS kelihatan pakar dalam perlembagaan yang layak untuk menjawat jawatan tinggi kehakiman"'

Ezam pernah menasihati Azmin semasa beliau menjadi MB Selangor lagi. Jaga kelakuan, jangan berkawan dengan Hisyamudin lagi, jangan tunjuk perangai elite org2 bangsawan kaya....

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