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Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, possible text that says 'IDK Hanya Di Kelate 11 mins PERMOHONAN MAAF TERBUKA Admin page HDK ingin memohon maaf secara terbuka kepada YB Menteri, Jakim, Tabung Haji dll yang terlibat berkenan update yang tidak sahih berhubung dengan gambar ni..Maklumat yang diterima adalah tidak benar kepada Admin..A .Admin memohon maaf atas kesilapan ini dan berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.. Sekian.. kasih.'
Walaun lebai2 ni selamat jadi  penghuni lokap doklah dlm.
penjara dan jilatlah juboq baduan2 lain dlm tu...-f/bk

Walun dan lebai PAS bukan takat tak tahu Hotel TH rugi bertahun2 dah, 
tapi ada ramai yang tak tahu pun TH ada hotel selama ni... - f/bk

Selesai bersusah payah fitnah isu 'Tbg Haji'..walaun terpaksa 
bersusah payah usung 'Tbg Tin Milo' nak bayaq saman...-f/bk

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Tak nampak,mana satu burung,
mana satu unta...

Semalam geng Najib dedahkan laporan SSM, laporan kewangan TH Hotel.. semalam masa sembang dengan sahabat PAS.. aku dah kata, Account tu nampak bermasalah bila tengok Liabiliti dia.. tapi aku bukan lah Pakar sangat bab Accounting ni..walaupun aku sendiri terlibat dalam urusan perniagaan..

Hari ni kantoi lah pulak, Pendedahan tu makan diri..Akhirnya hari ini terdedah bagaimana Pengurusan sebelum ini manipulasi Account.. Depa tukar rezab Tunai jadi Modal Saham.. suntik Dana bagi nampak Untung besar dalam keadaaan Revenue statik.. Begitu juga peningkatan Liabiliti..

Cuma nak habaq mai..Macam tu lah kes 1MDB dulu.. dulu pun mana pernah Najib bagi tau kita,Mengaku kata 1MDB rugi.. mana pernah masuk dan disebut dalam belanjawan yang Kerajaan suntik dana.. apalagi duit rakyat digunakan bayar Hutang dekat RM 7 Billion.. bila Najib dah jatuh.. baru kita tau... PAS kira puas hati jer..

Tak kisah lah bab tu..Kita memang tahu, bagaimana Tabung Haji sebelum ini dok manipulasi, Buat creative accounting.. Bila Audit.. Kita akan jumpa salah tataurus kewangan... Itu biasa... sekurang kurang ada laporan Kewangan..ada SSM.. pusing kut mana pun, Audit boleh jumpa salah kat mana..

Tapi yang paling Best adalah pelaburan Kohilal.. sampai hari ini berapa jumlah duit Pendeposit..Aset.. harta.. yang kita tahu.. Kata buat Bisnes Burung Unta.. kita sendiri tak nampak, mana satu burung..mana satu Unta... Berapa Ekor burung Unta... Jangan cerita lah bab Untung rugi... Tapi tu lah, nasib orang PAS depa tak peduli duit depa lesap... rasanya rekod Pelabur pun dah hilang..mcm letak duit dalam tabung Tong Milo..

Tapi itulah PAS.. dah lah penuh dengan Sifat Khawarij.. sekarang ni nak jadi kelompok ruwaibidhah.. Berlagak pandai... Takiri tu pun buat bisnes Kismis Jampi jer , Bisnes Air Zam zam dan Kosemetik jer pun.. Nak tunjuk pandai urusan Tabung Haji... - Ipohmali

PAS dah boleh pakat-pakat 
cari pengganti Hadi Awang...

Sebelum ini, Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Haji Hadi Awang antara individu yang paling lantang mengkritik hasrat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad untuk kembali bertanding pilihan raya.  Katanya, tokoh berusia 94 tahun itu lebih baik kerja di Klinik 1Malaysia daripada bertanding di Langkawi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14).

Alih-alih, selepas Pakatan Harapan yang diketuai Dr Mahathir menang dan bentuk kerajaan, nada Hadi Awang bertukar 180 darjah.  Tiba-tiba dia mahu sokong (baca:ampu) Dr Mahathir pula. Katanya, nak buat usul undi percaya untuk mendukung kepimpinan Pengerusi Bersatu itu. 

“Hadi Awang dah buang tebiat ke?” begitulah reaksi awal pengikut PAS sebelum disuruh wala’ dengan keputusan parti.  Mungkin pengikut-pengikut PAS yang sebegini dah boleh berkira-kira untuk cari pemimpin lain untuk ganti Hadi Awang.

Mereka mungkin boleh cadangkan Mohd Amar Abdullah. Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan itulah, yang pertahankan pembelian 14 kereta mewah bernilai hampir jutaan ringgit jenama Mercedes untuk kegunaan pemimpin-pemimpin parti Islam itu. 

“Ambo kena tunjuk juga kehebatan seorang pemimpin Islam,” kata Mohd Amar bila ada pengikutnya persoalkan kenapa kerajaan negeri PAS Kelantan beli kereta mewah. 

Kenyataan Mohd Amar itu sudah menjadi alasan yang cukup untuk pengikut-pengikut PAS menyokong gerakan mengangkatnya menggantikan Hadi Awang yang dah tak relevan dan banyak sangat merepeknya. 

Mungkin jauh di sudut hati, Naib Presiden PAS itu sudah lama mengintai kedudukan sebagai Presiden. Bukanlah niat saya nak sibuk sangat hal kepimpinan PAS, tapi pelbagai serangan parti itu terhadap komitmen Pakatan Harapan (PH) berkaitan soal peralihan kuasa agak menjengkelkan halwa telinga. –

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Who will save Malaysia from Hadi?...

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s latest gambit to table a motion of confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has certainly garnered a lot of attention. He says he is doing it to “save” Malaysia but, of course, there’s more than meets the eye.

In the first place, Dr Mahathir has a comfortable majority in Parliament and is not facing an imminent threat to his position. True, there’s the pending succession issue but it is an issue that has already been decided within Pakatan Harapan. Dr Mahathir himself, if his words can be taken at face value, has repeatedly said he would step down after the APEC summit and hand power to his designated successor, Anwar Ibrahim.

And if Hadi himself has so much confidence in the prime minister, why didn’t he support the prime minister on issues like ICERD and the International Criminal Court which Dr Mahathir’s administration brought before Parliament in 2018? And why, if Hadi is such an enthusiastic supporter of Mahathir’s leadership, did he work with UMNO to engineer the defeat of PH candidates in every by-election since Mahathir became prime minister?

As well, didn’t PAS insist, not so long ago, that Dr Mahathir was nothing more than a puppet of the DAP? And yet, here he is now vying for the presidency of the Mahathir forever fan club.

Hadi’s so-called confidence motion is obviously not intended to support Mahathir but to cause mischief by upending the succession plan and dividing PH. It might be presented as a motion of confidence in the prime minister but it is, in reality, a mendacious manoeuvre to destroy the ruling multiracial coalition and replace it with a Malay unity government, a government in which PAS will, of course, figure prominently.

Hadi’s antics shouldn’t surprise anyone. After all, this is a politician who, at one time or another, has been in bed with every other party – Malay and non-Malay, Muslim and non-Muslim – in a desperate bid to gain power. To suggest that such behaviour is unprincipled would be an egregious understatement.

But then, all this political manoeuvring has little to do with principles; what currently animates many of the politicians involved in this so-called confidence motion is bigotry, plain and simple.

When Hadi, for example, talks about “saving” Malaysia, he’s really talking about erasing the drubbing that the old guard Malay political elites received at the last election. To men like Hadi (and Mahathir), the political configuration that emerged after GE14 is unacceptable because it gives the non-Malays (and the DAP in particular) too much of a role in government.

Hadi and his ilk have never accepted the idea of Malaysia as a truly multi-ethnic polity. To them, every gain for the non-Malays is automatically seen as a setback for the Malays that must be opposed. In their own minds, they are locked in an existential struggle with no room for genuine compromise.

The increased non-Malay representation in Parliament following GE14 and the subsequent “loss” of key positions in cabinet (especially that of finance minister) and in government was a bridge too far for bigots long accustomed to nothing more than a BN-type token and toothless non-Malay representation in government.

The frequent references emanating from both sides of the aisle to the effect that the Malays have lost their power and their dignity, that they are now weak, that their culture and religion are under threat, that the DAP is calling the shots, etc. are all reflective of the underlying rejection of any meaningful power-sharing arrangement with non-Malays.

It is this shared bigotry that keeps the whole idea of a Malay unity government constantly simmering in the background and which provides the context for Hadi’s confidence motion.

Mahathir, if he was truly committed to PH and the succession plan, would have firmly rejected the poisoned chalice that Hadi offers, but as always, he hides behind innuendo and ambiguity. He denies but never strongly enough to dispel; he confirms but leaves enough room for doubt; he endorses but immediately negates; he dismisses publicly but meets privately. It is his way of signalling his unhappiness with the present situation and with Anwar, never mind that it is terribly destabilizing.

And, of course, there’re large doses of self-interest, self-preservation and self-aggrandizement at play behind the confidence motion as well.

Some think they are irreplaceable while others are willing to sell out their own parties to save themselves from lengthy prison terms. Yet others are driven by ambition; they see themselves as deserving of the top job though they are long past, what Dr. Laurence J. Peter, in his 1968 book titled “The Peter Principle,” called their respective level of incompetence.
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First, they argue that Mahathir must stay to help Malaysia reduce the national debt. Now they say that Mahathir is needed to rebuild the economy following the novel coronavirus outbreak, that he is needed even after the APEC summit to keep Malaysia competitive. What a load of hogwash! The more they argue that only Mahathir can solve all our problems, the more they underscore their own irrelevance, insignificance and ineptitude.

It is doubtful if we’ve ever had so many self-serving egocentric leaders masquerading as patriots. Whether or not history will conclude that GE14 brought out the worst in Malaysian politicians, one thing is certain: Hadi is the most disagreeable of them all.

For all his years in politics, he has little to brag about. Under his leadership, PAS has fared poorly in the states they govern. They have no idea how to run a modern state, no economic agenda and cannot even manage their state budgets without relying on handouts from Putrajaya. And when they get an infusion of funds, they spend it on fancy cars for their underperforming politicians.

All Hadi has to offer is religious radicalism and racial polarization that pits Malays against non-Malays, Muslims against non-Muslims. It is exactly the kind of formula that’s guaranteed to quickly turn Malaysia into just another failed state.

It is not for no reason that Malaysians have never trusted either Hadi or his party to rule the country through 14 general elections. The only way he’ll get in is through the back door by stoking division and dissension and, of course, pushing asinine initiatives like a motion of confidence in the prime minister.

Hadi claims he wants to save Malaysia; a more important question is who will save Malaysia from Hadi? - Dennis Ignatius 

Kenapa dulu Ezam keluar parti? Ini jawapannya...

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Negerinya dia taknak share..kat Melaka dia takdak apa,lagi 
mau sibuk2 buat apa?..ingat Umno nak kasi ke...- f/bk


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