Kepada walaun benak dan bodoh piang....

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'GROUP MASJID POHO... Abe, Azahan cikgu, Cikgu, Cikgu,... 3:41 pm +60 19-915 0001 ~aidit Ahamad FAKE NEWS mesyuarat jakim tapi lim guang eng jadi pengerusi.. 8:10 pm'
Kalu group masjid pun perangai macam yahudi mabuk. Hangpa 
boleh bayangkan group walaun kaki tikam ekoq camna pulak...-f/bk

Semalam bila aku menulis tentang UJSB ( Urus Jamaah Sdn Bhd) yang menguruskan aset dan saham Tabung Haji untuk dipulihkan.. ada sahabat PAS kononnya berlagak pandai menunjukkan bukti syarikat UJSB ini didaftarkan dibawah Kementerian Kewangan.. 

Hakikatnya 4 hotel TH dipindahkan ke UJSB sebagai langkah pemulihan TH di mana sejak 5 tahun sehingga 2018, KERUGIAN tercatat ialah hampir RM53juta. Perlu selamatkan pendeposit dan kepentingan Jamaah Haji supaya tidak terjejas.

Pada mereka ia telah diletakkan dibawah Lim Guan Eng.. Punyalah nak mainkan sentimen kaum dan Agama..sampai tunjukkan Kejahilan diri sendiri...

Ni nak habaq Mai.. Siapapun jadi Menteri Kewangan hatta nama dia Najib, Hatta sammy Vellu.. Segala urusan Syarikat, terbitan Hutang ,sukuk atau Bon ia diletak dibawah bidang kuasa Kementerian kewangan.. bukan bermakna ia jadi urusan Menteri Kewangan.. dalam bahasa arab kena beza antara istilah Wazir dan Wizarah.. Menteri dan Kementerian..

Samalah kedudukan Prokhas, Khazanah termasuk Danaharta dulu yang diletakkan dibawah Kementerian kewangan untuk memulihkan GLC bermasalah seperti bank Islam.. Antara syarikat SPV seperti UJSB syarikat seperti Prokhas dan Danaharta..

Ni contoh mudah faham bagi walaun yang jahil tentang urusan ekonomi.. Bila MB dan Kerajaan Kelantan tak mampu bayaq gaji Kakitangan awam.. Depa nak pinjam duit.. Dia tulis surat mohon bantuan pada Sapa ? Bukan Kementerian dan Menteri Kewangan.. ?

Jadi apakah Duit yang diterima..Gaji yang dibayar diperoleh menunjukkan Lebai2 PAS bekerja,Melutut dengan DAP ? dengan Lim Guan Eng.. Sudah tentu tidak.. segala urusan tatacara kewangan dibawah bidang kementerian Kewangan..

Hatta Duit Wang ehsan, royalty dan bantuan One Off rm 400 juta itu pun dibawah urusan Kementerian kewangan..Bukan maksud korang tunduk dan Mengemis dengan Menteri Kewangan atau DAP..

Syarikat Menteri Kewangan Yang Di Perbadankan(MKD) bukan hanya UJSB.. hatta Institut Jantung Negara (IJN)Syarikat yg diperbadankan bawah MKD.. Bank Pertanian dibawah MKD.. KTMB, Dan rangkaian Hotel Seri Malaysia bawah MKD, Dibawah perbadanan MOF.. Jadi urusan jantung ummat Islam, Pertanian dan Petani dibawah Agro bank dah dikuasai DAP dan Lim Guan Eng.. ? itu pada fahaman kelompok ruwaibidhah dikalangan lebai..

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Itu belum masuk MKD( Menteri Kewangan Yang diperbadankan) memiliki saham Khas, atau Kuasa Khas terhadap Syarikat dan Aset seperti PNB.. apalagi syarikat FELDA seperti FGV.. Apakah Peneroka sekarang dan duduk bawah Lim Guan eng..bawah DAP.. tidak...Begitu juga Pelaburan ASB,ASN.. apakah kini dibawah DAP ? tidak.. ia tetap jadi urusan Pengurusan PNB,FGV dan FELDA...

Jadi bagi geng berlagak Pandai..Yang duduk datang dari puak Undi Rosak.. Puak Sosialis.. Sebelum tunjuk pandai.. Sebelum nak main sentimen kaum dan Agama.. Bagi faham dulu apa itu MKD.. apakah bidang kuasa MOF..

Kalau ikut Logik hangpa.. Bajet peruntukan Khas dibawah Unit Kementerian kewangan(EPU) yang memperuntukan peruntukan Khas, Sekolah Pondok, tahfiz, Sekolah Agama sebanyak RM 250 Juta.. Apakah Pelajar Pondok.. Guru KAFA, Pelajar tahfiz sekarang dah jadi hamba dan duduk dibawah Lim Guan eng dan DAP...

Itulah Jahil dan Jahatnya PAS mainkan Sentimen Kaum dan Agama.. tujuan depa nak mainkan sentimen kebencian Kaum dan Agama..Inilah gambaran Kelompok Khawarij.. dan kelompok Ruwaibidhah.. - Ipohmali

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Isu Tabung Haji telah lama diperkatakan. Namun ketika itu dek kerana hubungan sulit dan intim Pas dan Umno telah membutakan mereka. Ketika itu apa sahaja yang penyelewengan yang dilakukan kerajaan Umno dan BN akan disucikan Pas. Ketika itu, apa yang buruk Umno lakukan segera dijilat Pas untuk Umno dan Bn dilihat suci.

Hari ini timbul isu kononnya Pakatan Harapan tidak pandai mentadbir dengan menyebar dakyah 4 hotel Tabung Haji ditutupkan. Sedangkan isu yang sebenar hotel Tabung Haji telah melalui proses penjenamaan semula dimana UJ Property Management (UJPM) Sbd Bhd mengambil alih keempat-empat hotel Tabung Haji dengan nilai semasa berjumlah Rm9.63 bilion.

Namun fakta-fakta ini tidak akan difahami para penyokong pembangkang,macai2 dan walaun2 kerana mereka ini tidak mahu menggunakan akal dan cetek pemikirannya. Mereka ini juga rakyat Malaysia yang tidak nasionalis dan sentiasa memburuk-burukkan kerajaan kerana sedang menjaga kepentingan UMNO dari dulu, kini dan semoga tidak selamanya. - Hazmi Hassan

Friday's Last Judgment...

Many different religions, be it Islam, Christianity or Judaism, have an important chapter on the Last Judgment in their respective teachings. All the rights and wrongs will have to be settled on the Judgment Day!

In the context of Malaysian politics, the ruling PH coalition's Last Judgment will be on this coming Friday 21 Feb.2020. The PH presidential council meeting will be held Friday, and the focus will be on the PM handover date.

The handover date cannot afford to remain ambiguous. Once this thing is not settled, stability will not return to Malaysian politics. Even the so-called "after APEC" needs to have a specific date!

Rumors have been rife during the past two weeks that the opposition and some in the ruling coalition are about to put up a Pakatan Nasional, along with a statutory declaration in support of Mahathir's full term in office. These believably will be part of the meeting agenda, too.

It is time for Mahathir and Anwar to show their cards. Whoever gets the Ace will have a louder say on who should take control of the government and for how long the PM should go on to rule.

The following are four possible eventualities atthe presidential council meeting:

1. Mahathir is unloading his duties on his own accord after APEC before 2020 ends.

This should be the most ideal situation that will see a smooth transition in the absence of vicious power struggle and will conform to the PH government's solution during its earlier days, albeit late by half a year. PH's crisis will be over for the time being. Of course, the precondition is that this has to be out of Mahathir's willingness and he needs to also suppress dissident voices within his own party PPBM.

2. Anwar's camp overpowers Mahathir to force the handover right after APEC.

If Mahathir is reluctant to pledge a date, there are good reasons for people to speculate that the PM is prepared to complete his full term. Then, if Anwar's camp has the upper hand in the presidential council and sufficient support in the Parliament, it can always force through a resolution to fix the date. The question is: even if Anwar's supporters dominate the presidential council, will he have enough MPs to support him in the Parliament?

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3. Mahathir has the upper hand, and the handover plan is stalled.

If Mahathir has no intention to hand over the baton yet, or Anwar is not his favored successor, the whole handover plan will be stalled if Anwar's camp is at a disadvantage in the presidential council. And if this happens, the PH presidential council will have to accept this reality and stop pressing Mahathir for a date. Sure enough the PM can say people don't want him to leave, not because he doesn't want to go!

4. No comprise from all sides. A PH collapse becomes inevitable.

If all the four component parties have failed to strike an agreement on the handover issue and no one is ready to give in, PH will head down to an imminent collapse. A likely scenario is that the pro-Anwar camp in PKR will join hands with DAP and Amanah to set the date. But if Mahathir is not agreeable to the arrangement, there is nothing the presidential council can do, given his absolute advantage as the sitting prime minister.

In accordance with the country's Constitution, this thing will then go to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Parliament for a decision. Politically neutral, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong must take the advice of majority of parliamentarians, meaning the candidate who has the support of majority of MPs will be prime minister.

The rumored statutory declaration will likely be the Ace card in Mahathir's hand! If the SD signed by more than 112 MPs is laid on the table at the presidential council meeting, it's game over!

If this is unacceptable to Anwar's side, that's the end of the story for PH. And if it is acceptable to them, everything will have to go according to the Old Man's plan from this moment on, and whether it will still be PH or PN after that will depend on how he likes it.

Any of the four scenarios could happen. The sad thing is, as common folk we can only be observers in this whole matter. - Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily.

Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says 'Yang Lain Tengah Tunggu BERITA UTAMA Giliran Perbicaraan bekas timbalan presiden PAS bermula 8 Jun Nasharudin Mat Isa berdepan 33 pengubahan amanah (CBT) wang pecah haram pertuduhan dan melibatkan hampir RM4 juta 'ulama Dunia' Diharap Bersabar..!!?'


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