Maknanya jiwa Azmin lebih kecil dan sensitif dari Azwan Ali.. Kalau ikutkan status dan Twitter Azmin Ali selama ini sindir dan perli Ds Anwar dan Wan Azizah lagi kurang ajar dari itu.. Peliknya hat ikut keluar orang bergelar Exco,Menteri.. apa punya standard orang IQ sebegini....
Aku bukan orang PKR.. aku taknak sibuk hal dalaman PKR..Cuma aku nak cerita Sejarah PAS.. Sebab aku tak pernah hadir sekalipun Kongress Keadilan, Cuma selalu hadir muktamar PAS dulu...Kalau nak diikutkan Sejarah Mat Sabu dan rakan rakan dia dalam Amanah hari ini lagi teruk diperlakukan..
Bayangkan dalam Muktamar, Haji Hadi sampai sumpah seranah atas Pentas, keluar istilah binatang itu biasa, Malah dituduh Barua dan Broker kepada pemimpin Amanah hari ini diatas pentas Muktamar hanya kerana depa itu sokong Wan Azizah sebagai MB Selangor..
Depa digelar Anwarisitas atas pentas Muktamar, digelar Jebon, Liberal..hatta dikafir dan dimunafikan dewan Ulama'... Malah di nerakakan Presiden..Tidak cukup itu mereka baca pulak Doa Laknat, bila hujah mereka cuba dijawab, Mikrofon dirampas Unit Amal macam Samseng..
Ketika Mat Sabu merasmikan Dewan Pemuda, ramai-ramai budak-budak PAS ,Pemuda yg dikata Ustaz, belajar Agama ini keluar Dewan.. protest kononnya dikatakan Mat Sabu lebih walak kepada Anwar dan lebih memuji Jokowi dari Presiden sendiri.. Itu jer sebab depa keluar Dewan.. alasan tidak munasabah..

Walaupun kurang ajarnya Pemuda PAS pada ketika itu tidak menghormati Timbalan Presiden, tapi bila wartawan tanya Mat Sabu, Mat Sabu masih tenang jawab, mungkin ramai yang keluar untuk Solat.. sebab masa tu Mat Sabu masih menjaga Ukhwah.. nama baik dan kepimpinan parti walaupun dia dihina... Mat Sabu tak keluar buat sidang media merajuk depan wartawan....
Hanipa Maidin dulu bila berucap.. geng-geng anak si nasir YDP Gombak, samseng Unit Amal siap buat kecoh..tengah pemimpin berucap.. depa booo satu dewan dari ruang pemerhati.. Tapi pemimpin Amanah pada ketika itu gentle, depa jawab masa sesi penggulungan.. Depa kilas dengan Ucapan..
Kalau ikut sejarah Pemimpin Amanah yang dituduh Jebon, Anwarisitas, Kapir, Munafik ini lagi teruk dari Azmin.. Depa takda salah apapun, cuma salah depa tak puja Haji Hadi, dan depa pro dan pertahan Pakatan Rakyat seperti mana Almarhum Tg Nik Aziz.. itupun dituduh pengkhianat..
Walaupun depa ni diburukkan dalam seluruh cawangan dan kawasan, disebarkan buku burukkan depa yang ditaja UMNO.. depa kekal tenang.. Ini baru namanya kekal tenang.. depa turun ke Markaz kawasan, jawab semua tuduhan..
Masa Mesyuarat AJK PAS Pusat, geng-geng Ulama, Bani Geng Ustaz Si Dusuki, Nazmi Karim, Mokhtar Senik,Azli Taliban dan Geng Tok Usin masa tu depa buat demo depan Pejabat PAS Jln Raja Laut.. Siap pijak gambar Pemimpin PAS yg dituduh Anwarisitas dan jebon masa tu..

Tapi Pemimpin Amanah masih tenang hadapi puak Khawarij ini.. Depa tetap datang juga Mesyuarat, depa tak ponteng macam geng Azmin.. Perangai ponteng mesyuarat Azmin ni sama jer ngan Haji Hadi masa ponteng mesyuarat Pakatan Rakyat....
Ini baru gambaran pejuang.. Ini baru boleh dikatakan menempuh Mehnah dan Tribulasi... Pelik geng Azmin Ali ni, hati tisu.. Sembang mengaku pejuang, pada hal penjara pun tak pernah kena walaupun sehari.. Anwar tu dikutuk, dihina,diaibkan, di ISAkan dan dipenjarakan pun relax jer..
Aku setuju kali ini Anwar dah mulakan langkah dia untuk bertegas dengan geng Azmin, itupun Anwar masih menjaga adab dan akhlak tak menyerang peribadi Azmin sebagaimana Azmin menyerang peribadi Anwar, di Media Sosial.. Bagi Aku Kesabaran Anwar itu cukup kuat melayan perangai dan kejahatan Azmin.. kalau Haji, siaplah pelbagai gelaran binatang yg keluar..
Tak sesuai slogan kekal tenang tu bagi Azmin..Sebab kuat gelabah.. tapi orang yang buat salah, buat jahat memang jiwa tak tenang.. kalau nak tengok contoh mudah, tengok Haji Hadi, sampai hari ni jiwa dia tak tenang.. Tengok Haji Hadi, sampai hari ini dia tak senang duduk.. hari-hari serang DAP, serang peribadi Ds Anwar , Walaupun Anwar dah tak sentuh tentang dia..
Sebab orang yg ada dendam ,kesumat, dan sifat dengki.. Apalagi orang yang tidak punya sifat ikhlas dalam jiwa dia.. Orang itu takkan boleh tenang, walaupun orang itu Ulama'..Walaupun dia guna slogan kekal tenang. - Ipohmali
Hikayat Si kitol...
Kita perlu ambil pengajaran dari bibit kejatuhan Melaka bilamana tali barut bersenggama melakukan perobohan peradaban kerajaan dan menjatuhkan singgahsana pemerintahan. Si kitol mengkhianati kerajaan sehingga tumbangnya pemerintahan Islam ketika itu. Begitulah si kitol, talam dua muka yang sanggup menggadai maruah sehingga ditatap namanya dalam sejarah sebagai seorang pendurhaka.
Zaman kini juga, berantai dekad dimamah masa juga sejenak akan disambut Wawasan 2 dekad selepas milenia, si kitol moden juga sedang merancang merubah semangat kebangkitan rakyat dengan melawan nakhodanya. Bila sudah merasa kuasa, ego juga membesar, tidak boleh ditegur, tidak boleh dikritik, malah merasa diri gah umpama Iskandar sang Raja.
Elakkan diri dari dimanipulasi si kitol. Hidup biar berpedoman dan berakal..
Sampaikan kisah sejarah yg Anwar mahu ceritakan kpd perwakilan pun kamu mahu tentukan? Takkan Anwar nak bawa kisah sejarah kamu tak Sokong Tun M sbg PM dulu, atau sejarah kamu tak setuju dgn penubuhan PH atau sejarah kamu sailang peranan Kak Wan apabila kamu keluarkan watikah calon di PRN SWak dulu, atau takkan Anwar nak cerita sejarah kamu ponteng mesyuarat? Dengar sejarah si kitol pun takut macam iblis dengar orang baca Al Quran ?
Anwar berpencak depan perwakilan seluruh msia yg dipilih oleh ahli2 parti. Very gentleman. Si Kitol menyalak dlm gelanggang sendiri selepas memberi makan dedak ayam2 peliharaannya. Itu beza pahlawan dgn pengkhianat.
Dia kata, dia dibogelkan lebih awal sebelum Anwar dibogelkan. Nak bgtahu dia herolah kononnya. Tapi dia lupa, Anwar dibogelkan kerana lawan Umno yg zalim. Kamu dibogelkan kerana "lawan" Haziq. - f/bk

No one is entitled to be PM.
You earn the right to be PM...
In my circle of friends, I know of no one who wants you as PM. Among those who read what I write not a sprinkling…maybe just a few…just a very few, tell me to give you the opportunity to prove your mantle as PM. They tell me, let him be PM for a couple of years and if he fails himself, we do not vote for PH at PRU15. Really? You want us to give saudara Anwar two years as PM because, after all, that he has gone through, is he not entitled to be PM?
Huh! No one is entitled to be PM. You earn the right to be PM. And if you think I will risk losing PRU15 to BN should Anwar fail us, then my friend, you are sadly mistaken. This is not the time to chance our future just to pander to someone who thinks himself entitled to be PM If we had not yet started to prepare ourselves for PRU15, if PH has not started to fight that fight alongside us as of now…then perish the thought of having that Kleptomaniac and his cohorts rot in jail where they deserve to be….for you and I know that PRU15 will surely be lost to Umno. - st47

Setahun kau engkar dan buat kenyataan yang lain dari parti. Kemundian sehari sebelum Kongres kau datang mengadap.Tiba2 kau sebut pasai janji.Awak expect akar umbi nak puji kau sebab sehari dan kononnya "hero"? Orang bukan bodoh lihat sikap kau gan Zuraidah...
Linus Paul(LP) : This guy has this to say of DSAI : “I do support his goals and philosophical approach to the country’s problems”...
I welcome any comments on anything I write…no maybe “welcome” is not the right word. Let me start again…You can comment on what I write but do think before you do lest I chose to rebut. This morning a Linus Paul had things to say about my posting on Anwar where I said “He cannot manage the affairs of his own family. He cannot even manage the affairs of his own personal life! So how my friends…how do you expect Anwar Ibrahim to manage the affairs of our nation?” This is my reply to his comments.
LP : A person’s character is seldom seen in times and environment of peace. Each party has it’s challenges and leader such as Mat Sabu had not really been tested.
Mat Sabu has not been tested? Tested in what? Do you want to see if Mat Sabu can control Amanah’s AGM if he had to face what Anwar had to face at PKR’s AGM? There was no need to test Mat Sabu’s ability to control divided, factionalized, combative factions within Amanah because unlike PKR, there are no divided, factionalized, combative factions within Amanah. He presided over an Amanah AGM that had no deep division within its ranks at any level. This is Amanah’s fourth national party conventions and each of these conventions was held in a similar manner: orderly, civilized and with grace. Compare that to what PKR’s AGM has been: fractious, divided and physically violent. Mat Sabu has been tested. As Amanah’s president, he is a leader by example. A leader by his actions and his way of life. A leader in all respects bars none!
LP : If you think dr.m is a good example we should look up to and emulate then I am afraid that you need to re-examine the way you perceive the world.
Dr M? Before we could even think about taking back our nation from a corrupt BN, PH had to be conceived by Tun. Before we could even think of putting forward a credible alternative to BN, Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, and DSAI had to be brought together by Tun to moot the possibility of forming a united coalition against BN. And before we could vote for a credible alternative against BN, the same Tun, with Kit Siang and Mat Sabu had to convince us all that it was doable. That we can win against BN. And after we had put PH into government, was it not Tun who formed the government, got DSAI his pardon and went on to govern as best as he could? So what else does Tun have to do before I can look up and emulate him?
What about DSAI? Yes, he was DPM but did he become PM? Yes, he led Reformasi. See what Reformasihas become yesterday: Young Turks fighting each other against each other? Yes, Anwar put together Pakatan Rakyat – but did he win government? and today, DSAI needs a pardon from the King to do politics? Why? Is he unsure if he will be pardon through the judicial process? No time to go through a judicial process to clear him of sodomy? Huh…spare me that excuse…it is almost two years since his release from Sungai Buloh. Rafizi has already had his conviction overturned on appeal. Anwar cannot? And now yesterday…let us not look at past PKR AGM’s…let us just look at PKR’s AGM yesterday. Young Malays fighting each other during PKR’s AGM? There will be a thousand and one rationales as to why it happened – the fact is that it happened under Anwar’s watch as President. The buck stops at Anwar. Not Azizah, not Nurrl, not Azmin, not Rafizi…the buck stops at Anwar. That is how I perceive the world today because I am a Malaysian. And I see what is happening in Melaka in Malaysia. Not in Geneva, not in London not in Washington.
LP : PKR has a unique problem at the moment….it has 2 tigers in there.
PKR has two tigers? AMANAH has one. DAP has one. Bersatu has one. Why PKR has two? Anwar again? I would even venture to say that PKR has more than two tigers. Maybe three if you include Azizah. Four if you include Rafizi….and five if you include Nurrul. Anyone one of them, on a given day, can become President of PKR.
LP : I don’t support Dsai but I do support his goals and philosophical approach to the country’s problems.
You do not support DSAI but you support his goals and philosophical approach to the country’s problems? Well, Linus, I supported Najib’s oft-stated pronouncement that 1MDB is for the development of the nation. I support his commitment to fighting corruption and I support Najib’s fight to make a Malaysia for everyone. And look where it got us? The trick is simply this not just listen to what DSAI says – see if he delivers on what he said he will do. We have a phrase for that… “Walk the talk”…So far Anwar is walking so far ahead in a “syiok sendiri” mode that I wonder if he will ever understand that you need to “walk the talk”.
LP : You have still not provided any definitive proof that he’s not suitable for the PM post.
I have not provided definitive proof that he is not suitable to be PM? Are you stupid, deaf and dumb to boot? Let us just take what happened yesterday. 48 hours ago. Did you not see the PKR AGM descend into chaos amid scenes of young Malays fighting young Malays while a PKR’s AGM was taking place. Let us not talk about the public breaking up of his family that is happening now even as we speak. Let us not talk about the sodomy past and present. And certainly, let us not mention the constant drone of “I will be the next PM of Malaysia” coming incessantly from Anwar and his goons. If these are not “definitive proof that anwar is not suitable for the PM’s post…what is?
LP : Casting aspersions is not the right way.
I am not casting aspersions… (next time Linus do not use big words. I do not know what “aspersions” meant and I had to look that up!). What I have said above are facts not aspersions. I rest my case. - st47
Lelaki terpantas Asia Tenggara...

Sungguh sebak dan terharunya tok bila melihat guru tok berdiri dan mulutnya terkumat kamit tanpa suara untuk menyanyikan lagu Amno sambil mengibarkan bendera keris telanjang tak bersarung itu. "Tuan2 dan Puan2 sekelian, Kita pegang bendera Amno ini bukan kerana nama dia Amno. Kita pegang bendera ini adalah kerana Amno mengekalkan Najib dan Zahid Hamidi. Kalau kita pegang bendera suci ini, pegangan kita adalah jihad dan kalau kita mati ketika pegang bendera ini, mati kita adalah syahid." "Percayalah,, kita tak perlu masuk DAP, tetapi kita akan jadi DAP apabila kita tercium abu mayat Chin Peng. - Amanat Guru Tok Rusila.- f/bk