Breaking fast at Sikh gurdwara,MP,didnt violate Islamic law...

Image result for mp akmal at sikh temple

Johor PKR chief Hassan Karim has defended Akmal Nasir for breaking fast at a Sikh gurdwara last week, which courted criticism from state ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.

He said while the sultan, who is also the state religious head, is entitled to air his stand on the matter, the Johor Bahru MP, however, did not violate Islamic law.

“It is not wrong from the perspective of Islamic law for Akmal to attend a buka puasa (breaking of fast) event at a gurdwara. It is not a major issue," he told Malaysiakini this afternoon.

“Akmal was chosen by the people of Johor Bahru as their leader regardless of religion.

“He did not perform his prayers at the gurdwara. He did his prayers at Masjid Kotaraya. He was at the gudwara merely to buka puasa,” he added.

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Previously, Sultan Ibrahim said Akmal's actions had caused unease among the Muslims.

He also said such events at non-Muslim places of worship presented an opportunity to those of other faiths to proselytise to Muslims.

“When a Muslim intentionally attends a temple on the premise of attending a buka puasa event with non-Muslims, this opens space for non-Muslims to preach their religion to that Muslim," he added.

The ruler said this could lead to Muslims holding other religious events such as prayers, distributing zakat (tithes), korban (ritual sacrifice), tahlil (supplications for the deceased), funeral prayers, celebrating Haj pilgrims, wedding solemnisation and others at non-Muslim houses of worship.

On June 1, de facto Islamic affairs minister Mujahid Yusof Rawa said Akmal did nothing wrong and breaking fast at a gurdwara can foster better ties between the races. - mk

Every religion has its own set of do's and dont's. But how one observes his faith is between him and his creator. The problem arises when those with vested interest use race and religion to control the people. In Malaysia there are many parties that uses Islam to perpetuate their hold on power, royalties and politicians included. Therein lies the problem. We must break from this old culture of dividing people by race and religion through dogmatic indoctrination. Well intentioned social programs especially gatherings among Malaysians of all faiths must be encouraged. This would go a long way to promote interracial and interreligious harmony.Anonymous

It's a good way of fostering goodwill amongst the various races. If your faith is strong, why do you need to worry about others preaching to you? We need more inter faith gatherings to foster better understanding towards others of different faith! Please don't play politic with religion or races! - Beyond Enlightenment

Ramzan has always been the time to look inwards, build bridges

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Mengapa PAS songsang perjuangannya...

Saya pernah berbincang dengan Ustaz Fadzil Nor dan Tuan Guru Nik Aziz waktu mereka menjadi pemimpin PAS. PAS mempunyai lebih 500,000 ahli, kata Fadzil Nor, tapi para penyokongnya berjuta jumlahnya. Hebat PAS, kata saya. Tapi mengapa PAS tidak bergerak bidang ekonomi dan perniagaan?  Ahli-ahli PAS boleh menyumbangkan berpuluh, malah beratus juta ringgit untuk membangunkan ekonomi parti, kata saya.

Apa jawapan Ustaz Fadzil Nor? Haji dan lebai kampung yang menyokong PAS akan keluar PAS sebab depa mahu PAS berjuang untuk agama Islam semata-mata. Waktu jumpa Tun Guru Nik Aziz di Kota Bharu waktu beliau jadi MB soalan sama saya kemukakan kepada beliau. Ide inta bagus, kata Nik Aziz. Angguk kepala tapi sampai sekarang PAS terpaksa jaja tin Milo untuk mengemis sumbangan dari para ahli dan para penyokongnya.

Image result for PAS songsang perjuangannya.

Para pemimpin PAS banyak mengadakan ceramah di seluruh bandar, kampung menabur fitnah, maki hamun, bersembur air lior dan tahi gigi. Itu cara mudah bagi para pemimpin PAS mendapat derma beribu-ribu ringgit dari para hali yang menghidupkan mereka menjaja fatwa songsang, mengkafirkan orang UMNO menurut Amanat Hj Hadi. Hari ini PAS ahlan wasahlan dengan UMNO setelah kononnya RM90 juta bertukar tangan. Para pemimpin PAS jadi mabuk kepayang. Malah Mursyidul Am Pas pernah buat kenyataan kononnya Hj Hadi selalu bermipi jumpa Nabi. Apakah Nabi suruh Hj Hadi terus mengkafirkan UMNO?

PAS akan kekal mengamalkan budaya tun Milo dan tidak akan boleh memimpin kerajaan Persekutuan sampai kiamat. Minda para pemimpinnya masih bercawat, jumud, korup, putar lidah sama ligat dengan putaran serban. Sejak PAS menguasai Kelantan pada tahun 1990 ia menjaja taskirah bersama maki hamun, tahi gigi dan air lior sampai sekarang. Abuk pun tarak.

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Cina Guan Eng sertai majlis buka posa tak boleh sebab belum masuk Islam. Tapi bila India dan Cina sama-sama berbuka puasa dengan lebai penipu boleh pulak. Jadi penyokong parti Islam bermakna automatik masuk Islam ka? Orang lain berlakon.. SALAH, TETAPI jika pemimpin penunggang agama berlakon... Depa saja betul..f/bk

Haji dan lebai PAS akhirnya bermimpi hendak buat bisnes melalui koperasi ahli-ahlinya. Nama koperasi itu KOHILIL. Produknya air mineral, dan berbagai produk lain. Kononnya lebai hendak manjangkan serban bisnes ke Indonesia dan Iran. Hebat bunyinya. Apa sudah jadi? KOHILIL bangrap, Hutang dikatakan sebanyak RM40 juta. Ahli-ahli harapkan dividen di akhirat saja sebab pengurusannya mungkin mabuk budu atau tercekik keropok lekor panas maka hanyutlah KOHILIL.

PAS patut mengirim para pemimpin muda yang tidak korup, ada ijazah bidang ekonomi dan perniagaan, belajar dari Nahdatul Ulama dan Muhammadiah di Indonesia bagaimana mereka mengurus dan membangunkan kekuatan ekonomi parti masing-masing. Taskirah dengan air lior dan tahi gigi, maki hamun sudah ketinggalan zaman. Rakyat sekarang lebih bijak dari kebanyakan pemimpin politik yang menjual koyok, budu, keropok lekor dan pekasam. Kalau PAS hanya bijak memutar lidah dan melilit serban untuk leso sokongan rakyat maka janganlah terkejut beruk kalau PAS tetap tidak pas bermimpi menjadi menteri di Putrajaya. - Yahaya Ismail
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