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Saya merujuk kepada pengumuman Rahim Thamby Chik dan pengikut-pengikutnya untuk keluar dari parti UMNO.

Keputusan untuk keluar parti adalah hak mereka, tetapi saya menolak sebarang cadangan untuk menerima Rahim Thamby Chik dan pengikut-pengikutnya ke dalam mana-mana parti Pakatan Harapan (PH) Melaka.

Jelas bahawa baru-baru ini, UMNO sedang mengalami krisis dalaman di mana pemimpin demi pemimpin berpusu-pusu untuk keluar parti. Perkara ini dilakukan bukan untuk agenda reformasi tetapi untuk kepentingan diri mereka.

Untuk peringatan, Rahim Thamby Chik merupakan bekas Ketua Menteri Melaka yang terlibat dalam pelbagai skandal. Pada tahun 1994, beliau terlibat dalam kejadian rogol statutory terhadap seorang pelajar sekolah, yang kemudiannya kes ini ditutup oleh Peguam Negara.

Sebaliknya, Lim Guan Eng, yang merupakan Ahli Parlimen Kota Melaka ketika itu, dipenjarakan di bawah Akta Hasutan dan Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan apabila beliau tampil membela nasib dan menuntut keadilan untuk mangsa.

Pada tahun 1994, menurut sebuah laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar pada tahun 1999, Peguam Negara dan Badan Pencegah Rasuah mendapati terdapat bukti prima facie bahawa Rahim Ramby Chik terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan kuasa dan rasuah dalam kes Syarikat Dayamik. Peguam Negara sekali lagi menutup kes tersebut dan tiada tindakan diambil.

Pada tahun 2011 juga, Rahim Thamby Chik merupakan dalang yang menyiarkan video seks palsu untuk menganiayai Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Oleh itu, Rahim Thamby Chik bukanlah “Bapa Pembangunan Melaka” sepertimana yang diuar-uarkan, tetapi merupakan “Bapa Segala Skandal Melaka”. 

Saya menyeru agar Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) menolak sekeras-kerasnya sebarang permohonan keahlian oleh Rahim Thamby Chik dan pengikut-pengikutnya. Jika tidak, kemasukan Rahim Thamby Chik akan merosakkan integriti Kerajaan Negeri dan melemahkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap PH Melaka.

Di peringkat nasional, saya menyeru agar Majlis Presiden PH membicarakan isu lompat parti ini secara menyeluruh dan membuat keputusan tegas untuk menolak dan menghentikan perkara ini daripada terus merebak. Penerima bekas pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO ke dalam PH juga merupakan suatu pengkhianatan kepada rakyat dan ahli-ahli PH yang telah bertungkus-lumus melawan rejim Barisan Nasional untuk bertahun-tahun.

Parlimen dan Kabinet juga harus membincangkan isu ini untuk mengambil langkah mereformasikan undang-undang supaya kelakuan lompat parti yang tidak beretika dapat dielakkan, kerana perkara ini telah banyak kali menggugat integriti sistem demokrasi negara. – Khoo Poay Tiong,Roketkini.com

How to work with Rahim Thamby Chik when he threatens PH reps?

Keadilan jangan di tuntut secara berpilih....

Ketika MUHAMMAD Adib terbunuh angkara insiden KUIL, semua kecoh. Menteri....malah PM sendiri pun didesak LETAK JAWATAN. Sdgkan mereka yg disyakki bertanggungjawab telah ditangkap dan sdg didakwa.

Bagaimana pula dgn KEMATIAN 4 ANGGOTA POLIS semasa MEMALI 1985 yg berpunca akibat AMANAT HAJI HADI. Adakah masyarakat menuntut bela di atas kematian 4 POLIS tersebut???

Berdasarkan kpd LAPORAN KERTAS PUTIH MEMALI yg dibentangkan di parlimen, jelas menunjukkan pihak polis telah diserang dan dibunuh terlebih dahulu oleh PENGGANAS MEMALI.

Kenapa kemudiannya pihak-pihak tertentu kemudiannya memuja dan menjulang kumpulan Ibrahim Libya pula sbg SYAHID....bukan anggota POLIS yg berjuang utk negara.


Kenapa tidak ditangkap Hj Hadi dan kumpulannya yg secara jelas terlibat dalam mempengaruhi tercetusnya insiden Memali. Kenapa Hj Hadi tidak pula didesak letak jawatan dalam Pas.

Telah lebih 30 tahun Memali berlaku dan sehingga kini tiada satu pun pihak yang bangkit membela 4 anggota polis yg telah terkorban kerana mempertahankan keamanan negara. - f/bk

An Acceptance Of Thamby Chik Will Make Mahathir Government A Club Of The Crooks And Rapists...

Former Melaka (Malacca) Chief Minister Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik yesterday (Dec 16) announced his resignation from UMNO. He was Malacca’s 6th chief minister – from 1982 to 1994 during the era of Mahathir Mohamad. He was also the UMNO Youth Chief from 1993 to 1996. However, the 68-year-old former big gun is nothing but an expired UMNO warlord.

What raises eyebrows though, is his application to join Prime Minister Mahathir’s Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM). Rahim Thamby Chik said – “I am sad to leave UMNO after having struggled for over 40 years to champion the Malays. I quit the party because Bersatu can champion the Malays better, more efficiently and more effectively.”

The former Malacca chief minister also said that UMNO was now caught in the “cash is king” culture which was more difficult to rectify, even in the next one or two elections. Exactly where was Thamby Chik when the ex-premier Najib Razak, his former boss whose policy was “cash was king”, was busy stealing and plundering the national coffers?

Thamby Chik talked as if he wasn’t part of the “cash is king” system, despite the fact he was rewarded with the chairmanship at RISDA (Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority) during Najib administration. Now that UMNO has collapsed and Najib has been slapped with dozens of charges, he conveniently blames everything and everyone but himself.

But the worst part isn’t about Rahim Thamby Chik being ungrateful and betrays his party the moment he has the chance. The worst part is when PPBM President Muhyiddin Yassin plays down suspicions and dissatisfactions raised by the component parties of Pakatan Harapan over Rahim’s attempt to join the party. He said every membership application would undergo a vetting process.
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Seriously? Does the name Rahim Thamby Chik, infamous of raping an underage school girl, really needs any further investigations? Yes, the disgraceful Rahim Thamby Chik should be the last person on planet Earth qualified to be even considered for membership in PPBM, if Muhyiddin Yassin and Mahathir Mohamad don’t want their party to be known as a club for the rapist or paedophile.

It was already bad that Mahathir is being called a “garbage collector” now, in reference to his desires and fetishes to accept all UMNO frogs. It would be an insult to the 93-year-old man’s reputation if he readily accepts Rahim Thamby Chik, a former UMNO leader who raped a 15-year-old school girl (under Malaysian law, sex with minor constitutes statutory rape) back in 1994.

Ironically, the present Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng was the opposition MP who had stood and spoken against the then-Chief Minister of Malacca Rahim Thamby Chik. Mr. Lim was instead arrested, charged and imprisoned 18 months under the Sedition Act 1948 and the Printing Presses and Publication 1984, while all rape charges against Mr. Rahim were dropped.

Due to the rape and corruption allegations, Rahim was considered too “high profile” hence forced to resign from all his posts by Mahathir (during his era from 1981 to 2003). But he never went to jail. As for the underage rape survivor, she was initially detained for 10 years without parental consent. She was subsequently sentenced to three years “protective custody” in a house for “wayward girls”.

Together with Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Shuib Lazim, Rahim Thamby Chik was also the architect behind the making, possessing and distributing of a sex video with an evil intention to frame opposition de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim (now PM-in-waiting). But there’s more. In 2014, the despicable man spread fake news that the Selangor prince had converted to Catholicism.

Apparently, Mr. Rahim spread the fake news that the crown prince of the Sultanate of Selangor had relinquished all his possessions and a chance to succeed to the prestigious throne of Selangor state to follow his heart and marry Spanish top model and superstar 16-year-old Cristina Gomez. The royal house had considered the fiasco as sedition and slander.

What type of grass has Muhyiddin been smoking lately? Rahim is actually worse than UMNO President Zahid Hamidi. At least, Zahid was merely involved in corruption and money laundering and gangsterism, but didn’t rape a school girl. Besides, Rahim isn’t a Member of Parliament so the justification to accept him for the sake of getting two-thirds majority of institutional reforms does not hold water.

PM Mahathir has been telling all and sundry that his party only accepts good UMNO people. But if Rahim Thamby Chik is the gold standard of the so-called good people, the Mahathir government might as well welcome Zahid Hamidi, even Najib Razak for that matter, into his party and make “Barney & Friends” theme song the official song of PPBM where everyone hugs and dances like one big happy family.

In reality, Rahim Thamby Chik is the biggest pariah among the Malays and Muslims and worse than a prostitute. A good Malay leader does not rape a 15-year-old Malay school girl. A good Muslim does not spread fake news that the prince of a Malay Ruler had converted to Catholicism, let alone produced sex video to falsely frame another person.

After prostituting himself to Najib Razak, now he bends down for Mahathir Mohamad just because he isn’t done with power, contracts, wealth and most probably sex. It will be a slap in the face to not only Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, but also the PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim. How could both individuals work together with a crook and rapist like Rahim Thamby Chik who had them framed?

Image result for Chua Soi Lek - former MCA President sex video

Hell, if Mahathir and Muhyiddin could accept Rahim Thamby Chik with open arms, they should offer Chua Soi Lek, former MCA president caught in a sex scandal in 2008, a ministryship in the government. After all, Mr. Chua’s offence was merely bonking his “girlfriend” in a hotel room. And it was a consensual sexual relationship, unlike Thamby’s sexual assault.

Mahathir has been crying, whining and bitching about corruption being the new culture of the Malays and how the ethnic was so lazy and untrustworthy that even the banks don’t trust them anymore. Yet, at the same time, he has no problem considering the membership of a corrupt Malay leader like Rahim. Worse, his party appears to have no issue with a Malay leader who had raped a school girl.

More importantly, the prime minister will be sending the wrong signal if Rahim Thamby Chik’s membership is accepted – that he’s returning the favour of his man, Rahim Thamby Chik, for being loyal once upon a time. It would send a message that he has higher regard, respect and appreciation for a crook and a rapist, than allies Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Guan Eng.

It would be a moronic move to forget and forgive what this despicable former Malacca chief minister had done in the past – destroying the life of a Malay school girl, insulting a Malay Ruler and mocking the judiciary system. Heck, this is one classic and genuine example of how the Malays, Islam and Malay Sultans were being insulted. - FT

Anwar's daughter distances 
herself from her party...

Political loyalties are in flux in Malaysia. Inter-coalition and inter-party strife has led to unprecedented resignations and defections in the months since the former ruling coalition’s 61 years in power came to an end, making way for Pakatan Harapan, led by current premier Mahathir Mohamad.

The People’s Justice Party (PKR), a key Pakatan Harapan component led by democracy icon and prime minister-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim, endured its own turbulence on Monday when Nurul Izzah Anwar, Anwar’s daughter, announced her resignation from the roles of PKR vice-president and Penang state chief, adding to internal strife following heated party polls that wound up last month.

“There are beliefs and ideals I hold dear and I feel that I can be most true to them by taking this course of action I am now announcing,” she said in a statement, adding that while she would continue to serve as an ordinary PKR member and member of parliament, she would no longer serve the federal government in any capacity.

“I remain a member of the parliamentary backbench committed to reforms … My only regret is that I should have made this announcement sooner, but it has not been an easy decision to arrive at. The pace of political developments has been relentless for the last nine months, with party elections following a gruelling general election campaign.”

Izzah’s announcement was received with shock, although her father, Anwar, has said little. PKR deputy president and economic affairs minister Azmin Ali said he would “try to talk to her” in an attempt to understand her motivations and what “really happened”.

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Meanwhile, PKR stalwart Rafizi Ramli – who ran against Azmin for the role of Anwar’s deputy in an internal election plagued by claims of corruption, bribery and violence – released a pointed statement saying Izzah “had and will prove that the Reformasi [the reformist movement kick-started by Anwar in 1998 after he was charged with sodomy and corruption] idealism is more important than posts, ranks or power”.

“I hope she can reconsider her decision. I feel she can defend the idealism with her position in the PKR leadership,” he said.

Opposition lawmaker Khairy Jamaluddin also threw his support behind Izzah, calling her a worthy opponent and that he was sure once “the country is finally ready for a generational change in politics, [Nurul Izzah] will be back”.

Izzah responded to the both of them on Twitter, thanking Rafizi and adding she had supported his unsuccessful bid for the position of party deputy president, and calling Khairy “an inspiration from across the bench”.

Awang Azman Awang Pawi, a political science professor at the University of Malaya, said Izzah’s resignation was due to allegations of nepotism and preferential treatment within the party, following the allegedly biased appointment of state party leaders by Anwar as Azmin and Rafizi’s rival factions push for a stranglehold on PKR’s central leadership council.

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Observers and party insiders believe Anwar has been backing Rafizi’s supporters to ensure Rafizi will be put forth for a leadership position within the party, a claim that prompted PKR central committee member Latheefa Koya to criticise “nepotism and cronyism” within the party.

“Nurul Izzah’s resignation as Penang chair and vice-president was due to internal pressure within PKR itself,” Awang said. “Latheefa was seen as less than enthused with the family politics of Anwar from way back when, including with [deputy prime minister] Wan Azizah. Nurul Izzah’s appointment as chair of Penang was accused as nepotism, accusations like this affected Nurul Izzah and so she rejected all the positions she was appointed to.”

Wan Azizah is also Anwar’s wife and Izzah’s mother.

However, Awang pointed out, Latheefa had not questioned Mahathir’s son being appointed as a state chief minister – a sign the tussle was not so much about pure nepotism as inter-party disputes.

“Nurul Izzah is showing that she is principled by making this decision,” Awang said. “This action is an almost sarcastic gesture to other component parties within Pakatan Harapan who have allowed these things to happen while talking about principles, transparency and integrity. Either way, it looks like the disputes within Pakatan Harapan are ongoing even as time passes.”

Izzah’s resignation came just a few days after a series of defections from opposition party the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), her father’s former party before he was sacked in 1998. On Friday, six Umno MPs announced their resignation. Two days earlier, five MPs, nine assemblymen and two senators also quit the party, citing its lack of direction – a move Izzah criticised, likening party-hopping to betraying voters.

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Although both PKR and another component, the Democratic Action Party, have pledged to not accept any “political frogs”, Mahathir’s Malaysian United Indigenous Party (Bersatu) is suspected to be canvassing support to consolidate power, as it has only 16 of 222 parliamentary seats, compared to PKR’s 50. As PKR is the largest bloc within the government, rumours have emerged that Anwar may challenge Mahathir for the role of premier – a claim the opposition has seemingly taken seriously.

Umno supreme council member Nazri Aziz claimed “the majority” of Umno MPs have signed an agreement allowing party leader Zahid Hamidi to court Pakatan Harapan in the hopes of returning to power.

On Monday, embattled former premier Najib Razak, added fuel to the fire by warning party-hoppers to be wary of compromising their integrity.

“We must have consistency of principles, even in the opposition,” Najib told Umno-linked web outlet Nothing To Hide Media. “Then only will people respect us. Party-hopping will result in our credibility being questioned. Do not be hasty, there is uncertainty.”

Najib is currently facing scores of charges of corruption, money-laundering and abuse of office. - scmp

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