Diam-diam Daim berbicara... infomalay12.blogspot.com

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"Sebenarnya saya tidak terbabit dalam parti lain, kenapa perlu saya terbabit. Orang tidak kenal hubungan saya dengan Anwar. Saya sudah lama mengenali Anwar.

Saya beritahu kepada kepada Singapura dan SCMP, Anwar akan ambil alih (Perdana Menteri). Anwar ada kekuatan dia sendiri, kita tahu. Tidak perlu semua ini, jangan malukan nama Anwar. Saya memang percaya Anwar akan ambil alih, mereka menggunakan satu alasan seperti ketiadaan modal, cari konspirasilah, itu ini.

Ia menunjukkan golongan ini mahu mencari pengaruh, apabila tiada pengaruh mereka menggunakan orang luar. Ini soal dalaman, kenapa biarkan orang luar masuk. Saya pun tidak boleh jawab soalan ini kerana saya bukan ahli parti." - Daim

Dalam diolog eksklusif di setesen TV3 malam tadi Daim Zainuddin menempelak orang2 yang cuba membawa berita beliau hendak halang Anwar jadi PM sebagai budak-budak. Beliau kata namanya dijadikan modal kempen untuk menang merebut jawatan.

Beliau meminta Anwar tidak melayan kerenah budak-budak itu.

Daim tidak menyebut satu persatu nama budak-budak itu tetapi kita faham ia ditujukan kepada geng yang hendak melawan Azmin Ali dan membentuk teamnya sendiri yang diketuai Rafizi Ramli.

Rafizilah dalam konotasi Daim itu sebagai budak tau genius yang teori kecerdikannya disambar oleh Abdullah Sani.

Selain Daim saya sendiri nampak cara politik Rafizi juga kebudak-budakkan yang nampak genius tetapi tidak ada kebijaksanaan. Paling jelas beliau tidak mempunyai daya diplomasi politik yang kemas. Ada sisi yang kosong pada dirinya.

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Ini merbahaya. Banyak sejarah budak-budak bijak atau genius ini yang dilahirkan berakhir dengan kegagalan yang menyedihkan.

Peringkat awal mereka bijak, boleh membaca dan mengira mengatasi tahap usianya. Kalau berada dalam darjah dialah paling pandai. Adakalanya dia lebih pandai daripada guru. Langkau kelas atau masuk dua tiga buah universiti sekaligus.

Jenis budak genius ini menyebabkan dia boring untuk belajar dan memikir jauh daripada murid lain atau gurunya sendiri. Dia tidak mahu ikut sistem pembelajaran biasa lagi tetapi merekacipta sistem baharu yang merujakan banyak orang.

Tetapi disebabkan terlalu genius sehinggakan dia terkeluar dari sistem lazim maka di akhirnya budak ini berhadapan dengan kesukaran untuk mendapat kerja kerana penilaian untuk mengambilnya bekerja memerlukan kepada bukti-bukti atau sijil-sijil tertentu sedangkan mereka tidak ada bukti-bukti atau sijil dikehendak mengikut standard JPA kerana mereka terkeluar dari sistem untuk diberikan sijil itu.

Jadi kepada budak-budak genius ini perlu diberi pendidikan dan jika degil berikan air jampi ustaz berjanggut. - MSO

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Menurut Daim beliau bertemu dengan ramai pemimpin Umno daripada DAP, Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) dan PKR sendiri termasuk Anwar bagi membincangkan masalah dihadapi negara ketika itu.

"Hendak jumpa Anwar susah. Yang dibenarkan jumpa hanya ahli keluarga atau peguam.

 Maka, untuk atasi masalah ini saya jadi peguam balik. Dengan cara itu saya dapat masuk di (Penjara) Sungai Buloh dan jumpa Anwar.

"Saya jumpa dan berbincang dalam enam kali. Selepas itu saya tidak dibenarkan. Bila tidak dibenarkan saya tulis surat kepada PM.

"Saya tanya mengapa tidak boleh berjumpa kerana saya peguam. Mereka ada laporan tertentu maka saya tidak dibenarkan masuk. - f/bk

Jho Low hubungi saya mahu bincang 1MDB 

Salah guna kuasa jadi punca rasuah

Daim dedah rahsia PH tumbangkan BN

Kerajaan tahu semua 'money trail' 1MDB - Daim

Harapan rakyat tinggi untuk janji 100 hari

Jho Low The 1MDB Pirate - Bersih Demonstration
Daim Zainuddin Hinted Fugitive Jho Low Is Hiding In China, Desperately Wanted To Become A Witness...

Daim Zainuddin, the head of Council of Eminent Person, has shed more light into the 1MDB scandal. In a talk show on TV3, the former finance minister during Mahathir’s era reveals that the new government has sufficient evidence to prosecute all those involved in the misappropriation of funds from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

He said – “We have evidence of the money trail involving 1MDB. We know who received it and who did not. They cannot run away.” Well, there’s at least one person who had actually ran away – Jho Low. Believed to be still in China, it would be a challenge to extradite the fat boy back home to face justice considering the tricky relationship between Malaysia and China.

How do we know Jho Low (fullname: Low Taek Jho), the partner-in-crime of the disgraced Najib Razak is in China? That’s because Mr. Daim has also revealed that Jho Low had attempted to contact him several times, even before he went to China in July to deliver a private letter from Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Apparently, Daim claims that Jho Low had attempted to contact him several times to help resolve issues relating to the 1MDB scandal. Interestingly, in June, the same fugitive was reportedly tried to reach out to Mahathir Mohamad after he was sworn in as Prime Minister to offer his assistance on matters related to 1MDB.

Daim said – “When PM Mahathir Mohamad wanted to send me to China, Jho Low contacted and wanted to talk to me but I turned him down, he called but I told him to speak to my representative.  He said he could assist (on matters relating to 1MDB) (but) before this I have said in the first media conference with the CEP, that if he is not guilty, he should return, that night he called me.”

Image result for Daim Delivers A Letter From Mahathir To Chinese Premier Li Keqiang

It seems Jho Low was absolutely desperate after the shocking defeat of ex-premier Najib Razak in the May 9th general election. First, he tried to cut a deal with Mahathir. Probably thinking the 93-year-old premier was a sucker, the 1MDB mastermind reportedly offered to drop his claim to more than US$1 billion in assets in exchange for immunity. Mahathir rejected the deal.

Then the desperate Jho Low tried to contact the next person closest to Mahathir – Daim Zainuddin. The fact that the billionaire fugitive attempted to contact both in June and July before Mahathir’s August official visit to China proves that he planned to meet and strike a deal in the mainland, arguably the safest place he can hide while live in luxury.

Daim Zainuddin said that since the Pakatan Harapan government took over the administration of the country, those involved in the 1MDB scandal were willing to become witnesses to explain what actually transpired. However, Mr. Daim confirmed that Jho Low is the mastermind, suggesting that there is no way the Penang-born fugitive can make a deal.

The 80-year-old Daim said – “Jho Low is certainly the mastermind, we have yet to complete the investigation but we receive new evidence every day which is shocking. Jho Low in involved for the link with Abu Dhabi, link with Saudi Arabia, America, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland. The whole world knows, CNN, BBC, Chinese news media, even Africa knows.”

The new information mentioned by Daim refers to several confidential files on the sovereign investment fund that had been locked by the previous Barisan Nasional administration led by Najib Razak. However, Daim indicated that prosecution would not be immediate as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) still has about 40% of its investigations to complete.

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Yes, despite pro-Najib cybertroopers, propagandists and bloggers’ spins and twists that Mahathir and Jho Low were conspiring to send the crooked Najib to prison, it appears that Jho Low and Najib Razak were actually at each other’s throats from the moment the previous Barisan Nasional government collapses.

Jho Low wanted to surrender US$1 billion of stolen assets while keeping the rest for himself as well as to provide “limited information” as to where Najib and his family members have hidden their stash around the world. Najib, on the other hand, had pretended to be stupid and ignorant in the scandal and pointed his finger at Jho Low, as in the case of the RM1 billion “Equanimity” superyacht.

After the luxury yacht was handed over to Malaysian authorities by Indonesia in early August, Najib told reporters at the Parliament lobby that fugitive businessman Jho Low should be held accountable if the Equanimity superyacht was obtained through illegal means. He said – “If the yacht was obtained in a manner that is illegal, then he has to be accountable for it.”

But as far as the Malaysian government in concerned, both Jho Low and Najib Razak were the biggest sharks who had been looting and plundering the national coffers to dry. The scandal involving both individuals was simply too massive and high profile to be covered up. It would create more problems and negative perceptions if Jho Low is turned witness against Najib.

Najib has been charged with corruption and power abuse in connection with some RM42 million missing from 1MDB former unit, SRC International Sdn Bhd. Besides warrants of arrest, Jho Low and his father, Larry Low, have also been charged with money laundering in absentia over the scandal. All the crooks associated with 1MDB want to become witnesses but neither Najib Razak nor Jho Low can be one of them. - ft

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Rupa2nya Najib sendiri yg telah meluluskan permohonan 
PETRON menjadi pembekal kerajaan sejak 3 tahun 

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Sebab UMNO tibai semua.

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Hati2 tika memandu.Patuhi had laju. 

Demi wang PAS bersama UMNO

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Makan tengahari di kafe Kementerian Kewangan. 

Tun Mahathir masih memakai tali pinggang yang sama 
walaupun bertahun lamanya. Itu sikap yang baik kita ikuti.


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