3 persoalan tentang kerjasama PAS-MCA di Balakong... infomalay12.blogspot.com

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Jika tiga presiden terawal MCA; Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu dan Tun Tan Siew Sing masih hidup, mereka pasti terkejut dengan kerjasama antara MCA/Umno/PAS dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Balakong bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan sebelum PIlihan Raya Umum ke-15 (PRU15) dan mengembalikan rejim yang rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan tidak mempunyai rekod yang baik sebelum ini.

Tiga soalan yang bermain-main di fikiran rakyat Malaysia adalah:

Pertama, mengapa PAS mahu membantu MCA di PRK Balakong.

Pada PRU 9 Mei, calon dari DAP dan Pakatan Harapan Eddie Ng untuk DUN Balakong memperoleh 41,768 undi sementara calon MCA mendapat 6,230 undi dan calon MCA mendapat 5,874 undi. Ini menunjukkan bahawa calon PAS mendapat lebih undi berbanding calon MCA, meskipun kedua-dua mereka kehilangan deposit.

Adakah calon MCA bertanding hanya untuk mengekalkan depostinya dalam PRK ini?

Namun, yang menghairankan adalah mengapa Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Hadi Awang bimbang calon MCA berisiko kehilangan deposit pada PRK tersebut tanpa bantuan PAS, sehingga mengarahkan pemimpin kanannya seperti Setiausaha Agung PAS untuk berkempen bagi pihak MCA pada PRK ini?

Adakah ini petanda bahawa kerjasama MCA/Umno/PAS akan terbentuk pasca PRU14?

Kedua mengapa MCA meminta bantuan pemimpin Umno yang mengisytiharkan bahawa selepas PRU14, orang Melayu kononnya hilang kuasa politik, DAP kononnya adalah musuh orang Melayu dan Islam dan DAP kononnya mahu memansuhkan institusi Raja-raja Melayu dan menubuhkan negara Republik – membawa politik perkauman, agama, kebencian, ketakutan dan pembohongan yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan bahaya sehingga ke tahap yang lebih ekstrem daripada sebelum PRU lalu.

Adakah pemimpin MCA bersetuju dengan kepalsuan dan pembohongan yang dilaungkan pemimpin Umno? Adakah pemimpin MCA berani menegur pemimpin Umno supaya berhenti menyebarkan penipuan atau menghalang mereka daripada hadir ke ceramah anjuran MCA di Balakong?

Bagaimana pemimpin MCA boleh meminta bantuan pemimpin Umno yang mendakwa orang Melayu hilang kuasa politik tetapi dalam masa sama menuduh DAP meminggirkan kepentingan dan hak orang Cina di Malaysia?

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Ketiga, mengapa MCA begitu terdesak sehingga perlu meminta bantuan daripada PAS untuk mengelak kehilangan deposit dalam PRK Balakong?

Selain tiga presiden terawal MCA, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu dan Tun Tan Siew Sing yang pastu terkejut dengan kerjasama antara MCA/Umno/PAS, terdapat enam lagi presiden MCA yang masih hidup. Adakah mereka menyokong kerjasama tersebut? Menarik untuk kita dengar pandangan mereka berhubung isu itu. - LKS

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Afidavit Siti Rahayu bongkar 
kegiatan Najib dan Shafee...

Afidavit (Akuan Bersumpah) yang ditandatangani pegawai Jabatan Peguam Negara, Siti Rahayu Mohd Mumzaini MENGESAHKAN pembayaran RM9.5 juta telah dibuat oleh bekas perdana menteri, Najib Razak kepada peguam Muhammad Shafee Abdullah melalui dua urusniaga bank pada 2013 dan 2014.

Dalam afidavit berkenaan, dua cek telah dikeluarkan oleh Najib pada 13 September 2013 sebanyak RM4.3 juta satu lagi pada 14 Februari 2014 sebanyak RM5.2 juta melalui akaun bank AmIslamic Bank Berhad.

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Penerimanya telah dikenalpasti sebagai Muhammad Shafee Abdullah melalui dua keping cek penerimaan melalui akaun bank CIMB Bank miliknya pada 13 September 2013 bernilai RM4.3 juta dan satu lagi pada 17 Februari 2014 berjumlah RM5.2 juta.

Afidavit itu dibuat sebagai maklum balas kepada rayuan Anwar Ibrahim di Mahkamah Rayuan mengenai kes liwatnya yang telah mendapat pengampunan diraja.

Anwar ketika perbicaraan di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur berhujah beliau dinafikan perbicaraan yang adil kerana pihak pendakwaan menerima bayaran daripada Najib, yang juga pencabar politiknya.

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Anwar dalam suatu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan pejabatnya berkata beliau menerima afidavit tersebut yang menyertakan keterangan mengenai bayaran RM9.5 juta itu.

"Pelantikan seorang pendakwa raya bukanlah amalan biasa bagi peguam negara, dan lebih ganjil lagi bila yang dilantik itu seorang kenalan rapat Najib, yang terlibat secara material di dalam kes tersebut.

"Shafee juga menjadi saksi kejadian konspirasi terhadap saya yang berlaku di dalam kehadiran Najib, yang membuatkan kedua-dua pihak ini berkemungkinan menjadi saksi.

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"...Shafee telah menerima RM 9.5 juta dari akaun peribadi Najib sewaktu beliau bertugas sebagai pendakwa raya dalam rayuan kes saya menghancurkan kredibiliti beliau sebagai seorang agen Jabatan Peguam Negara yang tidak berat sebelah," kata Anwar.

Anwar pada tahun 2010 dituduh dan dibicarakan atas dakwaan kononnya meliwat bekas pembantunya Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Saiful, sebelum menuduh Anwar meliwatnya, telah secara peribadi bertemu dengan Najib. Bekas perdana menteri pada waktu itu berkata Saiful bertemu dengannya untuk membincangkan biasiswa.

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Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur membebaskan Anwar daripada salah laku tetapi pihak pendakwaan merayu kes itu di Mahkamah Rayuan, kali ini dengan Shafee ditugaskan sebagai pendakwa raya luar.

Mahkamah Rayuan telah menolak keputusan pembebasan Anwar pada tahun 2014 dan Mahkamah Persekutuan menegaskan keputusan itu sekali lagi pada Februari 2015.

Anwar kemudiannya dipenjarakan dan dibebaskan pada Mei tahun ini, berikutan pengampunan diraja selepas perubahan kerajaan persekutuan. - f/bk

Not to prosecute Anwar but to fix him. Shafee was at Najib's house when Saiful met Najib.
 Who did Shafee pay from the RM9.5 million he received from Najib? 

Story kat SINI dan SINI  

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Ram Thru Toll Gates – Ahmad Maslan Should Be Arrested For Instigating Violence and Even Terrorism...

After 4 months of silence since the spectacular defeat of Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government, UMNO warlord Ahmad Maslan re-appears from his hideout. And boy, he hasn’t lost his shine as a joker. As usual, he spoke faster than his grey cells could process. If the police really do their jobs, he would be in trouble for instigating violence, even terrorism.

Today, Mr. Maslan shares yet another great idea on how to avoid paying tolls. Campaigning for MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association) for the Balakong by-election, he proudly told a crowd of 50 people – “They (new government) said they want to stop toll collection. Did they? I hope there are those among us who are brave. Ram through the tollgate. Anywhere. Drive through the boom barrier.”

He told voters who are unhappy with the Pakatan Harapan coalition government’s failure to abolish tolls to take the law into their own hands. Amusingly, at the same time he cowardly said – “If you are arrested, don’t look for me. You have to answer it. How will you do it? You have to figure that out. If anything happens, you might be arrested and brought to court.”

Perhaps Ahmad Maslan still thinks he’s amongst the smartest within UMNO party, considering his new boss UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi spoke very little English. After all, this is the guy who boastfully told all and sundry he was the top student out of 177, with a CGPA of 3.85, when he studied for his MBA at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

However, he can easily be charged for instigating or inciting violence for urging the people to smash into toll gates. Heck, he could even be investigated and charged for terrorism. Maslan may think it was a joke but his suggestions could be misinterpreted by radicalized and extreme individuals as an endorsement to carry terror attacks on public properties.

Balakong By-Election - MCA Wee Ka Siong and UMNO Ahmad Maslan

Had Mr. Maslan issued such statement in the United States, he would have been arrested and grilled by FBI for potentially planning to conduct terrorism on American soil. Last year, Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old from Uzbekistan who came to the United States in 2010, drove a rented Home Depot truck into a pedestrian and bike path in Lower Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring 11.

The method of attack mimics other ISIS-directed and inspired attacks around the world in recent years, including in Nice, France, and London. To a radicalized terrorist, there’s not much difference between ramming a car through toll gates and slamming a vehicle into a crowd of people. It does not need a decade of complicated planning to pull off an attack.

All you need is a car, truck, or van, a crowd of people, and in the case of Ahmad Maslan – persuasion, encouragement or endorsement to kill. That is why vehicles have become the terrorists’ weapon of choice in recent years. On July 14, 2016, a Tunisian-born French resident drove a 19-ton truck through crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, murdering 86 people and injuring hundreds more

Already, UMNO extremists and racists such as Tajuddin Abdul Rahman has been spewing hatred among Malay-Muslims that Chinese, Christians and Communists have essentially taken over the power of the country. Ahmad Maslan’s idea of ramming a car through toll gates could easily misunderstood and add fuel to fire of extremism – sparking very dangerous consequences.

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Known as the “fried rice” minister, Maslan is same guy who had previously lectured people who couldn’t make ends meet due to GST (goods and services tax) to cook at home to avoid the tax. To prove his formula actually works, the former deputy international trade and industry minister had even demonstrated how he did it at home – happily fried rice and posted on social media.

He had argued that people like Mahathir (then in the opposition camp) don’t understand GST for suggesting that the tax was bad. Maslan was adamant that everything under the roof will be 4% cheaper because mathematically, the 6% GST was 4% lesser than 10% SST (sales and service tax). What a genius MBA graduate from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

This half-past-six UMNO leader is also the same person whose solution for the 32-million populations who had problem putting food on the table to work two, three or more jobs. Using himself as an example, Ahmad Maslan proudly claimed that he actually had three jobs – as a MP (Member of Parliament), deputy minister and (political party) UMNO information chief.

In reality, Ahmad Maslan is nothing but an UMNO coward who is both frustrated and confused for losing power after 61 years in power. Besides Mas Ermieyati Samsudin (former Deputy Minister of Tourism and Culture) who had received RM50,000 and Shahrir Samad (RM1 million), Maslan reportedly received RM2 million from Najib – money that could be linked to 1MDB scandal. - ft

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