Serangan dakyah pembangkang ke atas kerajaan baharu Pakatan Harapan (HARAPAN) semakin menjadi-jadi selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 menggunakan pelbagai helah perkauman dan manipulasi fakta janji-janji Buku HARAPAN.
Namun, tindakan tersebut hanya memperlihatkan kedudukan mereka yang semakin lemah kerana majoriti besar kerusi parlimen yang didominasi parti-parti HARAPAN ditambah dengan perpecahan terburuk parti-parti komponen BN.
“Mereka inilah orang yang terdesak. BN dah jadi kerajaan lebih 60 tahun, sekarang jadi pembangkang dan dia desak kita lakukan perubahan dalam masa 100 hari.
“Jika 60 tahun pun tak mampu lakukan (tepati janji-janji manifesto), apa benda desak orang? Mandat yang diberi adalah lima tahun, saya merayu kepada rakyat, buatlah penilaian selepas lima tahun. Bukannya buat penilaian sekadar bergantung kepada 100 hari,” kata Timbalan Speaker Dewan Rakyat Nga Kor Ming ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.
Beliau pada masa yang sama menempelak sikap pembangkang yang seolah-olah gagal melihat beberapa janji yang telah dan sedang dilaksanakan kerajaan.
Tegasnya, penilaian sebenar prestasi kerajaan tidak boleh dilihat berdasarkan 100 hari tetapi perlulah dinilai dalam tempoh satu penggal.
“Sebab itu saya kata rakyat dan pembangkang harus buat penilaian kepada kita selepas lima tahun. Jika lima tahun kita gagal melakukan perubahan, rakyat boleh buat penilaian. Baru ini cara lebih objektif dan adil,” ujarnya.
Pun begitu, kerajaan telah mencapai beberapa kejayaan besar dalam tempoh 100 hari.

“Dalam tempoh 100 hari pun banyak yang capai kejayaan. Pertama, hari ini dalam sejarah – GST sudah dimansuhkan. Mengapa tak puji? Mengapa bila kerajaan tunaikan janji kamu (pembangkang) tak puji?
“Kedua; di Parlimen, kita sudah lantik pembangkang sebagai pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC), ini janji ditunaikan, kenapa tak puji?
Ketiga, kerajaan janji nak stabilkan harga minyak. Sejak 9 Mei harga minyak RON95 sudah stabil, dan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan terpaksa menanggung subsidi minyak RM3 bilion sehingga Disember ini. Sekarang tiap Rabu rakyat tak perlu khuatir minyak naik turun sebab harga stabil, mengapa tak puji?
“Keempat, KWSP suri rumah tangga akan dilaksanakan mulai minggu hadapan mengapa tak puji? Orang buat baik dia tak puji, yang belum buat dia dah kutuk. Dia nak kutuk memang boleh sekiranya gagal laksanakan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, selain janji-janji yang telah dan sedang dilaksanakan, terdapat beberapa perkara melibatkan dasar-dasar kerajaan yang memerlukan sedikit masa untuk dilaksanakan.
“Sebagai contoh, sekarang kita nak buat reformasi Parlimen. Salah satu langkah yang paling utama adalah pastikan Parlimen adalah badan bebas.
“Nak jadi badan bebas kita mesti luluskan Akta Perkhidmatan Parlimen (1963) yang telah dimansuhkan sejak tahun 1992. Sekarang kita nak hidupkan semula akta yang dimansuhkan. Ini perkara baik tapi kita perlu pinda Artikel 65 perlembagaan persekutuan.
“Untuk laksanakan ini perlukan majoriti 2/3. Jadi, untuk pinda Perlembagaan misalnya takkan boleh pinda dalam masa 100 hari? Tolonglah. Sila berlaku adil kepada semua. Nak pinda perlu ada proses dia. Ini undang-undang tertinggi. Bukan petik jari boleh pinda sewenang-wenang – itu bukan perlembagaan, itu macam Laksamana Do Re Mi punya cerita,” katanya lagi. –

Sejauh mana 10 janji 100 hari HARAPAN dipenuhi
Tak laksana pun rakyat tak kisah, kata Khairy
Kubang Kerian Berkubang Kebebalan...
Apabila seorang timbalan presiden sebuah parti pak lebai memberi penarafan D kepada janji 100 hari Pakatan Harapan, sebenarnya dia telah menyindir kerajaan partinya sendiri di Terengganu dan Kelantan.
Daripada 14 janji manifesto di Kelantan dan 20 di negeri PM Online, bilangan yang dilaksanakan amat mengecewakan dalam keadaan dia sendiri di parlimen dimalukan Perdana Menteri semasa sesi pertanyaan lisan kepada menteri tempoh hari.
Tidak lama kemudian para pencacai upahan ternakan belakang Lorong Haji Taib mula menularkan kononnya Dr Mahathir Mohamad tidak menjawab soalan tambahan yang dia kemukakan.
Seharusnya dia sendiri memperoleh markah D kerana tidak membalas bidasan dan sindirian perdana menteri sebaliknya hanya bising di luar terutamanya di media sosial yang ditulis pencacai partinya termasuk seligi tak ketahuan hala.
Yang menghairankan, ahli-ahli parti mereka berpusu-pusu berkongsi berita palsu hasil persepsi ciptaan sendiri seolah-olah apa yang disebarkan benar belaka tanpa merujuk fakta dan turutan peristiwa sebenar.
Ini sangat bahaya kepada masyarakat kerana tidak berpijak pada hakikat sebenar termasuk kegagalan Tumpat memahami maksud ‘sesat’ yang ditujukan kepada hujahnya bukan orangnya.

Ini budak2 sekolah pun boleh buat...
Berbalik kepada cerita Kubang Kerian, nyata penampilan sebagai ahli parlimen kedua paling kanan selepas PM Online gagal membawa impak dan imej positif kerana melihat dari kualiti hujah dan perbahasan seolah-olah mereka suka dimalu dan ditertawakan rakyat di luar hingga tular videonya ke seluruh dunia.
Dan kemuncaknya apabila penarafan D diberikan, kita tidak ada masalah dengan rating rendah berkenaan kerana rakyat meyakini dakwaan mereka tidak berasas hanya disebabkan dendam kesumat akibat gagal menjadi king maker tetapi terpaksa berpuas hati sekadar menjadi king joker.
Beban digalas di bahunya untuk cuba menyalahkan kerajaan berlandaskan sejarah lama Langkawi pernah bersama BN nampaknya tidak kesampaian apabila sekali lagi terdiam persis syaitan bisu apabila Balik Pulau dengan selamba menyindir tahap kebersihan di Kelantan susulan isu pelancongan domestik yang kurang berkembang.
Ternyata penggal pertama parlimen ke-14 menjadi mimpi ngeri Kubang Kerian akibat tenggelam dalam kebebalannya sendiri gagal menasihati nafsu serakah PM Online mahu ahli mereka mengundi MCA di Balakong, yang duduk di sebelahnya semasa majlis pengumuman calon PRK Seri Setia.
Sesungguhnya bukan payah menjadi bebal tetapi bukan mudah pula keluar dari neraka meminjam kata-kata Tumpat: Sesat Itu Neraka! - f/bk

Even in defeat,BN remains shameless...
After avoiding confrontation with BN since the May 9 polls, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad tonight rained criticism over the former ruling coalition's penchant for stoking hatred and for racking up bad debt.
"After losing, the BN still tried to complicate the situation by harping on racial and religious politics, and even attempted to drag in the rulers so as to incite hatred against the Pakatan Harapan government.
"Every appointment to key positions in the government was condemned in the name of race and religion. They forget that when they appointed officers, they had emphasised undivided support for their party.
"The laws they formulated were aimed at making them invulnerable and suppressing their adversaries for no reason. The newspapers and media owned by them were used to cover up their misconduct and lies," said Mahathir during a pre-recorded message aired on television channels at 8.30pm.
Mahathir said his administration found that all government departments were intimidated by the previous administration and compelled civil servants into promoting BN.
"Their debt totalled a trillion ringgit, a figure unheard of before. But, arrogantly, they have denied that they had done such damage.
"Unashamedly, they admitted that the... millions of ringgit (seized) were for their party. How they came into so much money was never explained," he said.

Cash is no longer king
Mahathir said that his administration has destroyed the "philosophy of cash is king", in reference to his oft-repeated claim that this was the cornerstone of his predecessor Najib Abdul Razak's rule.
"Cash only becomes king when one has a lot of it. For a political party to have such a large amount of money, there is no other way than for the party to have stolen it.
"The huge burden left behind by the previous government is the trillion ringgit debt. Just repaying the interest can bankrupt us, what more repaying the principal sum," he said.
Mahathir said that through the "extremely strong spirit of the people", Najib's "kleptocratic government" was defeated and the events of May 9 would go down in history.
"This success will surely go down in the historical records of the country as a victory beyond comparison.
"Some consider this victory as a miracle, more so when it was achieved without bloodshed or clashes between the people and the authorities, as we have seen around the world," he said.

Mahathir said that a law to regulate funding for political purposes was in the works, as well as a policy on gifts and donations to members of the civil service.
"The government has decided to improve the mechanism pertaining to the acceptance of gifts, entertainment and payment by members of the administration.
The definition of members of the administration is expanded to also include the prime minister and deputy prime minister. They also have to report the acceptance of gifts, entertainment and payment," he said.
He vowed not to restrict the press but warned that press freedom does not extend to efforts to provoke discord among Malaysia's many races.
"The government believes that in the future, regardless of which party rules or who becomes the prime minister and ministers, the consolidation of the institutions will ensure that there is no corruption, abuse of power and theft of money and public property and, if these happen, they will not escape legal action.
"And this is what the government of today holds on to, respecting and appreciating the will of the people so that the Rule of Law, an administration in accordance with the law, is enforced," he said. - mk
Walau telah kalah, BN masih tiada rasa malu
One hundred and one days ago...
It took less than a minute. Why all the hassle? I had to do my part so that the next generation, including my daughter, her children and grandchildren, will have a better quality of life.
Later at night, a few ex-colleagues came over with food and titbits. With our eyes glued to the TV, we talked about various outcomes. At about 2am, we were convinced we did the right thing.
This was 101 days ago. Today, we have to ask ourselves: “What would have happened if we did not make the change?”
Forget the pledges, promises and undertakings contained in manifestos. Forget what has been achieved and what has not been. There will be enough time for us to decide if the current batch of elected representatives or their parties deserve another term.

We had known of the plunder of the nation’s wealth; we were aware of the methodical abuse of power; we acknowledged inefficient systems were draining our resources; and all notions of good governance had been dismantled. But who dared say it?
One hundred and one days ago, sources of such information, would have been tarnished and accused of treason or “planning to overthrow a democratically-elected government. The self-serving politicians and their cohorts in the media fraternity would have dutifully carried out their tasks.
For once, we are free of the lies, deceit and misinformation on issues that had affected our beloved nation. Now, information is freely available. The mainstream media (for the first time) is behaving as purveyors of news.
A hundred and one days ago, short of waving the ‘I love PM’ flag, most editors were displaying much more loyalty and faithfulness to MO1 than party cadres. For them, the party and its leaders could do no wrong.

The propaganda that they spat out has since been consigned to the bin. For a change, decent space and airtime are being given to the opposition. Even Umno MP Bung Moktar Radin’s four-letter word got prominence. He has not been forgotten or forgiven because he is seated on the wrong side in the House. That episode would have been buried as a filler 101 days ago!
In the past, editors insisted that they would decide what the public should know. They selected and edited reports. Editors also played the role of the government censor, some even destroying thousands of printed copies of newspapers because something negative about the government had been allowed by the gatekeepers.
Names like Tony Pua and Lim Guan Eng were (then) taboo. Today, every word they utter is like gold – extra care and attention is given to their speeches and press releases. They were then ugly ducklings. Now they are swans!
The 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) was, and still remains, the mother of all financial scandals. Yet, hardly anything on it was reported 100 days ago. News on related court cases down south was a big “no”. Even the phrase ‘1MDB’ was banned in newspapers, leaving Joe Public to rely on the Internet (and Malaysiakini) for much-needed information.

The ‘dumb’ button
Even foreign networks like BBC, CNN and Aljazeera had their problems. In-house minders were ordered to pounce on the “dumb” button on news bulletins on the slightest inkling that 1MDB or the PM would be mentioned.
Their “demonise the leaders” campaign started 1,000 days ago, and 101 days ago, some of them were still at it. There was no dearth of people wanting to get their five minutes of fame – and all got it. All they had to say was: “DAP and Lim Guan Eng are against Muslims and the Malays.” One private TV station perfected this into an art.
Even in defeat, there was no grace. Results were deliberately delayed by the media. Announcers muted their exuberance. “Hebat Negaraku”, sung and produced by corporate bigwigs, which was supposed to be the victory song that morning, had to be consigned to the archives.
Some who were prominent in issuing statements against the then opposition disappeared into oblivion with their tails between their legs. So, did highly-paid communications experts and propaganda chiefs. They were all out of job. As the present PM would say, there was no more ‘dedak’ (animal feed) to pass around.
Overnight, websites closed; writers joined the unemployment queue, and personal computers and laptops were available at discounted prices.
Former British prime minister Harold Wilson remarked that a week is a long time in politics. But for Malaysians, 100 days is a short time to judge the ‘lalang’, who continue to sway with the wind. - R.Nadeswaran,mk
Pakatan Harapan’s first 100 days

Apa yang penting UMNO tersungkor...

Secara diam2 Hasan Arifin telah padam perkataan 'penting'
dalam laporan 1MDB tanpa pengetahuan anggota PAC yg lain.