“Kerana keputusan SPR menetapkan 9 Mei Rabu, hari bekerja, maka andainya PH menang, maka ‘Kerajaan PH’ akan mengisytirharkan 10 & 11 Mei 2018 sebagai Cuti Umum bagi menggalakkan dan meyakinkan Rakyat/Pengundi untuk Pulang Mengundi dan seterusnya Menyambut Kemenangan Rakyat.”
Demikian perkongsian Pengarah Strategi Parti Amanah Negara, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad yang tampil ke laman sosial Twitter untuk memujuk kemarahan rakyat Malaysia.
Media sosial meletup tengah hari tadi berikutan pengumuman SPR yang menetapkan hari mengundi bagi Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 pada pertengahan minggu, selepas penamaan calon pada 28 April.

Tukar tiket AirAsia pada tarikh mengundi tak kena bayar
Mengulas keputusan tersebut, mantan pengarah badan pemikir IDEAS, Wan Saiful Wan Jan berkata adalah penting untuk HARAPAN memastikan peratusan keluar mengundi adalah tinggi.
“Jangan biarkan Najib mencuri,” ujarnya di laman sosial Twitter.
“Pemilihan tarikh 9 Mei sebagai hari mengundi adalah satu lagi helah Najib dan UMNO untuk mencuri #PRU14. Ia jatuh pada hari Rabu, iaitu hari bekerja.
“Sudah pasti ramai yang tidak dapat mengundi, terutama mereka yang menetap atau bekerja jauh daripada tempat mengundi.
Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Mohd Hashim Abdullah bagaimanapun enggan memberi rasional kepada keputusan tersebut, yang mengehadkan tempoh kempen setakat 11 hari sahaja.
Mohd Hashim dilaporkan tergesa-gesa melarikan diri dari sidang media SPR, mengelak soalan wartawan. – Roketkini.com
UMNO/BN Akan Mati Di Tepi Longkang...
So the elections will be held in the middle of the week, on a hari RABU. The kleptocracy feels that hari RABU being a working day in the middle of the week will mean a lower voter turnout.
They feel a lower voter turnout will be to their advantage.
The pundits are already predicting that RABU is a very bad omen for UMNO because RABU means :
Voting is on Wednesday 9th May 2018. Wednesday is RABU in Malay.
Indeed RABU is going to be a very bad omen for the kleptocracy. A very, very bad omen. Obviously Hippo did not consult her imported fortune teller.
The kleptocracy knows that this time around they are going to get kicked out. Yesterday I got calls from people in the know who say that a minimum of 125 Parliamentary seats for the Pakatan Harapan is a very, very real possibility.
I am a little bit more optimistic. I think the Pakatan Harapan is going to win by a landslide. The kleptocracy is also aware they are going to lose. The kleptocracy DOES NOT want the people to come out and vote in large numbers.
Hence they are doing everything crooked to trip up the voting process. First their really stupid strategy morons came out with the Undi Rosak campaign. The idea was to spoil votes, especially Malay votes, so that the voting numbers will decrease. They feel the fewer the number of voters, the better for them. How wrong they are.
Whether fewer or more voters, whether two cornered or three cornered contests, with or without the Pakatan's own logo, whether there is delineation or no delineation the UMNO / BN is going to get kicked out. This is their end. Akan mati di tepi longkang.

People are tearing down the BN flags and throwing them. This has rarely happened before in Taman Tun or in Pudu. Taman Tun is full of Malay Civil Servants, working and retired. That Chinese Aunty in Pudu has obviously had enough of the BN flags. This is quite unusual behaviour - for a Chinese aunty to be so upset.
2. From Merbok, Kedah its reported that the MIC dunggus had organised a "Malam MGR" singing session to attract Indian / Tamil voters to their ceramah. But as you can see in the video, almost ALL the more than 300 chairs are empty. The girl in the video is already singing a Tamil song but there is no crowd at all. The MIC is dead.
3. Also in Kedah, people started throwing rotten eggs at one UMNO ceramah. Kedah BN police report, rotten eggs thrown at ceramah in Tmn Derga Jaya Alor Setar
4. Then over in Sabah, UMNO is also dead. Most Bahagians and cawangan UMNO in Sabah are quite dead. Their machinery is not functioning anymore. And in Sepanggar seven of the Divisions office bearers have resigned from UMNO. Some dispute, but the net result is their machinery is dead.
5. Here is another video from Sabah. This is Shafie Apdal setting the stage on fire. Listen to the Sabahans. Look at those flags waving. You can feel the peoples' burning spirit. Folks, this time it will be a TKO.
6. Finally here is another picture. This is from Temerloh, Pahang last night. There was a huge Pakatan Harapan rally last nite with Tun Dr Mahathir in attendance.
Over 10,000 people attended this rally. The crowd and the response was fantastic.
Above : The huge ( over 10,000) crowd in Temerloh last nite.
Below : Tun Dr Mahathir speaking in Temerloh
The crowd in Bachok, Kelantan was over 12,000. People came to listen to Tun Dr Mahathir. The crowd in Kedah recently was also in excess of 10,000 people. They came to listen to Tun Dr Mahathir. There will be more who will come. This time they will not only come to the ceramah but they will also come and vote for the Pakatan Harapan.

Tuan-Tuan dan Puan Puan, Undilah Pakatan Harapan. - ostb

Baru betoi...

No reason to not come out to vote this GE14.

Respect sama lu...
