Karton dalam FELDA... infomalay12.blogspot.com

1. Bila kita tonton cerita kartun dalam TV, kita kena sedia lihat kisah-kisah temberang..contohnya watak tertentu  dah kena hempap dengan sesuatu yang berat, badan dah hancur berkecai, lepas tu boleh hidup balik. Itulah misteri kartun.

2. Bila lihat isu tanah Felda di Jalan Semarak , saya  sorang lah, rasa mcm tonton cerita kartun juga. Mana taknya? Mula-mula kata tanah Felda bernilai jutaan ringgit dah kena pindahmilik kpd sebuah syarikat.

3. Lepas tu, keluar kenyataan Felda tak dapat sesen pun drp transaksi bernilai juta tu.

4. Lepas tu, ada laporan polis. Lepas tu , polis ambil keterangan gn dan keterangan mantan Pengerusi Felda yang diambil paling last diambil sebab katanya dia di luar negara. Tu tak termasuk sebelum ni yang meskipun ada tuduhan skandal lain yang dikaitkan dengan beliau , dia masih dihantar ke SPAD oleh "orang tu".

5. Lepas tu, timbul berita kata mantan Pengerusi Felda tu sebenarnya dah balik dan ada di Malaya - siap boleh pengerusikan mesyuarat UMNO lagi. Wartawan nampak dia kat Malaya..polis mcm tak nampak je atau sengaja tak nampak..wallahu 'alam.

6. Ya beliau akhirnya dipanggil juga..isunya bukan dia dipanggil juga akhirnya, tapi kenapa dia boleh tak dipanggil lebih awal dari tu dalam keadaan dia ada kat dlm negara..itu isunya , tapi itulah kartunnya.

7. Yang terbaru kata tanah tu dah dipindahmilik semula kpd Felda semula tanpa kos..ini lagi kartun. 

8 Yang lagi best kartunnya , meskipun dlm Akta kata transaksi yang "dubious" tu perlu dapat persetujuan menteri yang jaga Felda- MO1 lah , Pengerusi Felda yang sekarang kata PM tak terlibat ( ikut laporan media lah)

9.Meskipun dikatakan MO1 tak terlibat ,tapi itu bukan bermakna dia tak perlu bertanggungjawab. Bila melibatkan kuasa dia utk "approve" ( termasuk kuasa utk tak approve lah ), isu dia terlibat atau tidak , bagi saya, dah tak relevan.

10. Jika dia approve pun dia bertanggungjawab, jika dia tak approve pun dia kena juga bertanggungjawab. Sebab macam mana dlm keadaan dia tak approve benda tu boleh diteruskan juga..awat dia tak tahu? Dia buat apa selama ni?  Patutnya polis kena juga panggil dia untuk bagi keterangan. Tapi dlm cerita kartun saya rasa bukan polis yang akan panggil dia , silap haribulan polis pula yang kena dipanggil oleh dia.. Kan cerita kartun.mesti ada unsur humour!

11. Lagi satu MO1 yang lantik mantan Pengerusi Felda tu..so dia tak boleh lari daripada tanggungjawab juga. Jika tak dari segi legal sekalipun, paling kurang dari segi politik atau moral.Kalau dia masih ada moral lagi lah. 

Tu lah cerita kartun..saya harap isu Felda ni bukan cerita kartun lah YB JB.

Mohd Hanipa Maidin
Ahli Parlimen Sepang.

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Arab Saudi ikut Malaysia 
perkenal GST, kata Najib...

Arab Saudi mengikut jejak Malaysia dengan memperkenalkan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST), dakwa Perdana Menteri Najib Razak hari ini.

Katanya, walaupun rakyat merungut mengenai sistem percukaian baru yang didakwa membebankan itu, negara lain pula mahu mengikut tindakan Malaysia.

“Saya baru habiskan lawatan kerja ke Arab Saudi. Mereka ikut model ekonomi kita.

“Kita laksanakan GST, mereka pun buat. Orang sana tak merungut bila kena bayar GST. (Tetapi) Rungutan banyak di Malaysia,” kata Najib hari ini pada majlis bersama pesara polis.

Arab Saudi memperkenalkan Cukai Tambah Nilai (VAT), sejenis GST bermula pada Januari 2018.

“Orang merungut bila kita naikkan harga minyak hanya tiga sen. Di sana (Saudi), harga minyak naik 126%,” kata Najib.

Katanya, rakyat Malaysia juga menerima banyak bantuan kerajaan yang tidak seperti negara lain, bantuan itu termasuklah Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M).

Najib kata rakyat di Saudi tak kisah pun dengan GST dan harga minyak. Rakyat Malaysia saja kecoh.

Najib hanya nampak bab harga minyak dan GST sahaja. Dia tak bandingkan berapa pendapatan warga Saudi  dan kos hidup di Saudi berbanding Malaysia. 

Saya ambil contoh mudah, gaji jururawat dari Malaysia yang bekerja di Saudi puratanya 3 kali ganda berbanding di Malaysia. Jururawat gred 1 menerima gaji sekitar RM8 ribu, gred 2 RM10 ribu dan gred 3 RM14 ribu. Ini baru satu contoh.

Di Saudi tak ada tol dan tak ada cukai jalan. Sebab itu mereka tak kisah pakai kereta besar. Kereta saiz  seperti di Saudi kalau digunakan di Malaysia, pemiliknya akan termenung panjang bila nak bayar cukai jalan. 

Rakyat Saudi juga menikmati pendidikan percuma. Rakyat Malaysia terpaksa bergolok bergadai bila nak masuk universiti. Di Saudi tak ada PTPTN. Di Malaysia PTPTN dah jadi jembalang yang menakutkan dan mengejar para graduan.

Kos perubatan di Saudi sangat murah untuk warga Saudi. Di Malaysia, kalau kita kemalangan dan ada bahagian tulang yang patah, paling kurang sekitar RM2 ribu perlu disediakan secara tunai sebelum pembedahan dilakukan. Belum lagi caj item-item lain. Ini cerita di hospital kerajaan, bukan hospital swasta.

Harga kereta juga usah bandingkan antara Saudi dan Malaysia. Jauh lebih murah di sana. Tentunya ada sebab dan alasan boleh dikemukakan kenapa harga kereta di Malaysia lebih mahal. Tapi hakikatnya memang ia mahal!

Begitu juga kos perkhidmatan telekomunikasi yang boleh dinikmati dengan kos yang jauh lebih murah di Saudi berbanding Malaysia.

Malah harga air mineral di Malaysia lebih mahal dari Saudi.

Sebab itu bila Najib nak bercakap tentang GST dan harga minyak di Saudi, Najib juga perlu bercakap dalam bab pendapatan dan kos hidup di negara sendiri. - Dr Azman Ibrahim. 

Why Mahathir’s leadership of the 
opposition confuses Kedah voters...

It has been an eventful past two weeks in the Pakatan Harapan (PH) calendar. With seat allocations settled and Dr Mahathir Mohamed and Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail named candidates for prime minister and deputy prime minister respectively, pundits are flooding the media with predictions and projections. Last week, Ibrahim Suffian of Merdeka Centre called the next general election for UMNO given PAS’s plans to contest 40 parliamentary seats across Malaysia.

The theory is PAS contesting in three-cornered fights would be instrumental in splitting votes going to the opposition, especially the Malay vote. Experts say this plays into the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN)’s hand and contributes to their chances of scoring a much desired goal of a two-thirds majority in parliament. PAS is losing its appeal. A survey commissioned by ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Johor showed that PAS received only lukewarm responses from Malay respondents.

My research in rural areas in a few states including Kedah which PAS wrestled from the BN in 2008 corroborates these views – questions about PAS often elicit a noncommittal, even wholly uninterested response. It seems PAS has become the “no other choice so PAS is my second choice” vote simply because its conservative Muslim credentials hold some appeal for Malay voters.

How credible then is their ability to retake Kedah?


The home state of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Kedah has been a relatively loyal UMNO supporter, with the exception of the 2008 election when PAS’s Azizan Abdul Razak became chief minister. It has since returned to the UMNO fold, after the BN won the state by a small margin in 2013. The occasional oversized PAS flag can be seen on a drive through picturesque rural Kedah villages today. Yet conversations with the people do not seem to elicit much enthusiasm for the party.

Instead there has been simmering excitement about the potential of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM), better known locally as Parti Raya given images of Malaysia’s national flower, the hibiscus (bunga raya), on its party flag. Support for the opposition finds roots in younger Kedah residents. In multiple focus group sessions and informal conversations that I’ve had with Malay Kedah voters in November 2017, the responses were clearly split by age.

The fervour of those aged 35 and below seemed near the point of boiling over. They were clearly excited about the elections and impatient to vote. They were also unabashed in their support of Parti Raya and claimed that most of their peers were on board. These younger rural voters consumed the latest political news and viewpoints through their smartphones and social media. Most declared that they had already decided who they would vote for.

Like other parts of Malaysia, economic concerns continue to loom large in most voters’ political calculus. Across all ages, the biggest issues for rural Kedah residents were the high cost of living, especially that of petrol and daily goods, stagnant salaries, and what they say is the near impossibility of affording homes.

While they all acknowledged that they benefited from the social assistance scheme BR1M and had no trouble accessing the handouts, those below 35 said that the current government took back much more than what it gave.

The most common word heard at my focus groups with young Kedah residents was kecewa – disappointment with the ruling party. Youths said they were eager and willing to give the opposition a shot, regardless of their families’ political loyalty.


On the other hand, older respondents seemed nostalgic for better times under Dr Mahathir when prices were stable and the Ringgit was under control. Yet, his return to politics to work with the opposition has created some uncertainty for them, when he has decided to work with the “Chinese DAP”.

Still, most older respondents in my study said they remained loyal to UMNO – primarily because UMNO has upheld Malay rights and because their family had always voted for UMNO. This is despite some frustration over the lack of progress and stalled improvement projects over the past year, after Mukhriz Mahathir was ousted from his post as chief minister and expelled from UMNO.

Most older voters explain away their discomfort by placing the blame squarely on corrupt and self-serving middle-level party members from UMNO. To them, the UMNO senior leadership remained committed to the betterment of its citizenry but the country seemed to be facing a plague of dishonest officers such as those investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

Whether these voters will match their words with deeds will only be known at the ballot box, in a culture where people keep up with appearances in outwardly pledging loyalty to UMNO. All things considered, before last weekend, my guess would be that Kedah would waver in its support for UMNO.

But now, younger voters who had hoped that the opposition would shake up Malaysian politics with younger political leaders like Mukhriz Mahathir and Azmin Ali may be stumped at the prospect of voting for a face inextricably linked to old UMNO politics. At the same time, with Mahathir at the helm, older voters have to decide whether to remain with UMNO or vote for the leader they’ve credited for many years of economic growth.

While some pundits have said that Mahathir’s candidacy for prime minister has clearly strengthened the opposition’s hand against UMNO, perhaps the story in swing state Kedah is less clear. - Serina Rahman,,channelnewsasia.com 

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Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Kalu BN-95,PH-105 dan PAS-22 

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Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI 
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Adoi!!! malunya...


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