Semua juga tahu, tokoh-tokoh berkenaan adalah berbangsa Melayu, cukup berpengalaman untuk mentadbir negara selain mendapat sokongan semua parti dalam pakatan tersebut.
Semua juga sedia maklumkan, tidak ada pemimpin DAP termasuk Lim Kit Siang yang kemaruk dengan jawatan nombor satu negara itu.
Hal ini ditegaskan berkali-kali oleh semua pimpinan DAP, terbaru oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng beberapa hari yang lalu.
Sindiran Najib
Namun, Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam ucapan penggulungan perhimpunan agung Umno yang lalu menyindir Kit Siang yang didakwanya berminat menjadi PM.
Najib berkata, Kit Siang tidak boleh berselindung di sebalik seorang Melayu seperti yang dilakukannya sekarang.
Setelah Najib berkata sedemikian, media arus perdana yang dikawal kerajaan mengikut telunjuk Umno dengan terus menyiarkan berita-berita Kit Siang bakal menjadi PM.
Antaranya, media arus perdana menyiarkan kenyataan bekas naib pengerusi DAP yang mendakwa Kit Siang mahu menjadi PM demi menyelamatkan Guan Eng jika didapati bersalah atas tuduhan rasuah.
Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang pula dipetik sebagai berkata, rakyat perlu menolak pemimpin DAP itu yang bercita-cita menjadi PM kerana bukan Muslim.
Sekutu Umno yakni Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai turut berkata, negara akan terjejas jika Kit Siang menjadi PM dan menuduh pemimpin veteran DAP itu sebagai ahli politik yang tidak berprinsip.
Agenda, strategi Umno
Justeru, kita boleh nampak dengan jelas, mampu membuat kesimpulan bahawa agenda mensensasikan berita Kit Siang bakal menjadi PM adalah gerak kerja Umno dan sekutunya dalam BN.
Tetapi, kenapa Umno mahu Kit Siang jadi PM?
Sebelum itu, tindakan tersebut secara terang lagi bersuluh menjelas serta menegaskan Umno, BN dan sikap rasis itu, berpisah tiada.
Tujuan memomokkan Kit Siang sebagai PM hanya untuk menakutkan orang Melayu setelah sekian lama Kit Siang diadu-domba sebagai seorang anti Melayu, anti-Islam.
Mereka takutkan orang Melayu, jika Kit Siang jadi PM maka maruah bangsa itu tergadai kedudukan agama Islam akan akan tergugat.
Tetapi, mereka juga gelisah kerana pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang yang diterajui DAP berjaya memakmurkan perkembangan dan kemajuan agama itu di negeri berkenaan.
Sebenarnya, mereka takut jika BN kalah, puak-puak ini akan kehilangan kuasa dan mungkin berdepan dakwaan pihak berkuasa atas salah laku yang lampau.
Kerajaan lebih baik
Mereka takutkan jika HARAPAN menang, rakyat mampu untuk melihat kerajaan mana yang lebih baik dan peluang BN untuk kembali berkuasa akan lenyap selamanya jika keputusan pengundi berpaksikan prestasi semasa BN.
Justeru, tatkala negara kini berada di ambang PRU14, rakyat dibuai dengan kisah dongeng sebegini.
Umno mungkin berharap, apabila berita Kit Siang menjadi PM disensasikan, rakyat lupa derita kehidupan yang dicetuskan oleh GST.
Umno mungkin berdoa, apabila berita Kit Siang menjadi PM disensasikan, rakyat negara ini lupa mengenai kenaikan harga barang yang menjurus peningkatan kos sara hidup.
Mungkin Umno juga berharap, jika cerita karut Kit Siang menjadi PM disensasikan, rakyat akan sampai ke tahap tidak kisah jika BN terus kekal berkuasa – asalkan bukan Cina yang menjadi PM.
Tak apa, yang Umno mungkin tidak tahu, rakyat Malaysia tidak lagi bodoh, mereka tahu kerajaan mana nak bertekad untuk teruskan GST dan kerajaan mana yang nak hapuskan GST.
Rakyat juga tahu Kit Siang tidak akan menjadikan PM baru sebagai boneka, sebaliknya bekerjasama untuk memajukan negara ini dengan menjadikan usaha pembasmian rasuah sebagai antara agenda utama. –
Malaysia Hari Ini...this is what
our country has become!
Criminals today has an outstanding courage - as a man here was murdered/executed in front of the public mercilessly, without any feeling of guilt, fear or what more, remorse!
This is indeed an extremely bad and dangerous situation! Today it may happen to this one guy, but tomorrow, can it not happen to us? To our children or to our loved ones? This MUST be stopped!
But the question is why this comes about???
Can we blame the Police constables, sergeants or even Police officers only? I beg to disagree. I personally think that as a Force, they have generally done well in providing security to us Malaysians so that we can sleep soundly at night.
So WHY is this happening?
Have we not heard that there are accusations that some top-Police officers are corrupt?
Have we not heard that there are accusations that some top officers receive "Protection Money" from and hence protect gangsters?
Have we not heard that some are accused of protecting prostitution and king-pins?
And there are many more but fortunately the big majority in the Police Force are dedicated, honest, responsible disciplined officers with dignity.
And what has the government or Ministry of Home Affairs or The Police Commission done to arrest the situation, before "Nasi menjadi bubur" ???
And most of all, we as loyal citizens, what then is our role to ensure public safety - for ourselves, our families and our loved ones?? As a Malay proverb says; "Tepok dada tanya selera!" - "Seek your souls1".
Wake Up Citizens!
This is our country,right or wrong.
When right,lets keep it tight.
When wrong,lets put it right.
When evil triumph, it is the country's suffering,
Aand evil will triumph when good people do nothing! - Fauzi Abdulrahman
Just yesterday I blogged about Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman warning UMNO members that if they are too ashamed to defend UMNO, then the BN will lose the next general elections. UMNO Sabah is in dire straits. Sabahans are fed up of UMNO.
Then last nite I received a phone call from an old friend, a Tan Sri and an ex Cabinet Minister, who is very much in touch with Ketua Bahagian UMNO and other UMNO leaders. He says their feedback is that all UMNO activities at the bahagian (division) and cawangan (branch) levels are almost dead. Only those divisions headed by Cabinet Ministers and party big guns have some activity but not like before.
Other divisions and cawangans at the state levels are dead. UMNO members are just not turning up for activities and meetings. In places like Sabah it is indeed very bad. UMNO is dead already.
Coincidentally I just received a copy of Rafizi Ramli's latest monthly poll about the peoples' support or lack thereof for the various political parties. The figures confirm the feedback from the grassroots that UMNO has lost the support of its own members.
Here is the survey by Rafizi's INVOKE:
Dear friends
INVOKE carries out monthly tracking polls so that we can profile voters better.
- insight (sic) knowledge of voter sentiment key to profiling 14m voters nationwide.
- every month, INVOKE calls 5,000 people nationwide to gauge voter sentiment.
- The 5,000 are selected randomly by a computer to represent stratified voters group
- the outcome of poll is representative of 14 million voters nationwide.
- we can predict reliably how voter likely to vote and run simulation of likely outcome.
December’s tracking poll show PH wins 115 Parliamentary seats.(This does NOT include Sabah, since Parti Warisan is not part of PH.). The following nationwide voter sentiment:
1) only 41% Malay voters nationwide chose Umno in likely 3 corner fight
2) 50% Malay UMNO voters agree GST should be abolished. This means 41% Malay voters for Umno can go down further
3) PAS’ support among Malays suffered drastic decline over last 12 months. Only 14% Malay voters chose PAS in Dec 2017 compared to 25% in January 2017 poll
4) PAS’ support among Malays to erode further in coming months. 51% Malays will vote for PH
5) Chinese back to pre-2013 level. Chinese support for PH passed 80% in Dec 2017
6) Indians mirror pre-2013 level at 60% for BN and 40% for PH
Support among Malays for Umno worse in key battleground states.
INVOKE polls 1,500 voters in marginal parliamentary in Kedah, Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Pulau Pinang, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
The result was horrifying for Umno...
- Only 31% Malays in Kulim Bandar Baru and Merbok (most hotly contested swing seats in Kedah) will vote for Umno in 3-corner fight.
- Only 30% Malay voters in JB will vote Umno in 3-corner fight. NUS’ (ISEAS) finds only 35% Malays in Johor to vote for BN in GE14.
- evidence that BN is facing certain demise in GE14.
As we move nearer to election, positive vibe for change will drown naysayers.Umno plan to cheat at marginal seats Merbok, Kulim Bandar Baru, JB
To me both UMNO and PAS are dead. Kepala Bapok has made a huge mistake by doing the sumbang mahram with Hadi Awang. And Hadi Awang has killed off PAS by agreeing to sumbang mahram with Kepala Bapok.
This time around, the more three corner fights there are, the more the BN and PAS are going to lose. This is what I have been telling everyone I met. The ground has shifted.
In fact three corner, four corner, five corner fights will benefit Pakatan Harapan even better. It is the BN (and PAS) who will lose more from three corner fights.
Even if Parti Warisan swings FIVE Parliamentary seats in Sabah, the score will be PH + Warisan = 120 Parliamentary seats. The BN is dead. UMNO is dead.- ostb
Sokongan Melayu kpd.UMNO,PAS menurun,
PH jangan happy sangat...
PH jangan happy sangat...
7 taktik BN menang, menurut Dr Mahathir
Dr.M saman RCI...
Surat Babuji Adnan Mansor dlm bahasa Inggeris.Tulis cam slow learner jer.
Patut tulis dlm BM lah, save yourself some embarassment.
Story kat SINI dan SINI
Mana satu pilihan anda?...