Toksah temberanglah, CEO MAS berhenti pasai Najib...

Photo published for Mahathir: Bellew quit because of Najib's meddling

1.Tak usahlah nak bohong. Bellew berhenti kerana Najib campur tangan dalam urusan MAS tanpa rujuk kepada Pengarah dan Pengurus Syarikat.

2.Pesawat yang Najib nak beli, bukanlah pesawat yang diperlukan oleh MAS untuk penerbangan ke destinasi tertentu.

3.Saya yakin Najib tidak pun tanya MAS. Najib tidak peduli perancangan CEO atau pemilihan MAS. Biarlah MAS lingkup asalkan Najib dapat ambil gambar dengan Trump.

4.Jika boleh Najib ingin serah wang tunai sebanyak 20 Billion dollar (90 billion Ringgit) terus kepada Trump. Alangkah berkesannya jika dapat gambar Najib serah dua lori wang tunai dollar kepada Trump. Malangnya Trump tak mungkin terima dengan cara ini. Tetapi kalau kata nak beli kapal terbang ini lebih diplomatik.

5.Apa kata Bellew. Dia cuba hendak tunjuk bahawa ia bersetuju. Kononnya dakwaan saya tidak tepat. Tetapi ini tidak kurangkan perasaan malu dan kecewa kerana Najib tidak sedikit endah CEO MAS ini.

6.Apa nak buat. Kononnya perasaan patriotiknya tiba-tiba menyedar dirinya akan pentingnya ia kembali ke Ireland.

7.Syabas dan Tahniah kepada Najib. Belilah kapal terbang untuk perhiasan negara. - chedet

Bellew quit because of Najib’s meddling


1.Najib sedang meningkat usaha untuk menipu Pilihanraya.

2.Kali ini Najib mengarah SPRM menangkap pemimpin-pemimpin Parti lawan (Warisan) di Sabah. Matlamatnya ialah untuk melumpuh Warisan dengan menangkap Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal dan menakutkan penyokongnya.

3.Pegawai SPRM diugut untuk melaksana arahan Najib. Jika mereka tidak patuh kepada arahan Najib maka tindakan tertentu akan diambil terhadap mereka. Mereka mungkin diturun pangkat, ditukar ke jawatan lain yang lebih rendah, dimansuh hak pencen dan bermacam lagi.

4.Pegawai Tinggi Polis, pegawai di Jabatan Pendakwa Raya, Pengarah Syarikat dalam Khazanah semua ditakutkan supaya menyokong perbuatan salah oleh Najib untuk menang PRU.

5.Demikian juga pegawai-pegawai dari berbagai pejabat yang akan dilantik mengurus PRU. Mereka akan disuruh tipu untuk memberi kemenangan kepada Najib dalam PRU 14.

6.Kami dalam Pakatan Harapan sedar kami akan menang jika tidak ada penipuan dalam PRU. 90% dari pengundi yang berdaftar sudah pun nyatakan mereka tolak Najib.

7.Kami berjanji jika kakitangan Kerajaan yang akan mengurus PRU diugut dan didera oleh Najib dan kehilangan gaji, atau pangkat atau jawatan kami akan pulih balik mereka dan pendapatan mereka. Mereka akan kembali pegang jawatan yang telah dilucut dari mereka. Demikian juga mereka yang memberi maklumat kepada kami akan salah cara dan penipuan Najib. Kami akan selamatkan mereka.

8.Ini janji kami. Walaupun penipuan dilakukan oleh Najib kami tetap menang. Dan kami akan tunaikan janji kami.

9.Jangan takut untuk menolak arahan salah dari Najib dan konco-konconya. - chedet

Will GE14 be postponed to 2018...

Whoever is advising MO1 on strategy is a bigger moron than Moron One. Moron One's advisors are Super Morons. Everyone is asking when the 14th General Elections will be held. Well let me answer you. It will be held within the next NINE MONTHS.  So you can start campaigning now. 

The elections must be held latest by July / Aug 2018 ?? That is 9 - 10 months away. It will not be held in the last possible month. Some Elders say it will be held around  March 2018. If so, that is FIVE MONTHS away.

MO1's people have stopped talking about the really stupid Washington Bungle. The butt kissing was so jijik. Especially with MO1's voice trembling like a little boy.

I dont know what could have possibly made them want to arrest Shafie Apdal now - with just FIVE months or NINE months before the elections.  And today I have received a viral message detailing Musa Aman's fabulous wealth. The message is obviously coming out of Sabah. The Resistance is fighting back.

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Whatever few votes that MO1 could hope to get from Sabah are now gone.  Sabah is no more your fixed deposit. Did you all know that Hindraf is running a very succcesful campaign among the Indian voters. The campaign is called "Zero Vote For The BN".

Someone should take this canpaign to Sabah.  "Zero Vote For The BN". Jangan fikir atau jangan risau if this campaign was started by the Hindraf. Its a great sound byte "Zero Votes For The BN".

At the rate they are bungling, it looks like indeed they will be getting zero votes. 

I want to run a poll folks. Please give me your views.  The poll will ask "Do you know anyone who will vote for the BN?" I am not asking if you will vote for the BN. I am sure you will not. I am asking if you know anyone who will vote for the BN?

I believe the BN may get only those 9 - 12 seats in Parliament which their internal polls have shown. Thats what I was told by the Elders. Sabah is gone. Sarawak is also gone.

I had lunch with the Pahang people today. Negeri Pahang aman sentosa. Kaya dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan . - ostb

Ke mana Shahrir Samad menghilang...

Masihkah beliau ada sebagai Pengerusi Felda atau sudah meletakkan jawatan?

Barangkali itu soalan yang bermain di fikiran ramai orang ketika ini berikutan beliau masih gagal memberikan sebarang respon atau jawapan terhadap beberapa siri pendedahan yang dibuat oleh Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli berhubung status pemilikan harta-harta Felda di London.

Sudah lebih seminggu berlalu sejak pendedahan pertama dibuat oleh Rafizi, namun sehingga ini kita masih belum mendengar lagi sebarang jawapan balas daripada daripada Shahrir mahu pun Felda.

Mengapa mengambil masa terlalu lama?

Pendedahan Rafizi pada hakikatnya mudah saja - siapa sebenarnya pemilik semua hotel dan harta Felda di London itu?

Kenapa ia dinamakan atas syarikat yang didaftarkan di British Virgin Island dan ia pula didapati berbeza dengan syarikat yang tertera dalam laporan kewangan Felda sendiri?

Berdasarkan maklumat terbaru yang didedahkan semalam lebih mengejutkan kerana  syarikat yang didaftarkan di British Virgin Island itu sudah dibubarkan kerana yurannya tidak dibayar, jadi bagaimana dengan harta-harta tersebut?

Adakah harta-harta itu sudah dipindah-milik kepada syarikat lain atau diletakkan atas nama sesiapa?

Kenapa yuran tahunan syarikat tidak dibayar, sedangkan ia memiliki harta yang bernilai berjuta-juta ringgit?

Susahkah untuk Shahrir memberi semua jawapan kepada pertanyaan mudah Rafizi itu?

Apakah Felda tidak mempunyai fail dan rekod berkenaan harta-hartanya?

Oleh kerana Shahrir sudah mengumumkan sebelum ini bahawa Felda mahu menjual semua harta-harta tersebut untuk mengukuhkan aliran tunainya, bagaimana beliau mahu menjualnya  jika pertanyaan tentang siapa pemilik harta pun tidak mampu diperjelaskan? Baca seterusnya...

Image result for FIC London Hotel (Pte) Ltd.
The systematic looting of FELDA fund...

How many Malaysians can still reassure themselves that, although they have a Prime Minister cum Finance Minister, who set up a giant slush-fund to finance vote buying and a hoard of diamonds for his wife (1MDB), the rest of their public institutions remain financially intact?

This week opposition MP Rafizi Ramli exposed the latest in a string of troubling irregularities to beset the FELDA fund, set up to support the rural farming communities: pointing even further towards the conclusion that systematic looting has been taking place of all Malaysia’s public funds by those entrusted to protect them.

The Kensington Grand Plaza Hotel in London is already part of a major investigation into FELDA given that it had been bought way over market price in 2014 (RM330 million allegedly three times its actual value) and fits a pattern of other spectacularly over-priced foreign property purchases – deals which have always seemed to benefit Najib’s cronies.

Now Ramli has revealed that investigations show the fund has been shockingly misleading in its reporting on these deals. Annual Reports and public financial statements are supposed to be audited bibles of truth and rectitude and yet FELDA gave untrue information.

Image result for FIC London Hotel (Pte) Ltd.
The Grand Plaza

According to the MP, FELDA’s latest financial statements assert that the hotel is managed by Grand Plaza Kensington Ltd but owned by FIC London Hotel (Pte) Ltd. Crucially, says the MP, the statement goes on to say that both of these companies are based in the UK and are owned by the Felda subsidiary Felda Investment Corporation Sdn Bhd.

It’s not true. FIC London Hotel (Pte) Ltd is not based in the UK says Ramli, since there is no mention of it on the UK Company Register. In fact, the company is based in the British Virgin Islands, which is an opaque off-shore dominion that is regularly used by entities who do not want ownership details to be revealed.

So, first the FELDA management lied and then they hid the ownership of the over-priced hotels. Worse, the accountants who presumably signed off these statements failed to check even these most basic and public factual errors.

Rafizi made this statement at the start of the week and received no response from FELDA. He has therefore come up with further information, this time from the BVI Company Register, which provides (at great expense and considerable inconvenience) three pieces of information about companies incorporated on the island – when they were set up, who the agent is and if and when they cease to be active.

Image result for FIC London Hotel (Pte) Ltd.

Rafizi has found out that FIC London Hotel (Pte) Ltd ceased to be active in BVI in May last year. The reason being that it was struck off for failing to pay its company fees. So what, he rightly asks, has become of the ownership of this multi-million ringgit asset?

The former Chairman of FELDA, Isa Samad (above), has been picked up, questioned and then let go by the MACC over matters to do with this an a number of other similar ‘investments’ related to the fund’s notable foreign property spree that began around 2012 (after billions had been made from a stock market floatation). These include the Merdeka Palace Hotela in Kuching Hotel, which was previously owned by some of Chief Minister Johari’s closest associates and one of his sons and the Grand Borneo Hotel in Sabah. 

Najib’s personal involvement in such dealings have been clearest in the forcing through of a massive purchase by FELDA of a controversial oil palm plantation in Indonesia, Eagle High Planations, at way above market price from a known business crony of his, Peter Sondakh. Even Felda Global Ventures had originally balked at doing the deal, after publicity errupted over a plan for it to buy into the loss-making concern for $700 million.Continue reading

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