Pesara kerajaan ni hidup dalam himpunan sampah...

Kisah seorang wanita warga emas yang juga pesara kerajaan yang tinggal dengan timbunan sampah dalam rumah selama tujuh tahun seperti yang dilaporkan beberapa portal media, mengundang pelbagai reaksi netizen. 

"Ubatkan saya dan bantu kemas rumah," itu rayuan Zaidah Mansor, 67, yang tinggal sebatang kera di rumahnya di Ampang selepas berpisah dengan suaminya 17 tahun yang lalu. 

Dalam laporan Harian Metro itu juga mengatakan Zaidah menderita bengkak kaki yang memerlukan rawatan.

Ruang tamunya penuh dengan timbunan sampah sehingga hampir tiada jalan untuk dilalui.

Zaidah berkata dia bukan tidak mahu mengemas rumah tetapi faktor kesihatan menyebabkan pergerakannya terbatas sehingga dia akhirnya terpaksa tinggal di atas timbunan plastik, kertas dan perkakas rumah. 

"Sejak tinggal sendiri, saya sering sakit dan ada masanya langsung tidak boleh bergerak. Lama kelamaan, rumah saya jadi seperti kawasan pelupusan sampah dan saya sudah tidak mampu untuk membuangnya. Saya pula sakit, jadi saya biarkan," katanya. 

Laporan berita itu juga menarik perhatian aktivis masyarakat iaitu, Kuan Chee Heng, yang telah datang bertemu dan melihat sendiri keadaan rumah warga emas berkenaan.. 

"Dia minta tapau breakfast untuk dia pagi ini. Jom anak Malaysia, sila share dan beri bantuan pada makcik ini," tulisnya di Facebook pada jam 7.18 pagi Rabu. 

"Rumah penuh sampah, kita akan minta MPAJ untuk intervene. Jiran terjejas dengan tikus dan lipas yang berkeliaran. MPAJ perlu ambil tindakan segera," tulisnya lagi. 

Saya diherdik dan dihalau...

Bagaimanapun, hasrat Kuan yang mahu membantu Zaidah tidak kesampaian apabila dia telah dilarang dan dihalau dari terus membantu warga emas itu atas sebab-sebab yang tidak masuk akal. 

"Mohon maaf, saya telah dilarang membantu makcik yang tidur bersama sampah di Ampang, Taman Kosas, kerana ada pihak sudah bersedia membantu. Malah saya diherdik dan ditengking sebelum dihalau untuk beredar segera. Perkataan rasis juga turut dilemparkan kepada saya. 

"Tetapi inilah lumrah membantu orang. Makcik itu sendiri telah menghubungi saya dan meminta maaf. 

"Beberapa wartawan serta kontraktor MPAJ juga terkejut dengan sikap yang dipamerkan (pihak berkenaan). Sedih, kerana mahu membantu akhirnya saya ditegur sebagai rasis. 

Buat apa nak marah, inilah lumrah hidup," katanya. - thereporter 

Sejarah kemerdekaan bukan hanya atas umno semata, ia dicapai atas kerjasama erat gabungan parti2 politik seperti mca dan mic mewakili kaum2 lain di tanah melayu pada waktu itu. Kalau betul nak buat kenapa tak ada bendera mca dan mic dkt majlis tersebut? Jangan spin sejarah untuk tegakkan benang yg basah! - Mohamad Saiful Farish

Kepala hotak mak dia UMNO ooi!!! Dah terang2 melanggar arahan pekeliling yg dikluarkan oleh kementerian, tapi asal UMNO semuanya boleh malah yg haram pon boleh jadi halal - Matt

Kesian sampai tahap pak menteri merayu sokongan guru untuk sokong UMNO.Nampak sangat UMNO dah nak mampuih - Zaihan Zakhri

Just wondering would these so called 'Patriotic' people appreciate if the school were to do a play on 'How Yap Ah Loy build Kuala Lumpur'? It's history too ma!!!....Lol Tommy

Otak kosong! The moment you raise your political flag, you are in politics. Real Idiots. If you want to find case studies or illustrations of idiotic acts, come to Malaysia. GI Joe

UMNO buat - Not political. DAP, PKR, PH buat - tak boleh - semua Politik. Is this what we call Anak Bangsat Tak Berotak??? Nak Tipu pun tak Tau!!! Tunjuk Bodoh,Memang Pandai Sekali - Semua Boleh - Bodoh pun Boleh

He did not look Chinese so 
police took away his MyKad...

In Malaysia, you must look Chinese to have a Chinese name and this is what an Indian man raised as a Chinese and having a Chinese name learned the hard way!

Suspicious authorities seized the Malaysian man’s identification card because he did not look Chinese and had a Chinese name.

Tang Woon Seng, 34, was adopted by a Chinese family after his biological parents could not care for him but ended up holding a temporary card after his real ID was seized by the National Registration Department (NRD).

Woon Seng said he facing difficulties over not having a MyKad.

The 34-year-old was brought up by his Chinese family, along with his six siblings in Port Dickson. 

“I grew up as a Chinese, and did not even speak Tamil. Many wonder, when they find out about my Chinese name, why I have a dark skin tone,” Tan told Harian Metro.

“My adoptive father listed me as a ‘biological child’ and did not know that it was wrong. In fact, I did not have a problem when having my MyKad made at the National Registration Department (NRD) when I was 12 years old.”

He said the authorities thought he was using fake information – but an investigation found that an error was committed when his adoptive father registered his birth certificate, reported the New Straits Times (NST).

M'sian Has MyKad Seized and Declared Non-Citizen Because of His Chinese Name - WORLD OF BUZZ 3

“My adoptive father listed me as a ‘biological child’ and did not know that it was wrong. “In fact, I did not have a problem when having my MyKad made at the National Registration Department (NRD) when I was 12 years old.

“Only when I wanted to marry did the problem arise. I was given a temporary identity card, which states that I am not a citizen.

It is the same department that handed the ID over to the man that seized the documents.

“I grew up as a Chinese, and did not even speak Tamil. Many wonder, when they find out about my Chinese name, why I have a dark skin tone.

“I do not feel frustrated or embarrassed, because the people in my hometown know my history. They know my father took me in and raised me 34 years ago,” he said when met by Harian Metro.

Woon Seng said problems began when he tried to obtain a marriage application, as he had planned to wed 16 years ago, said the unfortunate citizen who is now in limbo. 

NRD Director-General Datuk Mohd Yazid Ramli stated to the press that the case is currently being investigated.  

What an unfortunate set of circumstances. We hope Tan gets his citizenship back and that his son can also be registered as a Malaysian. After all, they were born and raised in this country! - theindependent

Only dictator direct students 
to sing the party song...

Only a dictatorship would ask pupils to raise the ruling party's flags and sing the party's song, said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He was asked to comment on an Umno-themed decoration contest and play at SK Putrajaya Presint 14 (1), which saw students chanting "Hidup Umno" (Long live Umno) and waving flags of the party.

"I once visited a country where the people must support the top leader, it is a country which practised dictatorship," he said when met at the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia's (Bersatu) headquarters.

"There is a cult of personality in the dictatorship system, where people must support the leader even though he is a thug, a robber and a thief," said the Bersatu chairperson. 

"They ask the people to praise the leader, sing the song of the leader. Such practice has spread to Malaysia under the leadership of prime minister Najib Abdul Razak," he added.

"That's why, (the students) were asked to lie to themselves from childhood, this is the way of the dictatorship," he said.

Mahathir said he never did such a thing during his 22 years tenure as Umno president and prime minister.

The event at the primary school was organised by the Federal Territories (FT) Ministry, the Putrajaya Education Department, Putrajaya Umno division education bureau and two other NGOs.

"The government cannot take sides and support any political party, including the ruling party. We cannot use the government tools for the interest of the party.

"This is wrong. What we have now is a government that does not follow the rule of law. I believe the people realise there was an abuse of power by the government," he said.

The incident, he believes, will boost votes for the opposition in the coming general election.

"They are bankrupt, they just don't know what else to do. They are afraid, so they have to do all the wrong thing," he said. 

When asked about the chances of him contesting in Putrajaya, he simply said," I may, tell them I may".

In an interview with Malaysiakini, Mahathir had said he would contest in Langkawi or Putrajaya if he was forced to.

"Well, at the moment, of course, I am head of Langkawi branch of Bersatu, I think I can go there or I can go to Putrajaya. These two can," he had said then. - mk

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UMNO-PAS miliki DNA sama...
Story kat SINI dan SINI  
DNA sama?Dulu mangkok ayun ni kata 
PAS = Parti Ajaran Sesat.

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Plom de opis of Mr.Blu Osen...

Undi Melayu..nilai tinggi tapi harga murah...
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