Makan free punya pasai,isu2 skandal habaih melayang...

Image result for rumah terbuka hari raya 2017 najib

Sikap rakyat Malaysia di musim hari raya yang baru berlalu menyerlahkan rasa tidak peduli mereka dengan pelbagai salah laku, dan ia sesuatu yang harus dikaji secara mendalam, kata bekas menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Zaid Ibrahim.

Zaid terkilan begitu ramai masih teruja dengan makanan percuma di rumah terbuka Aidilfitri di kediaman rasmi perdana menteri Seri Perdana, Putrajaya.

“Perasaan sayang mereka kepada PM dan isterinya adalah fenomena luar biasa yang mengelirukan orang asing. Ia memerlukan kajian mendalam. Pemerhatian rapi mengenai sikap orang Malaysia di sebalik nafsu tunai dan makan percuma, akan memberikan petanda keputusan pilihan raya akan datang,” kata Zaid.

Menurutnya, kehadiran ramai di rumah terbuka dianjurkan Datuk Seri Najib Razak itu menunjukkan umat Islam sudah tidak kisah mengenai salah guna kuasa “selagi mendapat makanan percuma”.

“Mereka marah bila saya cadangkan supaya juruterbang tidak mempelawa penumpang berdoa di waktu kecemasan,” kata Zaid, yang baru-baru ini dikecam kerana mempersoalkan juruterbang penerbangan AirAsia X D7237 dari Perth ke Kuala Lumpur, yang menyuruh penumpang berdoa ketika pesawat bergegar teruk selepas mengalami kerosakan salah satu enjinnya pada 25 Jun lalu.

“Mereka menuduh saya mengabaikan Tuhan. Saya tertanya-tanya sama ada label itu lebih sesuai terhadap mereka yang tidak percaya laporan Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat tetapi sukakan makanan percuma,” tulis Zaid dalam blognya hari ini.

Beliau menganggarkan sekurang-kurangnya RM5 juta dibelanjakan untuk menganjurkan Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri peringkat Kabinet di Seri Perdana pada 25 Jun lalu.

Sambil berharap acara besar-besaran seperti itu tidak ditiru pembangkang kelak melainkan “mereka bayar daripada poket sendiri”, Zaid tidak menafikan ia adalah gambaran populariti Najib dan bukan makanan semata-mata.

“Saya kagum, ketika pelbagai skandal dan ‘berita palsu’ dilontarkan ke arahnya, beliau masih disayangi dan dihormati. Saya dengan ini menilai semula ramalan keputusan pilihan raya berdasarkan sambutan besar di rumah terbuka itu.

“Mungkin saya perlu menilai jiwa rakyat Malaysia amnya, kesemua mereka, daripada rakyat biasa kepada profesor universiti,” kata Zaid.

Zaid turut kesal dengan kandungan khutbah hari raya yang masih mengulangi perkara sama.

“Khutbah raya di masjid yang saya kunjungi tidak langsung menyentuh mengenai sikap ummah. Ia bercakap mengenai kekuasaan dan kasih sayang Allah, sesuatu yang kita semua tahu,” katanya.- fmt

Image result for Hadi serlahkan kejahilan tentang prosiding DOJ...
Hadi serlahkan kejahilan 
tentang prosiding DOJ...

Surat terbuka Presiden PAS, yang juga Ahli Parlimen Marang, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang telah mencemarkan nama baik seorang ahli legislatif dan kedudukannya sebagai antara ulamak dunia.

Tuduhan kononnya kuasa asing cuba untuk masuk campur hal ehwal negara jelas disebabkan kekurangan maklumat beliau atau kemungkinan mengikut skrip biasa UMNO/BN sebelum ini bagi mengalih tumpuan isu sebenar.

Hakikatnya, DOJ menggunakan bidang kuasa mereka terhadap prosedur kleptokrasi (perompak kekayaan negara) untuk mendapatkan kembali wang yang dicuri daripada 1MDB yang dibelanjakan di Amerika Syarikat, sepatutnya Hadi merasakan ini adalah baik bagi rakyat Malaysia, sebagai penerima manfaat utama.

Saya yakin tiada rakyat Malaysia yang waras mahukan campur tangan negara asing dalam urusan negara. Namun membantu negara asing untuk menangkap perompak besar dari negara kita yang merompak di negara asing dengan menggunakan kekayaan negara kita, patut diberi bantuan untuk siasatan demi menjaga maruah negara dan mengembalikan duit negara yang dirompak.

Surat terbuka beliau secara tidak langsung telah menjadikan Presiden PAS sebagai pembela kepada kleptokrasi kerajaan Najib.

Tujuan mereka yang sama waktu dengannya hanya satu, iaitu untuk meraih simpati pengundi dengan melemparkan sensitiviti perkauman, agama dan kini anti-Barat pula.

Naratif baru diperlukan di mana sebagai seorang Muslim dan Melayu, kita mesti tegas dalam isu rompakan besar negara ini sebab ia boleh menghancurkan negara.

Ketegasan ini bukan bermakna kita tunduk kepada DOJ atau kuasa asing tetapi sebagai prinsip utama menyelamatkan kekayaan negara dari dirompak oleh pemimpin negara yang kita pilih.

Kita menolak campur tangan asing tapi kita mesti menangkap para perompak yang mencuri kekayaan negara!

Tindakan sebahagian para mufti dan pemimpin agama seperti presiden PAS akan menjadi penghalang rakyat untuk menundukkan perompakan mega kekayaan negara yang bermaharajalela.

Jika inilah sikap mereka, rakyat perlu membawa mesej yang tegas menolak mentaliti terkepung ini.

Justeru, negara Malaysia perlu kepimpinan yang bersih dari rasuah, berwawasan, berhati rakyat dan membina semula negara ini dengan semangat yang baru. Hanya dengan itu Malaysia akan menjadi trajektori perubahan dan pembaharuan tulen yang kita semua citakan dan harapkan. – Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa,

Dr M: Only an idiot will believe 
I can influence the DOJ...

1. I’m proud because someone said I can get order the United States Department of Justice to do something. If I can order an agency of the American government, the culprits would have been arrested a long time ago and charged for stealing billions of dollars.  The punishment they deserve would have been meted out long ago. 

2. Unfortunately I am just a former Prime Minister of Malaysia who has no teeth, no influence and too away from the powers of corridor to be able to direct any government agency of the United States, or even a Malaysian government agency.

3. What the United States Department of Justice does is act on those involved with money laundering in the United States, not in Malaysia. The law on money-laundering in the United States is extremely tight, unlike in Malaysia, where the government is satisfied if the RM2.6 billion in the Prime Minister’s personal account is said to be an Arab donation. The parties who were questioned don’t even acknowledge it is an offence to money launder so much money. 

4. The DoJ’s detailed and precise accusations include the pink diamond given by Jho Low to the wife of Malaysian Official 1 (who is the Prime Minister following the acknowledgment of BN’s Strategic Communications Director, who is also Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan),  who is Rosmah Mansor .

5. Jho Low and Riza Aziz should go to the United States to counter the charges of stealing 1MDB money. But they did not dare. The Malay adage says, “brave because it is true, afraid because it is wrong.” They hide in China and Malaysia. At the same time it becomes a confirmation that all charges of the DoJ are true. 

6. A beautiful Australian woman, (Miranda Kerr) and actor Leonardo DiCaprio have returned the gifts given to them by Jho Low. When will Rosmah and other corrupt recipients in Malaysia return the money stolen from 1MDB, to Malaysians. But they are thick-skinned, shameless. When accused of stealing, all of them, Najib and UMNO leaders, just smile.

7. Therefore, they implicate me, a person without power, of having the ability to order a superpower like the US to make a false report against Najib, who moreover is a friend of Obama and counts Trump as a golf partner. 

8. Only the stupid will believe. Effective is the bran (bribe) that is being stuffed into the ears, eyes and mouths by Najib, king of cash. - chedet

Warning From US Secretary of State 
to 1Malaysia...

Press Statement
Rex W. Tillerson 
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
July 4, 2017

The United States strongly condemns North Korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Testing an ICBM represents a new escalation of the threat to the United States, our allies and partners, the region, and the world.

Global action is required to stop a global threat. 

Any country that hosts North Korean guest workers, provides any economic or military benefits, or fails to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions is aiding and abetting a dangerous regime. 

All nations should publicly demonstrate to North Korea that there are consequences to their pursuit of nuclear weapons. We intend to bring North Korea's provocative action before the UN Security Council and enact stronger measures to hold the DPRK accountable.

The United States seeks only the peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the end of threatening actions by North Korea. As we, along with others, have made clear, we will never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.

The President and his national security team are continuing to assess the situation in close coordination with our allies and partners.

Well after the assasination of that Kim Sum Ting fellow at the KLIA, Malaysia has now begun imposing visas on North Koreans. Too late. 

Before this no visa was required for North Koreans.  There were hundreds if not thousands of North Koreans inside our country.  (News is they have now all left Malaysia). This is what happens if we treat our own country like a tong sampah - where all the trash from all over the world is allowed to come and stay here.

As a result what do we get? Endless trouble. You allow North Koreans into Malaysia without visas and what happens? They send their assassins here and killed that Kim Sun Ting fellow at the KLIA. (By the way what has happened to the case? Is Bukit Aman too tied up with all the Ops Gopi leaks that are now coming out in Sarawak Report? Sudah mati akal? Dont know what to do in the office now?)

You allow Zakir Naik into the country and what happens? All the religious psychos got excited and started behaving weird. It has only caused so much controbersy. Now Zakir Naik (who is banned from the UK, US and other countries for terrorism links) is under threat of arrest and prosecution in India. 

Malaysia is a tong sampah.

We just returned from nine days in Italy. We flew from KLIA to Abu Dhabi then to Rome. Exact opposite on the way back. From Abu Dhabi to Rome we saw all normal people (Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Asians, Europeans) headed towards Rome.

On the return trip from Abu Dhabi to Kuala Lumpur we saw all types of beardos, Arab burka-ninjas, hantus and religious psychos boarding the flight. There were many of those psycho beardo types, with their huge bushy beards, dirty jubahs and long skirts, white skull caps, above ankle pajamas and sleeping gowns.

While boarding the flight in Abu Dhabi, one Arab fellow with a huge bushy beard, dirty sleeping gown type dress and white skull cap created a big fuss with the air hostesses. He said that the seating arrangement separated him from his wife and two kids. So he wanted the other passengers on the plane  to switch seats so that he could sit together with his family !! Punyalah kurang ajar.

These are the followers of a satanic religion who think they have more rights than other human beings.The moron came and harrassed a Chinese family if they could switch seats with him! They replied they were also a family and wanted to sit together.

Then he asked my son who said the same thing. We had booked our flight tickets a few months ago and even picked our seating arrangements (all done online). The fellow is now traipsing around Kuala Lumpur. We allow all sorts of this trash into our country.  Malaysia is the tong sampah international. - ostb

DOJ dan Saya

Injunksi hentikan SPR kemukakan laporan PM
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Pak tiri dapat derma anak tiri dapat hadiah...

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text
Hampir 40 tahun Gerakan-BN memerintah Penang dulu.
Pernah kah universiti2 di Penang beri yuran percuma?

JAKIM is upset of over a girl and a dog 
instead of men being "dogs"

Photo published for Harga minyak naik esok selepas jatuh 5 minggu berturut-turut

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