Benorlah Makcik Kiah tertipu ya!...

Menteri Kewangan Zafrul kena corner malam tadi dalam Astro Awani. Pecah rahsia Makcik Kiah jual goreng pisang bukan dapat RM4644 tapi cuma RM864 aje. Mati2 macai2 dan walaun2 kena tipu.Bukan RM4,464 sebagaimana yg disebut oleh PM kelmarin...

Apa mahu hairan kalau "Mak Cik Kiah" sekarang popular? Pak Pandir pun satu nama lagenda yang popular. Tetapi popular kerana apa? Kerana ketokohan atau kerana kebodohannya atau jenakanya?

Apabila PM kerajaan pintu belakang bercerita kisah "Mak Cik Kiah" seorang penjual goreng pisang boleh jadi kaya raya sehingga mendapat RM4-8 ribu sebulan ketika wabak COVID-19 melanda kerana dapat bantuan dari kerajaan pintu belakang, sebenarnya hikayat yang diceritakan oleh PM itulah yang menjadi bahan jenaka dan mempopularkan nama "Mak Cik Kiah".
gambar hiasan saja...

Apa tidaknya, PM bercerita tentang "Mak Cik Kiah" yang ada suami berpencen, kemudiannya suaminya bekerja sebagai pemandu Grab, serentak dengan itu bekerja pula sebagai Rela. Banyak kerja suami "Mak Ci Kiah" nampaknya dan semuanya dicampur oleh PM untuk menunjukkan "Mak Cik Kiah" yang dapat banyak RM. 

Tidak cukup dengan itu, PM berhayal pula anak "Mak Cik Kiah" ada yang bujang, apa yang diperolehi oleh anaknya dicampur lagi atas nama "Mak Cik Kiah" .Tidak cukup dengan itu, dihayalkan lagi oleh PM bahawa "Mak Cik Kiah" ini kompom dapat "pinjaman" Tekun kerana berniaga goreng pisang. Dicampurkan lagi, tidak kiralah pinjaman itu sebenarnya kena bayar balik termasuk pinjaman beli kereta oleh "Mak Cik Kiah".
Panjang lagi hikayat "Mak Cik Kiah" yang diceritakan oleh PM yang membuatkan ada guru besar yang berangan mahu berhenti kerja kerana mahu jual goreng pisang seperti "Mak Cik Kiah". 

Nasib baik PM tidak sebut "Mak Cik Kiah" ada sepuluh orang anak yang bujang dan kesemua anaknya itu pula jadi Rela. Kesemuanya dicampurkan, letak atas nama "Mak Cik Kiah" , maka saya rasa "Mak Cik Kiah" boleh dapat pendapatan lebih dari RM 8 Ribu sebulan. Hikayat moden ini memang popular dan tidak dapat dinafikan.
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gambar hiasan saja...

Anwar popular kerana apa? Anwar popular bukan kerana menjual cerita hikayat. Nama Anwar popular sejak dahulu lagi, sejak PM sekarang ini duduk bawah ketiak Anwar lagi sewaktu Anwar di dalam Umno. Anwar pernah diiktiraf sebagai Menteri Kewangan Terbaik Asia. Anwar pernah diiktiraf sebagai tokoh popular dunia di dalam senarai 100 tokoh-tokoh hebat seluruh dunia. Muhyidin pula popular kerana memecah rekod menjadi PM ikut pintu belakang tanpa mandat rakyat.

Saya akui kisah "Mak Cik Kiah" sekarang ini memang popular dan mungkin menjadi buku penglipur lara untuk dibaca oleh pakar2 ekonomi dan kewangan seluruh dunia. Itulah hebatnya PM. - Wfauzdin Ns 

Malaysia is going through challenging times. Be it economically or politically. We are witnessing something that has not been experienced before at both ends. The threat of the Covid-19 virus which is tearing down our economy and livelihood of Malaysians, and the formation of the PN federal government through the backdoor is something new to all of us.

The Backdoor Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin announced an RM 250 billion economic aid for the country. In times such as this, there is no doubt that the government of the day is responsible to drive measures in saving the country from collapse.

However, one big question in my mind that arises out of the announcement today by the backdoor PM is on the legality of announcing the RM 250 Billion Economic Aid Package.

The current backdoor government is yet to be approved by Parliament. Yes I am aware of the fact that the YDPA has appointed Tan Sri Muhyiddin to become the Prime Minister and has also approved of his cabinet. However we must remember that Parliament is the ultimate decision maker in a democratic country. The current backdoor PM has delayed parliament meeting and effectively his vote of confidence.
Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Sekarang ni abang cakap kat sayang, siapa kiah yang abang sebut sebut sebut tadi? tadi? Alahai kan kiah tu sebagai contoh...'

Every budget must also go through Parliamentary debates and approval. I would think that this is the first time in Malaysian history where RM250 billion is spend without Parliamentary approval and by a PM that is facing a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

On the outset, the current backdoor PM has also failed to show Malaysians the number of MP’s that is supporting him. The numbers thus far has only proven that he does not has the majority. The legitimacy of the current government is in huge doubt. The PM himself had also admitted in his RM250 Billion budget speech today, that his government is not what we voted for.

I do understand that Malaysians from all walk of life is in dire need of assistance from the government in this troubling times. RM1600 in cash aid and many other goodies will surely help many poor Malaysians wave through this crisis. However this cannot override the legality in addressing the situation. Parliament is there for a reason. In many countries around the world, economic packages to aid its citizens are being debated and approved in parliament.

Parliament can ensure that proper debates are carried out and as a check and balance so that misuse of the funds could be minimized. This is especially important and relevant for Malaysia when the current government is made up of crooks and thief that had stolen billions from the public and some of them facing trial now. Accountability must be established and I do not trust some backdoor PM with such huge sum of money.

It is in emergency and troubling times such as this that Malaysians should keep a close look-out on the government for possible abuse of power. - Sudhagaran Stanley 

Image may contain: ‎one or more people, ‎possible text that says '‎רמ EAR i FREEMALAYSIATODAY.COM How will Putrajaya finance RM250 bil rescue package, asks economist Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin where do you get $250 billion to bail out the Country ?????‎'‎‎
Dont eat and sleep only during the MOVEMENT CONTROL ORDER. 
Do simple exercise at home. Stay trim and fit and healthy during this harrowing period.

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Museum closed finally allowed to to sit after so many years'

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