Johor opposition state assemblypersons are livid with a DAP MP for questioning in parliament if two car number plates used by the state's royalty are registered with the Road Transport Department (RTD).
Accusing Labis MP Pang Hok Liong of insulting the royalty, Johor opposition leader Hasni Mohammad attempted to raise the matter in the state assembly today by submitting an emergency motion.
Pang had questioned if the number plates “TMJ” and “RZ” were valid, and if not, are vehicles with these plates allowed to be used on the roads.
The "TMJ" number plate is used by Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim while “RZ” is used by the Johor Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah.
Meanwhile, Hasni, in his emergency motion, questioned if it was appropriate for an MP to raise the issue and also whether parliament should permit such queries. He also wanted to know the Johor state government's position on Pang's question.
However, Johor speaker Suhaizan Kaiat rejected the motion but requested the state executive council to respond to the matter in their winding-up speech on the sultan's address.
'How can this question be approved?'
Speaking at a press conference later, Hasni criticised the speaker's decision not to allow a debate on the issue.
"It is hard for us to accept that it is not urgent when it involves the royal institution," he added.

Hasni (pix,above) pointed out that there are provisions in the Johor assembly which prevented elected representatives from debating the conduct of the royalty.
"I believe the Dewan Rakyat would have similar rules. So we are asking how can this question be approved," he added.
Pang's question was listed as number 40 in the Dewan Rakyat order paper and the federal government would have to respond in a written reply. There was no debate on the matter.
According to Hasni, the number plates have been used for a long time and questioning them was tantamount to an insult.
"This question can be considered as an insult to the royal institution.
"As a Johorean, (we know) the number plates 'TMJ' and 'RZ' have been on the roads for events and programmes organised by the (state) government.
"As the Labis MP, is it inappropriate (to question this)?" he asked, in reference to Pang's parliamentary constituency being in Johor.
Transport Minister Anthony Loke, when asked about the matter at Parliament, declined to comment. - mk
Nothing wrong to ask, is there? I believe everyone is equal under the law. If not, something is wrong. JPJ should just advise the Assembly if the 2 plates are registered or allowed to be registered. If not registered then the owner of the vehicle should be subjected to the law. If the owner is prohibited from using these numbers/alphabets, then he/she should not use them. If he/she is allowed to, then no offence committed. That's all. No need to make it a big issue. - Malaysia United
Hasni Mohammad is probably sick in his head. What's wrong in wanting to know if the numbers are registered at JPJ. UMNO feels such questions are always an insult but in reality the rakyat has the right to know. When one is desperate in getting support he will go all out to find faults in others even if something is important and good for the Rakyat. - Gotcha
What happens if the cars knocked one or killed on the road. If it is not registered and no road tax and insurance the victim can't claim insurance etc. I experienced it when a car knocked the rear of my car. I made a police report . I was told that i can't claim insurance as the driver didn't have a license . Same would apply for road tax and insurance isn't it. Is there rule of law here husni bodoh polisher . If there is no road tax than no one is above the law on the road. - Muraga
Mahathir said himself, no one is above he law. MPs have the RIGHT to ask, so do the Rakyat. This MP is just doing his job the Rakyat expects. What more especially certain privileges quarters who have proven to take laws into their own hands in the past. When UMNO did not ask (or closed two eyes), there were land grabs and other political interferences. - Kangkuong
TMZ is a Terengganu Plate No ?...
RZ Perlis No Plate ?.....up to RY only then RAA... - Warrant Addict

Zahid kembali semata-mata
demi ‘Bossku’ kah?...
Dalam gaya penuh dramatik, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi semalam, mengumumkan kembali menerajui UMNO selaku presiden setelah bercuti selama enam bulan.
Adakah beliau akan mengalas semula tugas Ketua Pembangkang Parlimen atau mengakui bahawa Presiden UMNO tidak semestinya perlu menjadi pemimpin UMNO di Parlimen?
Tiga perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian tentang berita kembalinya Zahid daripada bercuti, seperti berikut:
Pertama, Zahid kembali mengemudi UMNO beberapa hari selepas beliau dikenakan tuduhan rasuah yang baharu, sekaligus menempa nama dalam sejarah perundangan Malaysia apabila dikenakan 87 pertuduhan jenayah berkaitan rasuah;
Kedua, penentangan pemimpin UMNO terhadap keputusan Zahid untuk menamatkan cutinya, seperti yang ditunjukkan bekas Ketua Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin yang dilapor berkata bahawa Zahid perlu terlebih dahulu meminta pandangan Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO sebelum kembali menjalankan tugas presiden; dan
Ketiga, campur tangan bekas Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang menolak suara-suara penentangan dan membuka jalan seluas-luasnya untuk Zahid kembali menjadi Presiden, malah bertegas bahawa Zahid tidak memerlukan keizinan MT UMNO untuk kembali menerajui UMNO kerana segala keputusan tertaluk secara mutlak kepada kehendak Zahid.
Adalah menarik untuk kita singkap semula peristiwa yang menyebabkan Zahid mengambil cuti sebagai Presiden UMNO pada enam bulan lalu.
Zahid merujuk syarat-syarat “hukuman” yang dikenakan terhadap UMNO dan penghinaan yang terpaksa dilaluinya dalam beberapa mesyuarat yang beliau hadiri.
Katanya: “Bukan penolakan secara literal tetapi penolakan untuk penghinaan dan juga suatu tindakan untuk seolah UMNO ini berada di dalam najis mughallazah. Najis ini paling berat sekali, seolah seperti najis binatang-binatang haram,” katanya.

“Ada dua permintaan. Pertama UMNO mesti dibubarkan, ahli-ahli UMNO mesti melompat ke sebuah parti baru.
“Ertinya sejarah UMNO selama tujuh dekad itu mahu dipadamkan dan oleh kerana kononnya semua rakyat benci kepada UMNO. ‘UMNO rasuah, perompak, penyamun’.”
Akibatnya, beliau terpaksa membayar harga yang mahal kerana bertegas UMNO tidak boleh dibubarkan.
Adakah Zahid kini sudah sedar bahawa segala penghinaan yang diterima itu sebenarnya disebabkan oleh kerja-kerja kotor yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin UMNO sendiri, apabila mereka menggagalkan UMNO dan Malaysia serta bersengkongkol dengan bekas Perdana Menteri yang juga bekas Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam skandal pengubahan wang haram 1MDB dan skandal rasuah lain membabitkan Tabung Haji, Felda, Felcra dan MARA, yang mana membawa malu dan keaiban kepada Malaysia kerana digelar di seluruh dunia sebagai kleptokrasi global?
Adakah Zahid kini memimpin UMNO untuk menunjukkan bahawa pemimpin UMNO sudah menyesal dan bertaubat di atas tindakan keji, malah khianat yang mereka lakukan terhadap negara!
Atau beliau hanya kembali untuk memastikan UMNO kekal sebagai perkakas “Bossku” dan memainkan peranan sebagai proksi “Bossku”, lebih-lebih lagi setelah “Bossku” kini dapat menghidu yang beliau mungkin semakin hilang kawalan ke atas UMNO
Dalam beberapa jam akan datang, rakyat Malaysia akan mengetahui sama ada Zahid akan kembali menjadi Pemimpin Pembangkang Parlimen dan konfigurasi pembangkang baharu di Parlimen! – Roketkini.com
Dulu Lebai Hadi kata boleh istihar harta...
Tiba2 bila sekedudukkan dengan UMNOnajib
parti Pak Lebai buat koner baring...

Lebai2 PAShadi Takut Istihar Harta sebab tak tahu alasan macam mana dapat duit beli Porsche,AudiQ7,Bmw,Merc,Range Rover,Vellfire,Alphard,Estima,Camry,Accord,Tiana dll mobil jenama mewah sedangkan sebelum bersekedudukan dengan UMNOnajib lebai2 PAShadi cuma tunggang Toyota usang KE,Nissan sentra,Proton saga model generasi pertama dan ramai hanya bermotorsikal Honda 70 saja. Itu yang lebai2 PAShadi meroyan berhujah menentang Usul Istihar Harta di Parlimen hari ini,Tembelang telur busuk Lebai2 PAShadi makin terburai hari ini...f/bk
Lobakman tikam UMNO dari balakang...