Bilakah Nasharuddin Mat.Isa nak mula saman...

Dalam kenyataan pembelaan yang difailkan berhubung saman Presiden Pas, Hadi Awang terhadapnya, editor Sarawak Report, Clare Rewcastle-Browm antara lain merekodkan perkara-perkara berikut:-

- Najib Razak menyalurkan lebih RM200 juta kepada bekas Timbalan Presiden Pas, Nasharuddin Mat Isa sejak 2014 dengan tujuan mendanai sekumpulan pihak dalam Pas.

- Dana rahsia itu diberikan secara berterusan sepanjang 2015, termasuk untuk Perhimpunan Agung (Muktamar) yang berlangsung pada Jun 2015. Untuk rekod, pada  2015, Muktamar Pas diadakan di Kuala Selangor antara 4 -6 Jun 2015.

- Dana tersebut termasuk untuk mengadakan Himpunan Fastaqim pertama pada Oktober 2015 dan acara-acara lain, termasuk Persidangan Kesatuan Islam Antarabangsa pada Julai 2017.

- Kenyataan pembelaan Clare juga menamakan beberapa pemimpin Pas yang didakwanya telah membeli kenderaan, hartanah atau menambah isteri baharu. Beliau turut menunjukkan senarai panjang jenis kenderaan yang dibeli mereka.

- Clare juga menamakan peguam S Ambiga yang merupakan bekas Pengerusi Bersih sebagai sumbernya berhubung dakwaan dana RM90 juta yang diterima oleh Pas.

Yang paling menarik dalam kenyataan pembelaan Clare itu ialah beliau secara jelas menamakan bekas Timbalan Presiden Pas, Nasharuddin Mat Isa sebagai telah menerima dana lebih RM200 juta daripada Najib. 

Sebelum ini, Rafizi Ramli juga menamakan Nasharuddin telah menerima wang daripada Najib untuk disalurkan kepada pemimpin-pemimpin Pas.

Rafizi bagaimanapun tidak menyebut jumlah wang yang diterima Nasharuddin itu.

Nasharuddin pernah memaklumkan mahu mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Rafizi, tetapi sehingga sekarang masih tiada apa-apa berita mengenainya. 

Tidak diketahui sama ada saman itu diteruskan atau sebaliknya. - Baca seterusnya...

Presiden (MMA), Dr Ravindran kata doktor tidak mendatangkan pendapatan tinggi.

Ramai doktor terpaksa jadi doktor sambilan di klinik lain.Tidak kurang menukar profesion. 

Daripada 7,000 klinik 60% tidak menguntungkan 20% mengalami perniagaan teruk bila jumlah pesakit kurang 15 orang sehari.15% klinik sahaja menguntungkan 

Kemelesetan ekonomi, kejatuhan nilai mata wang, kos meningkat 20% dalam setahun. Harga ubat-ubatan, alat perubatan naik.Klinik terpaksa mengenakan harga lebih tinggi...baca di sini...

Eloklah itu. Monopoly jual ubat UM_O pegang. Pharma entah apa. Nak impot ubat kena bayar syarikat monopoli untuk sticker ubat yang sah. Semua ini menambahkan kos ubat-ubatan.

Nak impot alat perubatan, kena ada AP juga.   Akta Anti Monopoli buat apa? 
Akhir sekali  klinik pun tutup.Tutup1Malaysia - ostb.

Only 1,332 units (PR1MA) houses built up to August 2017 against 625,000 units announced by gomen since 2013...

PM announced total of 625,000 PR1MA homes.

Jagdeep’s research:
50,000 units announced in 2013 Budget
80,000 (2014)
80,000 (2015)
175,000 (2016)
30,000 (2017) 
210,000 in 2018 Budget

Jagdeep said Penang govt completed 20,887 affordable homes 
with (CCC) and handover of keys end 2016.17 more affordable housing projects proposed.5 were works in progress, promising 27,230 units.

There is something seriously fishy here. What happened to all that money that was allocated every year to PRIMA to build thouse houses? PRIMA has an office, CEO, general managers, staffs etc. They have been given hundreds of millions of Ringgits. If they can deliver only 266 houses per year for FIVE years, then what has happened to all that money?

Here is something else. What the hell is TN50? Is it Tenaga Nasional 50 tahun?

My question is : this new TN50 will also promise the building of sufficient affordable housing for the people. But that is to be achieved by the year 2050 - another 33 years away.

If they deliver only 266 houses per year, in 33 years PRIMA can build 8778 units.  
At this pace, PRIMA cannot help the nation achieve TN50 either. 

The fact that this PRIMA is another "Satu lagi projek untuk menipu orang Melayu' is obvious. 

But the bigger question is : where did all that money go to? - ostb

Dr.M - Hadi,it's you who must repent...

Dr Mahathir Mohamad has a divine message for PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang – repent!

On his blog posting today the nonagenarian politician also accused the Marang MP, who is an Islamic scholar, of committing a colossal sin and urged him to retract his Amanat Hadi (Hadi's address).

Mahathir, is response to Hadi's call for the former premier to repent, said it is the PAS president who should atone for his actions.

Pointing out that the Quran forbade Muslims from being divided, he said Hadi had “mengkafirkan” (declared as infidels) Muslims in Malaysia.

“Allah forbids the act of 'mengkafir' (branding others as infidels) and pledged that those who do so to Muslims, the 'kafir' will return to them.

“This is what happened to Hadi and PAS when they worked together with DAP,” he added in a blog posting this afternoon.

Mahathir once again blamed Amanat Hadi for the Memali incident and the death of four police personnel at the hands of the followers of Ibrahim Mahmud @ Ibrahim Libya, who believed they were waging a holy war.

The former premier also questioned what gave Hadi and PAS the right to declare those who do not join the Islamist party as infidels.

“Where does it state in the Quran or Hadith that one is a Muslim only if the person becomes a PAS member? Are the 1.7 billion Muslims around the world not Muslims because they did not join PAS?” he asked.

Mahathir claimed that PAS caused a deep divide between Muslims in Malaysia, which saw children turning against their parents and husbands against their wives.

“There were those who prayed separately...were not willing to be buried in an ordinary (Muslim) cemetery because it was considered a cemetery of infidels...

“This is the product of Hadi's amanat. This is a huge sin. For this alone, there is a need to repent.

“Hadi has caused much damage to Islam and Muslims in Malaysia. The division caused by him has weakened Muslims,” he added.

Mahathir also claimed that many of Hadi's followers are obsessed with him to the point of setting aside the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, and accept whatever claims by the PAS president without question.

The former premier accused Hadi of defending the alleged wrongdoings of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, and working towards ensuring that Umno wins in the general election, even PAS' own expense.

Mahathir, who is now Pakatan Harapan chairperson, also reiterated that PAS will never win if it heads into the elections alone, except for maintaining a measure of support at the state level.

“At the federal level, PAS can only be a small component in the opposition,” he said.

He maintained that PAS would continue to “take advantage” of Islam regardless.

“Time and again Hadi’s motion to amend Act 355 has been postponed, but PAS is still using it to garner political support.

“This is how it is with PAS. Before PAS existed, Malays were united and were brothers, just like it is required by the religion,” said Mahathir.

Hadi is seeking leave to table a private member's bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act, also known as Act 355.

The amendment will increase the current punishment that can be meted out by the Syariah courts to 10 years' imprisonment, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the rotan.- mk

Bertaubatlah Hadi...

Image result for Kem Segamat
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI   

Apa yang ku rasa...

Bukan setakat PM,DPM,Menteri2,MP2 BN ghaib...

Image may contain: 1 person, ocean

PERMATA's budget hidden all over...

Najib janji Trump RM195 bilion(bukan RM29.4 bilion)Jawapan menteri 
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