Banjir di Pulau Pinang...

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Pekerja kilang dikhuatiri lemas 
dalam banjir P Pinang...

Seorang pekerja kilang dikhuatiri lemas selepas dipercayai terjatuh ke dalam longkang di Jalan Paya Terubong ketika menunggang motosikal meredahi banjir pagi tadi.

Jurucakap Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia Pulau Pinang berkata seorang saksi kejadian ternampak, mangsa Noor Afidah Yajunas, 29, terjatuh daripada motosikal dan dihanyutkan arus deras.

“Operasi mencari dan menyelamat mangsa sedang dijalankan namun hujan lebat dengan paras air agak tinggi menyukarkan operasi pencarian,” katanya kepada pemberita hari ini.

Hadisah Jalil, ibu Noor Afidah, ketika ditemui berkata dia bagaikan tidak percaya selepas diberitahu anggota bomba anaknya dihanyutkan arus banjir deras ketika dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja dari Relau ke Paya Terubong.

Hujan sejak 3.00 pagi tadi dengan air laut pasang setinggi 2.1m mengakibatkan 100 kawasan di Pulau Pinang ditenggelami air.

Sementara itu, jurucakap bomba berkata satu kejadian tanah runtuh berlaku di pangsapuri Kayangan Puri Mutiara di Tanjung Bungah mengakibatkan 6 buah kenderaan terletak di kawasan berhampiran ditimbus tanah runtuh.

Katanya, sejurus menerima panggilan pada 7.00 pagi, 8 anggota termasuk penyelia dan ketua balai bomba Bagan Jermal bergegas ke tempat kejadian.

“Ketika sampai di lokasi kejadian, kelihatan 6 buah kenderaan ditimbus tanah runtuh dari bukit berhampiran namun tiada mangsa terperangkap di dalam kenderaan,” katanya.

Beliau berkata kerja-kerja mengeluarkan kenderaan tertimbus dibantu oleh pekerja dari Jabatan Kerja Raya dan Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang dengan menggunakan jengkaut.

Katanya keadaan hujan renyai dan air yang turun dari atas bukit menyukarkan lagi operasi mengeluarkan kenderaan tersebut.- fmt

Kisah si miskin bantu si kaya...
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

The three brothers (from left) Muhammad Syafiq Haikal Sulaiman (13), 
Muhammad Hafiz Iskandar Sulaiman (11) and Muhammad Harris Ikhwan Sulaiman (10) 
Trying too hard to get to Heaven 
will get you straight to Hell...

Three beautiful smiling boys dressed all in white and enrolled in one of Malaysia's countless "religious schools" where they are made to memorize the Quran and grow up into fearless mujahidin (warriors of the faith). How excruciatingly painful for their parents to lose all three of them in a pre-dawn dormitory fire - in a building with no safety considerations like a fire escape, alternative exit, and even the windows were barred like a prison. 

All parents can't help trying to mold their offspring in their own image of what they perceive to be an ideal life. Some parents attempt to inculcate the spirit of determination and competitiveness by encouraging their kids to be athletes; some drill them from young into understanding the importance of financial security, teaching their kids to value money and learn how to handle it. Others take their kids on long journeys in the hope that they will grow up open-minded, unafraid of novelty, as eclectic and cosmopolitan planetary humans. 

These three kids had parents who apparently cherish Islam above everything else, and were quite happy to let them be indoctrinated by adults who know next to nothing about life apart from reciting the Quran and adhering to the Hadith. Perhaps these parents are busy people, running their own business and having to make ends meet by working all day; so putting their boys in a tahfiz (Islamic boarding school) served to kill two birds with one stone - no need to worry about them getting into mischief, no unnecessary babysitting expense, and best of all an assurance that the whole family will qualify for entry to heaven. 

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Jabatan Bomba Kelantan maklum 17 sekolah agama pondok
 di negeri Kelantan beroperasi tanpa permit..

Iron bars on all windows represent the caging of their intellects. Only one door to the dormitory prevents them from sneaking out the back like apostates in the night. Full immersion in Islamic studies to ensure they are safe from "alien" ideas and "decadent" cultural influences. This way the boys will identify themselves primarily as Muslims and serve to expand the global influence of Islam. 

Back home, they will tenaciously defend their faith against the encroachments of beer-swigging, pork-eating infidels - and in so doing ensure the continued political dominance of their race. This has been quietly occurring for many decades, the channeling of more and more funds into state-sponsored religious agencies like Jakim, to lay the groundwork for total control of the tribal-communal psyche, to protect the parasitic elite from being made redundant and obsolete by natural evolution. - Antares Maitreya f/bk

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