YDPA interview setiap 221 MP... infomalay12.blogspot.com

I think this is the most wise idea from YDPA. Baginda boleh ambil kira duluan Dun Kedah yang tak ada mana-mana parti yang ada majoriti, jadi Sultan exerise his power to elect the one that in his oppinion that have the most majority.

Right now kita ada deadlock, kenapa 221? Mungkin Tun M recuse himself to be part of the candidate, hence he is the interim PM? IDK

Let say Tun recuse himself PH Amanah, PKR dan DAP sebulat suara cadang Anwar jadi PM

PH - 92 [ Amanah, PKR , DAP ]
PN - 96 [UMNO - 39, Bersatu 25, PAS 18 Kartel 11, MCA 2, MIC 1]
GPS - 19
Warisan + Sabah - 15
Doakan moga blok PH kembali memerintah,jika tak the crooks,korup,
kleptocrats,the OKTs will retun to power,hangpa maukah?...

Assuming GPS dan Warisan Support PN, jadi depa ada 130 seat, dah cukup majority dah ni. So the wise YDPA akan tanya sorang-sorang, siapa yang akan jadi Perdana menter kalau di pihak PN?

Kalau 25 Bersatu nak TSMY, 11 Kartel nak Jemin, 57 PAS + UMNO setuju Zahid, tak ker haru biru? Kalau macam ini, di kira Anwar masih ada majority kepercayaan dewan walaupun 92 seat. Unless 130 PN agree to lantik Ku Li sebagai PM, that is the only way PN boleh menang. Tapi which begs the most stupid question, kalau hang nak support ku li in the first place dan takat settle for TPM or less, what the heck is wrong with TSMY and Azmin?

You think that you broke up from PH is a wise move? Ku Li ni kira unknown element; could be good or could be bad. Kalau dia tak corrupt, memang masak la korang. kalau dia lagi korup, korang pun masak juga kena jadi pak turut sebab ada rangka dalam almari. In the end yang di pegang terlepas, yang di kendong berciciran

Bila YDPA tanya sorang2, ada peluang untuk mana-mana MP belot dari pilihan parti dia. Sebab Presiden parti tak tau apa pilihan dia. Geng2 PH mesti akan solid pilih Anwar, yang PN nanti pasti ke tak ada yang belot; its an honor among thieves.

If YDPA thinks Anwar command the majority, he can be sworn at Istana and as soon as he elected, many will u-turn. Everyman for himself aperiently. No more demi melayu dan islam. This is the most wise move as the parties cannot negotatiate seats for exchange of money and power ( of course la boleh tapi nak bribe sorang2 dan nak pastikan tak belot bukan senang)

If someone else from PN managed to be elected, it is an interesting time to live in. Kes mahkamah yang berjalan, mesti KPN, KP SPRM, AG kena tukar balik. Expect the worst from them. Nanti time nak bahagi kerusi kementerian pun akan gaduh lagi. Ekonomi will be worst and country will go to the dogs.

Now in the event of Tun is not being recuse and both side fully support Tun, it will be an interesting time as well to see if the new cabinet composition will be and the direction of the country. Kalau Tun pick PN, his legacy will gone and so much for GE15. If Tun pick PH, everything will be status quo, his legacy will be safe but still depend whether cartel were there or not. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

Langkah Sheraton Adalah Konspirasi 
Yang Mengelapkan Tanahair...

1. Sedikit mukadimah, Pakatan Harapan telah memenangi PRU14 di atas aspirasi rakyat untuk membenam sebuah kerajaan kleptokrasi. Ia juga berdasarkan mandat untuk melaksanakan agenda Reformasi dan menyelamatkan negara ini dari terus dijarah. Kemenangan PH telah meletakkan Tun Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri sementara dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai pengganti. Ini asasnya.

2. Secara umumnya, Tun Mahathir telah berpuluh kali menyatakan kesediaan untuk menyerah baton Perdana Menteri kepada Anwar. Perkara ini telah diulangi oleh Tun Mahathir Jumaat lalu dan dipersetujui secara sebulat suara oleh kepimpinan PH. Majlis Presiden PH juga meletakkan kepercayaan kepada Tun Mahathir untuk menentukan tarikh peralihan kuasa. Selesai.

3. Namun Peralihan Kuasa ini telah cuba digagalkan oleh beberapa kumpulan berkepentingan seperti berikut;

a) Kumpulan yang mempunyai kes mahkamah di atas pelbagai tuduhan merompak hasil mahsul negara. Mereka mahu Tun Mahathir kekal hingga habis penggal kerana yakin PRU15 akan menjadi milik mereka merujuk kepada keputusan beberapa PRK dan sentimen perkauman yang mereka mainkan.

b) Kumpulan yang mahu Tun kekal hingga habis penggal kerana takut jika Anwar menjadi PM, peluang mereka untuk menang PRU15 berkecai kerana Anwar mempunyai pakej islamik yang lengkap, berbanding kumpulan ini yang terbukti banyak masalah integriti selaku islamis.

c) Kumpulan yang gila kuasa dan terdesak kerana video kabur ketua mereka akan menjadi jelas sekiranya Peralihan Kuasa berlaku.

4. Keputusan mesyuarat Majlis Presiden tidak memihak kepada apa yang kumpulan ini jangkakan, malah sikap sabar Anwar pada malam itu telah memberi titik noktah kepada peluang menggagalkan Peralihan Kuasa secara perbincangan dalaman.

Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, text

5. Maka kumpulan ini akhirnya cuba melaksanakan kudeta halus rampasan kuasa 'new order' Pengkhianat Nasional (PN) yang meledak pada pagi ahad berikutnya. Dari pagi hingga ke tengah malam adrenelin terbakar, sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali sidang media dibatalkan. Dari Sheraton ke Istana, kembali semula ke Sheraton, cubaan untuk membentuk PN gagal kerana dipercayai bahan peledak yang digunakan hanyalah peluru kapur.

6. Saya tidak mahu menyentuh lebih dalam kisah yang berlaku di sebalik kegagalan Langkah Sheraton. Apa yang penting di sini ialah, cubaan rampasa kuasa telah gagal. Jika cubaan PN itu benar berjaya, kerajaan kleptokrasi yang tumbang PRU14 lalu akan ditubuhkan semula, dengan pakej kumpulan 'abc' yang saya sebutkan dalam perkara nombor 3.

7. Perkara yang ingin saya sentuh di sini ialah, gegak gempita pembentukkan PN ini sebenarnya telah merosakkan dan merugikan negara dalam pelbagai aspek dan skala.

8. Azmin Ali secara tidak langsung telah mengaku terlibat apabila pada pagi Isnin beliau menyuarakan kebimbangan bahawa rancangan untuk mewujudkan gabungan baru dengan pembangkang (PN) akan gagal jika ia terus ditangguhkan. Adakah ini namanya bukan konspirasi?

9. Setelah pembentukkan PN gagal pada hari kedua iaitu Isnin, sebelah malamnya Azmin mengeluarkan kenyataan bercanggah apabila menuduh pihak lain pula yang menyebabkan negara ini dari sudut politik dan ekonomi dan sosial telah menjadi huru-hara.
The backside coup plotters...

10. Azmin berkata tindakan mereka (yang gagal itu) kononnya bermaksud untuk menghalang konspirasi yang bertujuan menjadikan Dr Mahathir sebagai 'perdana menteri yang pincang' (lame duck) dengan memaksa peralihan kuasa pada pertengahan penggal.

11. Padahal, tindakan Azmin itu sendiri adalah satu konspirasi jahat apabila bersekongkol dengan pihak yang tidak sepatutnya dalam usaha mengumpul Akuan Bersumpah (SD), termasuklah peristiwa Langkah Sheraton yang terledak ahad lalu.

12. Harus diingat, Peralihan Kuasa yang tersusun rapi antaranya merupakan acuan untuk mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat dan masyarakat pelabur terhadap kestabilan dan kelangsungan dasar-dasar Kerajaan yang juga bertujuan untuk meningkat tahap sosioekonomi rakyat, melalui anjakan paradigma Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri baharu.

13. Namun tindakan gelojoh, tidak sabar dan tamak haloba untuk merebut kuasa oleh kumpulan PN telah mencetus kebimbangan umum yang mengugat kesinambungan dasar-dasar dan persepsi rakyat terhadap kerajaan, termasuklah keruntuhan pasaran saham yang mencatatkan kerugian RM43.4 billion. Itu baru hari Isnin, esok lusa bagaimana nasib pasaran saham kita?

14. Mereka yang kita gelar sebagai Pengkhianat Nasional ini adalah punca segala kekalutan hari ini. Mereka harus menjadi ingatan dalam lipatan sejarah sebagai kumpulan gagal yang merosakkan tanahair, dan mereka ini tidak boleh dimaafkan. - Edy Noor Reduan

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The Interim Prime Minister 
Back to the Grindstone...

After two day of hiatus, during which he was transformed from the Prime Minister into ex-Prime Minister and finally as Interim Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is back to the grindstone.

First thing this morning, he received an unplanned visit by leaders of his party, Bersatu, at his private residence in Sungai Besi. They had come to plead with him to withdraw his decision, yesterday, to resign as chairman of the party.

He submitted his resignation because he felt that majority of members of the party’s leadership council (Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi) “listened more to his Political Secretary than him”. He was referring to the heated debate at the council’s meeting on Sunday during which the future of Bersatu in the Pakatan Harapan (PH) was discussed. (Setpol mana satu ni,  Abu Bakar Yahya (ABY)  or Zahid Mat Arip? Kalau ABY, padanlah lingkup pun. Ambik orang tak sekolah jadi leader, dia sendiri pun dah standby ambil lesen GDL lepas kena buang. Yang pi ikut orang tak cerdik tu pasal apa?)

At that meeting, he explained the wide mandate the PH Presidential Council had given him at the meeting of February 21. He appealed to MPT members not to force him to abandon his principle and renege on his promise (to hand over power to Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim after the November APEC Summit).

By the look of things, he is not treating their appeal as an urgent matter. It should be so. There are many more urgent matters that require his attention. These include managing the economy, steadying the capital market, continuing with the proposed economic stimulus package, consulting with top civil servants and meeting leaders of the main political parties.

The last bit of the agenda will help him understand more clearly the extent of support most of them had expressed for him and, from there, to plot the next move.

For instant, are they supporting him because they genuinely want him to continue to lead the country or because they don’t want their adversaries to win popular support to become Prime Minister? If the support is genuine and there’s no other contender, he can start forming a new government.
Business as usual...

National Unity

Many people are now talking about a national unity government that cuts across the political divide and may even include outsiders.

I remember the days and weeks after the 1969 General Elections (GE) and the riots that followed when national unity governments were formed in many states. This was expanded to the national level, leading to the formation of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in 1973.

Whatever form of government Dr Mahathir decides on, one thing is sure. The crooks, kleptocrats, the OKTs and the generally corrupt are not welcome. This he made clear to his party at the Sunday meeting.

The rule of law, the high-profile trials and the reform agenda will continue.

Finally, the current state of affair is a test of our reasonableness as a people and the resilience of our political system.

Who would imagine that one day we would be ruled by a 94-year-old Interim Prime Minister with the blessing of a wise King and the civil servants? It’s happening now. - A.Kadir Jasin

Was Master Strategist and Manipulator Mahathir Really Betrayed By His Own Party and Blue-Eyed Boy Azmin?...

When six leaders of Bersatu (PPBM), PKR faction aligned with Azmin Ali and oppositions UMNO, PAS, Sarawak-based GPS and Sabah Warisan were granted an audience with the Agong (King) on Sunday (Feb 23), it immediately sparked speculations of a coup – the forming of a new government comprising existing premier Mahathir and opposition parties.

Naturally, it screams betrayal of the highest order. After all, Mahathir had previously met and rub shoulders with crooks from oppositions UMNO and PAS – multiple times. And the 94-year-old prime minister was particularly proud about those meetings, as if it reflected his popularity, and even said that he enjoyed meeting everyone, including the Opposition.

It was only last month that he told all and sundry that he does not hold grudges, and can work with anyone – except Najib Razak. That means he could even work with UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, a crook who has been slapped with record 87 criminal charges, not to mention PAS President Hadi Awang who was bribed with RM90 million by former prime minister Najib.

The only strange thing about the Sunday’s jaw-dropping political maneuvering was Mahathir’s absence at the Sheraton Hotel in Petaling Jaya where he was supposed to issue a stunning announcement of the formation of a so-called new “Malay only” government, an idea which has been trumpeted for months by pro-opposition bloggers, propagandists, cyber troopers and news media.

But even then, his absence could be easily explained by the possibility of the King’s disapproval of a backdoor government. Heck, even his stunning “betrayal” was not really a surprise considering that he had been flip-flopping about the actual date to pass over the leadership to prime minister-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim – from initial 2 years to 3 years when asked by journalists.

So when Sheraton Hotel was invaded by a whopping 130 Member of Parliaments, including despicable Zahid Hamidi and disgraced Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, all of them as happy as a lark, naturally people were extremely disgusted with the “traitor Mahathir”. After all, only the prime minister could mobilise those warlords to the Palace to meet the King.
Image may contain: 7 people, people sitting, possible text that says 'LANGKAH Sheraton SR suara.rakyat'
Azmin,PAS and UMNO Leaders at Sheraton PJ

A night after the crooks were seen happily dined and wined at the Sheraton Hotel, as if they were about to be part of a new government without going through the ballot box, and after rising public anger, PKR President Anwar Ibrahim and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said that Mahathir was not part of the coup. And they only found out after paying the old man a visit for clarification.

Apparently, Mahathir’s resignations as prime minister and chairman of his own party Bersatu (PPBM) were because he refuses to work with UMNO. Long story short, Bersatu President Muhyiddin Yassin and PKR traitor Azmin Ali had been plotting behind Mahathir’s back to topple the Pakatan Harapan government so that a new Perikatan Nasional government could be formed.

Are we supposed to believe that a master strategist and manipulator who has outfoxed opponents for a total of 24 years during two stints as prime minister suddenly was outmanoeuvred by his blue-eyed boy Azmin Ali and a not so clever Muhyiddin Yassin? Didn’t Mahathir chair an extraordinary Bersatu meeting on the same day the coup was launched?

Surely he knew that several surprise political meetings were also being held on Sunday, which led to talks of the formation of a new political alignment involving oppositions UMNO and PAS. Just several kilometres away, PKR deputy president Azmin Ali’s camp also had a meeting at a hotel, as did a “special meeting” by UMNO Supreme Council members at PWTC.

If Mahathir disagreed – even despised – with the idea of a new government involving UMNO crooks, all he needed to do was to simply tell the journalists who were waiting for his comments. That would cripple the coup. He zipped his mouth and went home instead. In addition, Mahathir already knew about Azmin’s secret dinner meeting with UMNO last November, did he not?

Therefore, to blame Azmin for working with UMNO behind his back without his approval was rather lame. Mahathir trusted Azmin so much that when the (former) Economic Affairs Minister was plagued with gay sex video, the prime minister was quick to defend him, even indirectly blamed Anwar of orchestrating the scandal to destroy Azmin’s bright future.
Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin - Dispute
Muhyiddin and Dr.M

Interestingly, only Mahathir had resigned from the party he founded. His son Mukhriz is still attached to Bersatu and didn’t quit. The latest meeting by the party’s supreme council has rejected Mahathir’s resignation as chairman. In fact, they also decided to fully support him as prime minister. It appears that the traitor Muhyiddin Yassin has lost the plot and his career could be over.

However, it could also mean that the whole coup circus was a Hollywood drama to make Mahathir indispensable. Now that the King has accepted Mahathir’s resignation as prime minister, but at the same time appointed him as the interim prime minister, of which there’s no time limit attached to the position, the old man can appoint cabinet members at his discretion and rule until the next general election – if he likes.

The coup also saw how Anwar Ibrahim appealed to Mahathir to stay as prime minister while Lim Guan Eng said DAP has pledged to nominate the former premier to become prime minister – again. It seems Mahathir will break the world record once again. Not only he will remain as the world’s oldest prime minister, he will essentially become the premier for 3 times.

In the same breath, oppositions UMNO and PAS have been made suckers – played left, right and centre – after hallucinating and bragging at the Sheraton Hotel that it would be a matter of hours before they return to the federal government. They were incredibly convinced that Pakatan Harapan is doomed and a new government will be taking over soon.

Perhaps Mahathir was using the coup to flush out moles and traitors within the Pakatan Harapan coalition government. Perhaps there was a last minute change in strategy in the formation of a new government on Sunday. But to say the master strategist hadn’t a clue that Azmin Ali and Muhyiddin Yassin were plotting without his knowledge is an insult to the people’s intelligence.

Besides, there were reports that the coup failed at the eleventh hour because UMNO got greedy and started making unrealistic demands, including appointment of corrupt leaders like Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan as senior ministers in the new government. UMNO also demanded that former defence minister and cousin of Najib – Hishammuddin Hussein – be made a deputy prime minister

To suggest that Mahathir wasn’t aware that UMNO crooks were included in the new government also means IGP (Inspector General of Police) Abdul Hamid Bador, formerly director of the Special Branch of the Royal Malaysian Police, was sleeping on the job. The 94-year-old former premier has access to all the military intelligence at all time, mind you. - FT

Malaysia’s biggest betrayal in history. What’s next?

What's next after Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad's resignation?...

DAP hanya alasan depa utk menghalalkn cara saja...
UMNO/MCA/MIC 48 + PAS 18= 130 Nak suruh bubar parlimen.
Pening cikgu matematik...

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Tun cadang PAS, UMNO tubuh kerajaan bersama Amanah & DAP, hangpa sombong. Tarik sokongan kt Tun Membangkang laa sampai kiamat'
Dr. M perlu ingat bahawa rakyat telah menolak UMNO/BN/PAS di PRU14. 
Jangan belakangkan suara jutaan rakyat ketika melantik kabinet dan PM baru...

Image may contain: text that says 'Perli sgt PH baru dua tahun arwah, Perikatan Nasional lagi teruk, lahir masa turun bas, naik bas balik dah kojol kesemua #DahTuJer'

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