Najib Was The Big Bad Wolf So Dangerous Even His Own Director Fled For His Life...
First, Najib Razak tried to scam the world that his partner-in-crime Jho Low had scammed him. When that didn’t quite work out, the former prime minister tried to scam the world that Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil (former CEO of SRC International) had scammed him. When that also failed, he blamed the bank for conspiring with Jho Low and Nik Faisal against him.
Najib’s hotshot lawyer, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, has basically accused everything and everyone – Jho Low (full name: Low Taek Jho), Joanna Yu, Nik Faisal Arif Kamil, Jerome Lee Tak Loong, Terrance Geh Choh Heng, Jasmine Loo, Shahrol Azral Ibrahim, Mohamed Azhar Osman Khairuddin, Ismee Ismail, Suboh Mohd Yassin, and See Yoh Peng – as the bad guys.
Attorney Shafee claims – “My client (Najib Razak) does not deal with his account himself. He was misled and is a victim.” The silly plan was to paint the crooked Najib as the good guy who was misled, tricked, scammed, cheated, swindled, conned, lied, deceived, swindled, exploited, duped, hoodwinked, fooled and whatnot by a group of scammers led by Jho Low.
Because fugitive Jho Low cannot be produced in court to be grilled and questioned, Najib’s defence team thought it was a super-duper brilliant idea to feign ignorance, and even stupidity. They had even read out in court excerpts which were cherry-picked from the “Billion Dollar Whale” book, as if those in the court were gullible kids who believe in magic and unicorns.
The defence lawyers of Najib have also argued that Najib – former premier and finance minister – was a victim of “manipulation” and that “rogue bankers” were involved in handling his bank accounts. Yet, AmBank revealed that they had never received any complaints – not even once – from Najib about how his accounts were being managed by the bank.

Uma Devi, AmBank Jalan Raja Chulan
Uma Devi, AmBank Jalan Raja Chulan branch manager, had testified that ex-PM Najib took no action and made no complaint from 2011 to 2015 despite irregularities in the signatures of signatories he appointed via authorisation letters to the bank. Ms Uma also confirmed that all cheques in Najib’s accounts can only be signed by him, not even Nik Faisal.
Despite insisting that Najib was not a crook, but a victim, in addition to a statement from Dr Shamsul Anwar Sulaiman (former Ihsan Perdana managing director) who claimed his boss (Najib) appeared “shocked and upset” upon learning that someone had transferred money into his private accounts, the defence lawyers could not explain why did Najib happily use the “dirty money” anyway.
Amusingly, for some extraordinary and weird reasons, Dr Shamsul admitted that the so-called “shocked and upset” Najib did not instruct him to lodge a report either with the police or the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) pertaining to the dubious fund transfers – suggesting that the former prime minister knew about the money laundering activities from the beginning.
It has been established in court the money trail from SRC International to subsidiary companies Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd and Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd. A total of RM42 million from Ihsan Perdana made its way into two personal accounts of Najib between December 2014 and February 2015 – in three tranches of RM27 million, RM5 million, and RM10 million.
In short, former Prime Minister cum Finance Minister Najib Razak received RM42 million from Ihsan Perdana, which in turn received the money from Gandingan Perdana, which in turned received the fund from SRC International, which in turned got the cash from KWAP Retirement Fund. This means one way or another, the despicable Najib had stolen money from KWAP.

Nik Faisal and Jho Low - 1MDB and SRC Scandal
Hotshot lawyer Shafee also could not cook up a more convincing story why Najib Razak closed three bank accounts about a month after he transferred millions of Ringgit to other beneficiaries. It was also unexplainable why Najib, despite him being “upset and shock” over the sudden appearance of RM42 million in his accounts, had abruptly fired (former) Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail in July 2015.
More damaging testimonies were revealed last week when former SRC International director Ismee Ismail exposed how Najib modified the constitution of SRC International Sdn. Bhd. at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to make him the “adviser emeritus” of the company – indirectly gave Mr. Najib control of the company, which was a wholly-owned subsidiary of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Witness Mr. Ismee also told the court that members of SRC International’s board of directors who refused to abide by minutes containing advice from Najib Razak would be sacked or asked to resign. So, it has been established that Najib, not being satisfied with holding the office of the prime minster and finance minister, had also appointed himself as the chairman of 1MDB and adviser emeritus of SRC International.
Yesterday, on the 29th day trial of Najib, who is facing 7 charges of misappropriation of SRC funds totalling RM42 million, Afidah Azwa Abdul Aziz (Finance Ministry’s Strategic Investment Division deputy secretary) told the court why she had to rush the preparation of Cabinet documents to guarantee SRC International’s RM4 billion loan from retirement fund KWAP – “SRC belongs to Najib”.
Afidah, the 40th prosecution witness, said when she asked her former supervisor Maliami Hamad why the Cabinet memorandum needed to be completed immediately, the response was – “It was ‘orders from above’ and this (SRC) is ‘the PM’s company’.” This means Najib, in contrary to his claim of not knowing anything, had actually maintained an iron grip on SRC International Sdn Bhd.

Ismee Ismail and Suboh Md Yassin
The key witness exposed yesterday how he fled to Bangkok, Thailand, in 2015 out of fear over the scandal. Mr Suboh told the court he contacted the MACC to explain about SRC, which was under investigation by the commission. However, before he could do so, he received a phone call from an anonymous who claimed to be from the MACC, and ordered him to leave the country immediately.
Mr. Suboh exposed – “I was fearful of what was happening and because Najib Razak was in power as the prime minister at that time, I did not know what would happen to me or my family. So I made the decision to run away to Bangkok with my wife for a month.” Suboh also revealed that while in Bangkok, a Thai man handed flight tickets for him and his wife to Abu Dhabi, where they stayed for about a week.
He eventually returned to Malaysia, but was immediately told by Nik Faisal (former CEO of SRC International) to leave the country again after Najib lost his power in the May 2018 general election. However, Suboh said, he had decided not to run anymore. It’s quite easy to establish whether the witness really fled to Bangkok and then to Abu Dhabi before returned home.
If Najib is indeed as innocent as a lamb and had been a victim, as what his lawyer Shafee would like the world to believe, why did Nik Faisal order Suboh to run away? Why did Najib empower himself as the “adviser emeritus” of SRC? Why did he not report to authorities despite being upset and shocked over strangers sending RM42 million into his accounts? Why did he even have to fire A.G. Gani Patail?
Based on the testimonies so far from dozens of witnesses, it can be concluded that Najib was absolutely not a victim to a scam. Instead, he was the main decision maker of SRC International who knew every single transaction involving millions of Ringgit. And Mr. Subor knew the PM Najib was a dangerous man based the gruesome murder of Mongolian Altantuya. - FT
Does Dr Mahathir trust Anwar?
Malaysia will consider selling MAS if offer is good...
Goldman's Offer to Settle 1MDB `Little' Compared to the `Killing' It Made
Goldman Sex tried to offer RM 1 billion trying to close their "sex" scandal.
But to Tun M their offer is not sexy enough... 😂😂😂😂😂😂 - f/bk
Antara helang dan pipit...
1. Atas sebab - sebab tertentu saya mengambil keputusan menangguhkan panghantaran/ posting artikel ini yang sepatutnya dilakukan 10 hari yang lepas.
2. Sebenarnya selepas acap kali menegur dengan harapan beliau faham dan insaf namun ia tak ubah seperti 'Menyiram Air Di Daun Keladi'.
3. Mungkin dia tidak membaca teguran2 itu, atau mungkin juga di baca, tapi oleh kerana tidak mampu memahami nya , maka tidak berguna lah teguran2 tersebut.
4. Sebenarnya kelakuan buruk beliau bukan sahaja merosakan imej sendiri tapi yang lebih penting, jika gagal dibendung ianya boleh menambah kebencian rakyat terhadap Institusi Raja itu sendiri.
5. 'Sebab Nila Setitik, Rosak Susu Sebelanga'. ‘Sebab Seekor Kerbau Membawa Lumpur, Semuanya Terpalit Kotor’.
6. Di zaman moden ini dan selepas 61 tahun Merdeka , pemikiran rakyat sudah jauh berubah.
7. Sultan dan Keluarga TIDAK boleh lagi menggangap Negara dan Negeri ini adalah hak mutlak mereka, justeru mereka boleh buat apa sahaja mengikut nafsu sendiri.
8. Tanpa rakyat maka tidak akan wujud Sultan.
9. Mengatakan seseorang Sultan itu 'berdaulat' sebenarnya adalah perkara yang sengaja diada-adakan oleh juak atau pengampu - pengampu Istana dengan harapan rakyat takut kepada Sultan, justeru mereka akan terus akur dengan apa saja yang diperintahkan .
10. Hentikan perbuatan syirik seperti pemujaan dan pemeliharaan jin.
11. Apa salahnya merendahkan diri terutama sekali kepada rakyat bawahan, bukan bersikap sombong dan bongkak seperti yang dilakukan oldh anak Sultan sekarang.
12. 'Ular Tidak Akan Hilang Bisanya Walupun Menyusur Di Akar'.
13. Komen beliau melalui Twitter terhadap seorang Menteri Pusat berhubung pakaian seluar berwarna hitam, bersamping, berbaju Melayu Teluk Belanga dan bersongkok telah mengundang beribu kritikan.
14. Apalah nak dimegahkan sangat oleh Sultan dan anak-anaknya dengan pakaian seumpama itu.
15. Apa yang dikatakan pakaian 'rasmi' keluarga diRaja Johor sehingga rakyat lain tidak boleh mengenakannya sebenarnya telah digunapakai oleh petugas dan pelayan di Istana Kedah lama sebelum Johor lagi.
16. Di kalangan masyarakat Tionghua, seluar berwarna hitam dipakai semasa menghadiri upacara kematian saja.
17. Rakyat Johor khasnya, pasti merasa hairan mengapa Sultan dan keluarga terlalu berbangga dan mendewa-dewakan pakaian ala barat, tidak seperti Sultan-Sultan yang lain yang berbangga dengan pakaian lengkap tradisi Melayu.
18. Lihat saja pada pakaian ala barat mereka semasa upacara pertabalan dan menghadiri upacara perlantikan Yang Di Pertuan Agong baru - baru ini.
19. Tidak susah dan tidak ada masalah pun jika Sultan Johor dan keluarga menukar tradisi pakaian Di Raja yang asing itu kepada tradisi Melayu. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih!
20. Apakah menjadi kesalahan jika rakyat mengenakan pakaian serupa itu; undang - undang mana yang digunakan untuk tidak boleh berpakaian begitu?
21. Kebodohan, kebiadapan dan keangkuhan budak ini lebih menyerlah lagi apabila memandang rendah, memperkecil dan membezakan diri mereka dengan rakyat biasa.
22. Tidak pernah mana-mana Sultan atau anak-anak mereka sanggup menghina rakyatnya.
23. Menggunakan istilah atau anologi 'Antara Helang dan Pipit' dengan sendirinya mewujudkan sistem kasta dalam masyarakat.
24. Jangan ulangi kezaliman Sultan Mahmood mangkat dijulang dan jangan ulangi kezaliman datuk beliau,Sultan Mahmood Iskandar sehingga Perlembagaan Negara terpaksa dipinda.
25. Sultan Johor sekarang adalah keturunan seorang rakyat biasa yang menggulingkan Sultan setelah diberi kepercayaan sebagai Temenggong atau kini bersamaan Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri.

26. Temenggong Daeng Abdul Rahman setelah menggulingkan Sultan Husain dan setelah meninggal, kini giliran anak keduanya pula bernama Daeng Ibrahim ( Daeng Kecil ) merampas kuasa dari abang kandungnya se diri, Temenggong Abdullah.
27. Setelah Daeng Ibrahim meninggal dunia, anaknya pula bernama Abu Bakar diangkat sebagai Temenggong yang baru.
28. Bermula dari Abu Bakarlah ( yang juga di beri gelaran oleh British , Sir Albert Backer ) menukar gelaran dari Temenggong kepada Maharaja Johor dan akhirnya kepada Sultan Johor.
29. Selepas Abu Bakar meninggal anaknya Ibrahim ( nama yang sama dengan datuknya ) diangkat sebagai Sultan sehinggalah ke hari ini.
30. Dari gambaran yang diberi ia jelas menunjukkan Sultan Johor hari ini dan penggantinya Ismail, BUKAN dari keturunan Raja sebenar tetapi mereka adalah hasil 2 kali rampasan kuasa :
i. Rampasan Kuasa pertama - Apabila Temenggong Daeng Abdul Rahman dengan bantuan British menggulingkan Sultan Husain yang melantik beliau sebagai Temenggong.
ii. Rampasan Kuasa kedua - Apabila Temenggong Abdullah digulingkan oleh adik kandungnya sendiri bernama Ibrahim.
31. Terserahlah kepada rakyat Johor khasnya Menteri Besar dan Wakil-Wakil Rakyatnya sama ada mahu meneruskan TRADISI menyembah dan mencium tangan mereka yang kedudukannya menjadi tanda tanya.
32. Undang-undang apa yang boleh digunakan oleh pihak Istana jika sekiranya rakyat membuat keputusan memberhentikan TRADISI tersebut.
33. Bukankah Sultan ini dan anaknya ‘bermati-matian’ meminta rakyat MENOLAK Pakatan Harapan bagi menentukan UMNO/BN terus berkuasa di Johor Pilihanraya Umum yang lepas?
34. Belajarlah menghormati diri sendiri jika mahu umum menghormati kita.
35. Sebaik-baik amalan ialah seperti 'Rasmi Padi, Lagi Berisi Lagi Merendah Diri’, Bukan Seperti Lalang, ‘Terus Menegak Walaupun Kosong' ; yang akhirnya TERPAKSA ditebas juga.
36. Bak kata Mufti Perlis "Sikap Sombong dan Bongkak Pasti Akan Membawa
Kepada Kekufuran . Ia Adalah Pakaian Iblis dan Firaun”.
37. Semoga Sultan dan anaknya itu membaca dan memahami pandangan ini.
38. Saya bersedia menghadapi mereka di muka pengadilan - Mahkamah. - Tamrin Tun Ghafar

The federal minister was at the Masjid Negara in KL and not in the state of Johore. From the picture he was not wearing the Baju Melayu Telok Belanga Johor. So why can't he wear black trousers? Is there a federal or state law prohibiting this? The Johore place dress code only applies to the royal residences, state assembly, religious and public events in Johore that are attended by the Sultan and members of the Johore royal family. It has no application nationwide. Aren't eagles becoming extinct in most parts of the world? - Gerard Lourdesamy