Najib, Zahid bawa sial pada UMNO...

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Hairan bin pelek dua makhluk yg pernah memimpin UMNO punya nafsu sama hebat dengan jerung. Kedua-duanya menghadapi ujian paling getir dalam hidup setelah UMNO ditendang rakyat dari Putrajaya. Tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah UMNO menghadapi zaman gerhana penuh bala dan sial sejak Najib menjadi PM pada 2009 lalu. Dari jumlah kes yang menimbun besar kemungkinan kedua mereka akan dijeblos di Sg Buloh. Besar kemungkinan akan 'bertapa' lebih 50 tahun sampai gugur gigi, mati pucuk dan jadi daki sejarah.

Nawaitu Najib gelong bila tubuh 1MDB pada tahun 2009. Dia mencipta dunia fantasi kononnya 1MDB akan menjadikan Malaysia pusat kewangan dan perniagaan super hebat di Asia. Itu dongeng yang dijaja untuk mengkhayalkan rakyat. Rupa-rupanya 1MDB menjadikan Najib, bininya super rakus dan anaktirinya yang menjadi parasit super jutawan atas kesangsaraan 30 juta rakyat Malaysia. Rupa-rupanya 1MDB menjadikan Najib perompak kelas cakrawala. Walaupun dia bersilat, berkuntau, putar lidah namun kuasa Allah mengatasi segala helah dan silatnya. Kini tunggu masa untuk dipenjara pula.

Image result for Zahid, bomoh Ponorogo

Zahid, bomoh Ponorogo yang punya dua sijil beranak, juga membuntuti bosnya, pahlawan Bugis pencen yg sesat di Pekan. Berbekalkan tempe dan cabe rawit keturunan Ponorogo banyak di kebun kelapa Bagan Datok. Oleh sebab tidak ada beruk pemanjat pokok kelapa di kampung Bagan Dato besar kemungkinan keturunannya menjadi pemanjat pokok kelapa sewaktu hanyut mencari rezeki di Malaysia.

Waktu jadi ketua Pemuda UMNO kononnya dia sudah jadi super jutawan. Dikatakan sudah ada lebih RM200 juta. Waktu itu dia jadi balaci sang setia Anwar yg menjadi menteri kewangan. Inilah salah seorang kroni Anwar yg mendapat musang king runtuh sampai makan tak habis hingga hari ini. Bila Najib jadi Menteri Pertahanan dia jadi setiausaha politik Najib. Dia tahu banyak segala kongkolikong Najib. Asal Ponorogo maka dia ikut perintah digamit datang, dinyah pergi. Sebagai macai Najib dia menari menurut rentak lanun Bugis sesat. 

Hasil dari taat setianya maka dia menubuhkan Yayasan yang punya alamat di tanah kosong. Barangkali pejabatnya di alam fantasi memandangkan dia juga menjadi bomoh Ponorogo. Barangkali untuk menyembunyikan segala harta dan wang haram, rasuah dan pecah amanah maka yayasan inilah menjadi tangkal azimatnya untuk menipu kerajaan dan rakyat.

Dengan kuasa Allah kini Najib dan bininya serta Zahid akan hadapi berpuluh kes jenayah yang amat memalukan mereka dan keluarga mereka. Mereka penyamun dan koruptor kelas cakrawala. Cucunya hendak jadi pembela datuk berstatus penyamun. Maruah hilang, integriti pupus. Tidak ada maaf bagi kalian sebagai perompak dan pengkhianat bangsa, agama dan negara. Kalau kamu rakyat China komunis kamu tentu mampus mati ditembak kerana korupsi, salahguna kuasa, pecah amanah dan pengubahan wang haram. Ingat berjuta rakyat Malaysia yang terinaya sembahyang hajat dan berdoa memohon Allah laknati kalian para koruptor, mampus dalam penjara dan bersemadi dalam neraka. - Yahaya Ismail

Image result for Najib,Zahid bawa sial pada UMNO...
The Downfall and Misfortune Of Zahid...

Armed with 49 seats in parliament and 4-million votes in the May 9th general election, UMNO should theoretically be a force to be reckoned with. Although the Malay Nationalist party had lost its power for the first time in 61 years, it has nevertheless become the biggest opposition party. UMNO could actually give the new Pakatan Harapan government a run for its money.

Unfortunately, after the resignation of scandal-plagued ex-president Najib Razak, the party fell into the hand of Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Get real, Mr. Zahid was never a president material, let alone the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But the former deputy prime minister was not only a thug and a racist, he was also known for his “bodoh sombong (dumb yet arrogant)” mentality.

The hilarious part was he hadn’t a clue how pathetic a leader he is. He was practically on cloud nine when his boss Najib promoted him as the deputy prime minister back in 2015. Till this day, he still thought it was his awesome intelligence, leadership and charisma that had impressed upon Najib, when in fact it was his stupidity and lack of substance that had led Najib to promote him.

That explains why he ignorantly went on stage to deliver his horrible English speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2016. While everyone on social media mocked, insulted and laughed at the country’s No. 2, government-controlled news media – as expected – had chosen to sing songs of praise instead, declaring that the deputy PM Zahid was incredibly brave.

As a result, he was even determined that his rise to power was unstoppable. In fact, he was so arrogant and confident of becoming the next prime minister that he decided it was worthwhile to burn the bridge in his attempt to impress Najib and Rosmah further. Mr. Zahid openly insulted and mocked then-opposition leader Mahathir’s Indian ancestry – calling him the son of Iskandar “Kutty”.

Mahathir Mohamad was, of course, offended by Zahid’s below the belt attack. Who wouldn’t? Even the Sultan of Selangor felt the indirect insult when Mahathir called Najib a Bugis pirate. But the 93-old-man kept his cool. However, the old man made it his personal mission to teach the Java-migrant Zahid a lesson he would remember for the rest of his life.

Zahid Hamidi Meets Mahathir Mohamad - Bend Over

Zahid was actually more devastated than Najib when Mahathir stunningly defeated the Empire of UMNO. Leading the Pakatan Harapan opposition, the old man slaughtered so many UMNO warlords that he had lost count how many had actually fallen. Zahid didn’t expect the government to fall. Had he knew it, he would not have had insulted Mahathir with the derogatory “Mamak Kutty” label.

As the fallen Najib gladly resigned his UMNO president post, Zahid proudly took over the leadership as acting president. When not even Najib’s cousin – Hishammuddin Hussein – wanted anything to do with the sinking ship, Mr. Zahid thought he had struck a gold mine. He believed he was talented enough to rejuvenate the party, which was running around like a headless chicken.

He thought he could at least strike a deal with Mahathir. So, Zahid went to meet the old man, kowtowing and bowing at a 45-degree angle. But the old fox had already smelled the thug’s trick miles away. Mahathir told all and sundry how Zahid met him to seek advice on how to manage UMNO. Who in their right mind would go to the enemy and ask for helps to fix his own internal problems?

Mahathir also pour cold water into Zahid’a proposition for a unity government, even after the latter was prepared to become No. 2 in an M&A (merger and acquisition) plan. Exactly why would a functional government wants to form a unity government with a badly wounded opposition party is beyond comprehension. But Zahid’s stupidity has just begun.

Not only Zahid parroted ex-boss Najib’s claim that the RM116.7 million confiscated from Najib-linked luxury condominiums’ belonging to UMNO, leading to the accounts of the party being frozen, he also publicly declared that UMNO is government-in-waiting. If the secret plan was to come back to power by forging a unity government with PKR, Mr. Gangster Zahid had blown it spectacularly.

If such plan existed in the first place, PKR President Anwar Ibrahim would have banged his head against the wall at the sight of moron Zahid Hamidi. After spending millions buying delegates to win the UMNO presidency, Mr. Zahid was practically digging his own grave by trumpeting a unity government. Mahathir has rejected multiple times such idea, leaving Anwar’s PKR being the risk factor.

Zahid Hamidi Visits Anwar Ibrahim in Hospital

At his advanced age, Mahathir has no appetite to play a long game. The doctor swiftly cut the cancerous cell away, slapping the big-mouth UMNO president with 45 charges of multiple criminal breach of trust (CBT), abuse of power and money laundering – more than Najib Razak (32 charges) and his wife Rosmah Mansor (17 charges).

It was a necessary surgical strike, not that the thuggish Zahid was innocent in the first place. Zahid himself was an Anwar crony who benefited from his relationship with Anwar, when Anwar was still the deputy prime minister under Mahathir administration 20 years ago until Anwar’s sudden sacking due to allegation of his homosexual acts.

UMNO has essentially entered its disarray and confusion state for the second time in less than 6 months since the racist and corrupt party lost its power. The first time was when its president Najib lost the polls and quit. The second time is now when its president Zahid was being slapped with the 45 charges – the first time a sitting president facing criminal charges.

Now, Zahid Hamidi, despite having spent enormous amount of money winning the UMNO presidency, may end up as the shortest serving president in the history of the party. UMNO’s council of advisers will meet on Nov 9th to discuss the party’s future and the position of Zahid as its president. The council’s chairman, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, has already hinted that Zahid should quit.

Mr. Razaleigh, who had lost the UMNO presidency contest to Mr. Zahid, wanted to avenge his humiliating defeat. He has hinted it would be best for the president to either take leave or resign from his post as had been practised by previous UMNO leaders who were charged in court. And he has suggested a re-election for the top post if Zahid was forced to resign.

Razaleigh wasn’t alone in urging Zahid to resign. UMNO deputy president Mohamad Hasan had said last week that UMNO set an SOP (standard operating procedure) in 2009 requiring high-ranking leaders to go on leave when they faced criminal charges in court. Obviously, Mr. Hasan wanted the presidency post for himself, suggesting that Zahid could be thrown under the bus.

Wave Hand - Miss Universe vs Mr Crook Zahid Hamidi

However, the UMNO party constitution is silent on whether a party leader who is facing criminal charges should step aside. By convention, Zahid should do the only honourable thing left of him – quit. His refusal to do so would plunge the ailing party into a deeper crisis, not to mention it would make Zahid more disgraceful than others who had chosen to quit.

It was by design – not coincidence – that despite 45 charges bombshell dropped on Zahid none of them was related to 1MDB scandal. It was especially custom-made to facilitate UMNO’s council of advisers so that president Zahid could be “easily removed” without much debates and argument that it was nothing but revenge based on 1MDB scandal.

All the charges on Zahid were based on purely his corruption and money laundering in his capacity as former Home Minister. It would weaken the argument within UMNO that their president was selectively prosecuted based on 1MDB scandal. Although UMNO members knew Zahid wasn’t clean, they didn’t know he had abused his power and amassed a staggering RM114 million.

Yes, despite his smile and wave like Miss Universe, Zahid and his family are absolutely terrified and panicked. Heck, the disgraced Zahid family is so afraid that the crooks have cowardly used 9-year-old granddaughter Sofee to unleash threats (obviously being coached) against Mahathir government for locking up “grandpa” Zahid Hamidi – a supposedly tough thug who had feared no one.

If Zahid was Mahathir and he inherits the defeated UMNO, he would have no problem nursing the wounded party back to its former glory. Mahathir had shown how he did it skillfully with Bersatu, a party he started from the scratch. But Zahid isn’t Mahathir, is he? As the saying goes, if you give a fool enough rope, he’ll hang himself. And the old man is watching with popcorn how Zahid foolishly hang himself. - FT

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