Mengapakah Speaker (Umno) Dewan Rakyat,Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia (PAM), begitu takut untuk membenarkan isu mengenai 1MDB, Jho Low dan Pegawai Nombor Satu Malaysia (MO1) dibahaskan dalam dewan yang mulia itu?
Kalau dia seorang Speaker yang tidak berat sebelah dan ditambah pula seorang pendekar, seorang yang sentiasa aman lagi mulia mengapakah dia begitu takut, tidak aman dan kurang mulia apabila berdepan dengan isu 1MDB, Jho Low dan MO1?
Sikap “protective” dia terhadap isu 1MDB, Jho Low dan MO1 menjadikannya pelindung dan pembela skandal 1MDB, Jho Low, MO1 serta pesubahat mereka.
Kerana sikap dialah, rakyat jelata amnya dan pengundi khasnya disekat daripada memanfaatkan dewan yang mulia itu untuk bertanya soalan dan berbahas mengenai isu 1MDB, Jho Low, MO1 dan, yang terbaru, penahanan kepal mewah Jho Low, Equanimity.
Kapal super mewah itu adalah harta haram terbaru yang dirampas oleh Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika (DoJ). Ia adalah antara harta yang dibeli oleh Jho Low dan anak tiri Najib, Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, di Amerika dan di banyak negara lagi menggunakan duit selewang 1MDB.
Oleh sebab PAM tidak mempamerkan keberanian seorang pendekar, ketenangan seorang yang amin dan kemuliaan seorang berkedudukan tinggi, maka terpaksalah kita membawa keluar isu 1MDB, Jho Low, MO1 dan rompakan aset negara daripada dewan yang mulai ke mahkamah pendapat umum (the court of public opinion).

Untuk itu, saya perturunkan beberapa soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang ditolak atau disekat oleh PAM.
Misalnya empat daripada lima soalan untuk jawapan lisan yang ditanya oleh AP HP Sepang, Mohamed Hanipa Maidin, ditolak.
Soalan-soalan itu ditujukan kepada Perdana Menteri, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak dan timbalannya, (Datuk Seri) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Mohamed Hanipa, antara lain bertanya kepada Mohd Najib dalam kapasitinya sebagai Menteri Kewangan mengapakah dengan tiba-tiba pendirian kerajaan atau 1MDB bertukar dengan persetujuan untuk membayar kepada IPIC sedangkan sebelum penyelesaian prosiding timbangtara di Mahkamah London Timbangtara Antarabangsa itu, Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Kedua pada 1 Ogos 2016 telah dilaporkan berkata yang 1MDB akan melawan dan tidak akan membayar tuntutan IPIC (International Petroleum Investment Company) dan anak syarikatnya, Aabar Investment PJS sebanyak US$6.5 bilion di London itu.
Menurut laporan media alternatif, AP PH telah bertanya sekurang-kurangnya sembilan soalan tetapi dihalang atau tidak dilayan oleh PAM.
Tetapi oleh sebab kuasa tertinggi di Parlimen, khususnya di Dewan Rakyat, iaitu PAM memilih untuk menjadi penapis bagi pihak Umno/Barisan Nasional, maka kebebasan dan kesucian dewan yang mulia itu telah tercemar.
Kerana 1MDB, Jho Low dan MO1 punya hal bukan sahaja negara serta rakyat jelata menanggung risiko dan beban hutang puluhan bilion ringgit malah kemuliaan dewan turut ternoda. - a.kadir jasin
Tak perlu sindir, Jho Low diburu 8 negara
A super-yacht is seized, and new allegations fly

Some Strange Points About That CID
Chief And His Money In Australia...
1. Firstly since he does not wish to claim back his money (about RM900,000 ??) from the Australian prosecutor on the excuse that the legal costs (of going to Court in Australia) may be more than the amount of RM900,000 then may I suggest that he assign away that money to some other people? (I know some mamak moneychangers who can assist in this matter). But of course there will be some "con" -sultan fees involved. Mamak can turn a world not based on charity alone. I am positive the legal costs to recover that money will be much, much less than RM900,000.
Also, if the CID Boss has not done any wrong, then he will win the case and the Australian Court will not only refund ALL HIS MONEY but they will also award him full legal costs plus they may also award him some damages. Maybe he can get another RM1 million in damages from the Australian government !!
2. But here is the first question. There are hundreds of thousands of foreign students studying in Australia. Do all the parents of foreign students studying in Australia send money to pay university fees for their children through "54 separate deposits from FIVE different states inside Australia" ? So what is so special about your case? Do you remember we're all stupid?
3. University fees in Australia are indeed expensive. A medical degree in Australia has cost more than RM1.0 million. Maybe RM2.0 million. So how many bank accounts of any parents (local or foreigners) have the Australian government seized or frozen who are simply using their bank accounts to pay university fees for their children studying in Australia?
4. If the Australian government harrasses, seizes money or freezes the bank accounts of foreign parents who genuinely wish to pay the university fees of their children studying in Australia, then how are the parents of foreign students in Australia going to send money to their children at all?
5. All over the world, many parents sell their houses and assets to fund their childrens' education overseas, including in Australia. The Australians do not classify that as money laundering. The question is why do the Australians classify your case (of selling your house and remitting the sales proceeds) as money laundering AND THEN SEIZE your money? Why? Why? Why?
6. What is so special about your case? What's wrong with the money, the money hangs right? Your money smells of shit so badly that they had to freeze your account, seize your money and clean your money with detergent? Do you remember we're all stupid?
7. Why did the CID chief go ALL THE WAY TO AUSTRALIA TO open an account in Australia, ALL BY HIMSELF, in his own name just to pay for his son's university fees. Do you remember we're all stupid?
Just ask your son to open a bank account in Australia and you can remit the money to your son from any bank in Malaysia. There is no penalty, fine or tax for parents from all over the world to remit money to their children studying in Australia.
Just go to Maybank, CIMB, AmBank etc, fill up the forms, pay the money over the counter or do "account transfer" and TT the money to your son in Australia. What is so difficult?
If you say that you were trying to avoid suffering a higher Forex rate for changing Ringgit to Aussie Dollar then your cost of flying personally to Australia, paying for hotel etc will have incurred more money than any savings you may have made in the e xchange rate . Do you remember we're all stupid?
When we were studying in the US, my wife and I had a normal current account at the local bank (Sooner Federal). Our folks would just TT the money into the account. Or we would receive bank drafts. Still worked. What's so difficult? Wa aakhirul kalam: Can you give us a better story? - ostb

Now Wan Ahmad, Federal CID chief now wants his money back, says IGP.
The stupidity of this man astounds me. This is no ordinary eye eye. He's not a Lance Corporal, a Sergeant, a Sergeant Major or a sub-Inspector. He is ranks higher then a Superintendent he is the creme de la creme among the gazetted officers in the rarefied level of Commissioners. And he heads the number one of the police departments: the Criminal Investigation Department a post, I am proud to say, was once helped by my late father, Hamid Latiff.
Wan Ahmad is head of a Police Department for the whole of Malaysia a potential IGP though given his present situation, I am sure Najib has earmarked him to be the next IGP for the Idiot surely wants another Idiot in the Police Force to do his bidding!
We all know about the seizure of his RM 1 million from his bank account in Australia. I have lived in Australia for over thirty years and the Australian Government does not go around seizing other peoples money especially money belonging to a very senior police officer from Malaysia without a good reason.
So you and me can be rest assured that not only is this Wan Ahmad 99.999% guilty of money laundering or whatever it is that the Aussie are accusing him of doing he will NOT get his money back no matter what lawyer he uses. Yes, not even that Lawyer who thinks that "the sun rises to greet me every morning" who went looking into Saiful Anus for greatness not even that Lawyer can get Wan Ahmad his money back.
So Wan Ahmad told himself forget the money and save himself the embarrassment of having to stand up in court in Australia to try and get back the money he can never get back.Big Mistake!
He failed to see that forfeiting the money will be more embarrassment to him, the IGP, PDRM, DPM and of course the PM!
So what does he do? He back flips and says he now wants his money which only does two things to him. One, confirms to all of us that he is an idiot. Two, ensures that Najib has already decided that he will NOT be the next IGP. - steadyaku47
Btw, Should the CID director be suspended?

"Wolf of Wall Street" producer pay $60 million in settlement

Negara luar dah tak percaya lagi pada institusi2 yang ada di Malaysia
dok main pass2, Lagi pun di Malaysia kes 1MDB adalah rahsia ...

Nak merana lagi sengsara, undilah BN

How dare he insult our beloved PM, our beloved
first lady Rosmah, and the fake-Tengku Adnan