Tanpa imej sederhana,PAS hanyalah sperti klon UMNO... infomalay12.blogspot.com


Beralih ke arah lebih ekstrem dan menguburkan imej kesederhanaan yang disemai ketika zaman Nik Aziz Nik Mat, PAS kini seolah-olah menjadi cermin Umno, kata penganalisis politik.

Keputusan parti Islam itu untuk menggugurkan slogan seperti “PAS untuk semua” dan strateginya untuk fokus semata-mata pada isu kaum dan agama, bermakna ia akan hanya menarik pengundi daripada kumpulan yang sama dengan Umno.

Pensyarah politik dan dasar awam Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Dr Mazlan Ali berkata berdasarkan kajiannya pada 2015, kesedaran PAS tentang nasionalisme Melayu-Islam semakin meningkat, terutama selepas kematian Nik Aziz yang juga mursyidul am parti itu pada 2015.

“Konsep syumul dalam Islam yang dipegang PAS sebelum ini tidak lagi diamalkan  ,” kata Mazlan kepada The Malaysian Insight.

“Kita sedang melihat kecenderungan bercakap tentang isu Melayu. Ini bermakna PAS akan bercakap tentang perjuangan Melayu-Islam, yang sudah lama diperjuangkan oleh Umno,” katanya.

Sehubungan itu, sukar untuk pengundi atas pagar untuk membezakan antara PAS dan Barisan Nasional (BN).
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Pensyarah Universiti Malaya, Dr Awang Azman Awang Pawi berkata kedua-dua PAS dan Umno pada masa ini menggunakan isu agama untuk mendapatkan sokongan.

“PAS menggunakan isu agama sebagai talian hayatnya dalam politik. Pendekatan politiknya hampir serupa dengan Umno,” katanya. 

Kedua-duanya, PAS dan Umno sudah sekian lama bertanding berebut undi Melayu-Islam, tetapi di bawah kepimpinan Nik Aziz, terdapat langkah lebih sedar oleh kepimpinan PAS untuk bekerjasama dengan parti pembangkang lain dan menggunakan agenda lebih besar iaitu termasuk hak asasi manusia dan mempertahankan hak perlembagaan bagi bukan Islam.

Nik Aziz sering mengkritik isu rasuah dalam kerajaan dan sangat lantang bercakap tentang skandal 1MDB.

Keputusan parti itu untuk lebih sederhana memberi kemenangan kepada pada pilihan raya umum (PRU) 2008 dan 2013. PAS memutuskan ikatan dengan DAP pada 2015 dan PKR 2016, susulan keputusan parti itu untuk melaksanakan undang-undang hudud di Kelantan. 

Kenaikan pangkat Abdul Hadi Awang ke jawatan tertinggi susulan kematian Nik Aziz, juga tidak membantu parti Islam itu.

Hadi menjadi lebih mesra dengan Presiden Umno dan Perdana Menteri Najib Razak dan kelihatan seirama dengan kebanyakan dasar yang dibawa Umno. Hadi dipetik sebagai berkata PAS akan bertanding dalam PRU sebagai sebahagian gabungan baharu, Gagasan Sejahtera dan akan melihat BN dan Pakatan Harapan sebagai musuh pada PRU14.

Tetapi, pakar melihat keputusan Hadi itu akan menyebabkan pertandingan tiga penjuru berlaku di Malaysia barat dan ia akan memberi kelebihan pada Umno dan BN.

Menang atau kalah

Profesor Universiti Utara Malaysia, Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani memberi gambaran suram untuk PAS.

Katanya, jika parti itu terus memainkan sentimen kaum dan agama, ia akan tenggelam dengan kekuatan dan kebesaran Umno, dan akan ditolak oleh pengundi moderat.

“PAS jadi lebih konservatif, bersikap seperti Umno bila bercakap tentang Islam, agenda Melayu, sesuatu yang sudah lama Umno lakukan.

“Jadi, PAS perlu melihat semula identitinya kecuali jika mereka memang merancang untuk jadi seperti Umno,” katanya. – themalaysianinsight

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Ahli PAS minta polis siasat bukti partinya terima duit UMNO
Story kat SINI dan SINI   
Dr Siti Hasmah Ali revealed that she felt sad when Pakatan Harapan announced her husband Dr Mahathir Mohamad as its prime minister candidate.

Perhaps this was the reason for her tearing up when the announcement was made during the opposition coalition's convention in January.

In an interview with   Oriental Daily News , Siti Hasmah said she felt sad because Mahathir was no longer 56, which he was when he became prime minister in 1981.

"I asked him why he is willing to sacrifice to be the prime minister candidate again? (I asked) can you still do it at this age?

"He said he is doing it because he has a responsibility to return the nation back to the age of unity, development and peace. He thinks he can make Malaysia strong again, "she added.

Siti Hasmah said even if Mahathir became the seventh prime minister, the 93-year-old politician would face a tough challenge as the nation is no longer the same as when he first assumed the post.

"Mahathir took over a prosperous Malaysia from Hussein Onn but (Mahathir's successor) Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) and (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) have created a mess," she added.

Siti Hasmah hopes that Hope members would work together to help Mahathir and not rely on him alone to deliver.

Mahathir's horse has 'retired'

Noting that her husband is still in good health, she said Mahathir has been forced to ride a bicycle instead of a horse since the horse has "retired".

She then joked about how Mahathir's horse had "retired" but her husband continues to remain active in politics.

Siti Hasmah, 92, also revealed that accompanying Mahathir to the numerous functions and events have taken a toll on her.

"I am definitely tired. I lie in bed not wanting to move. I follow him around not because I am good in politics but to take care and support my husband, "she said.

She quipped that she calls her own "cabinet meeting" every Wednesday to scrutinize Mahathir's schedule to ensure he is not overburdened. - mk

'Plastic bag' BN for past, 
'reusable bag' Harapan for future...

Brandishing two different bags – one plastic and the other reusable – Dr Mahathir Mohamad made a veiled call for Malaysians to confine the ruling coalition to the annals of history in the coming general election.

In a brief video clip posted on Twitter, the 93-year-old former premier weighed in on the recent promise by Selangor BN information chief Satim Diman that should it recapture the state, it would do away with the current ban on plastic and polystyrene packaging imposed by the PKR-led government.

“BN wants to reintroduce plastic bags and this will be bad for the future because of the amount of rubbish that will accumulate in this country.

“On the other hand, Pakatan Harapan wants you to use a disposable bag or reusable bag.

“So BN is for the past, (camera focuses on his right hand holding the plastic bag) dirtying the environment with plastic but Pakatan Harapan (camera focuses on his left hand with the reusable bag) is for the future, where bags like this will be reused again and again,” he added.
At present, consumers who insist on plastic bags while shopping for groceries are charged 20 sen per bag.

Satim's statement also drew criticism from DAP lawmaker Lim Lip Eng, who described it as the height of idiocy to offer free plastic bags amid the global effort to reduce plastic waste.

He also pointed out that it is not only the federal opposition-led Selangor and Penang which have such a ruling in place but also the BN-ruled Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Labuan, and Johor.

Speaking at a dialogue last week, Satim said the return of free plastic bags was part of the BN manifesto.

"This is part of the BN manifesto if BN gets back the Selangor government, no more payments for plastic bags. Do you want this?" he asked his audience.

Meanwhile, Selangor BN chief Noh Omar said that shops should pay consumers 20 sen if they bring their own bags.

"Businesses should give 20 sen to consumers who bring their own bags, and not charge those who don't bring one but want a plastic bag.

"This way, it will teach consumers about the dangers of plastic bags, which can pollute the environment," he added, saying BN would implement this if it wins the coming polls. - mk

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